a man moved to vermont

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

from virginia and in his first letter back home he writes that he has noticied that most of his flowers have died even though it's still only august.

in sept he writes that it's down right cold at night and there is talk of some light snow so he will cut the lertter short to go to town and get some shovels and ice melt.

his next letter tells them that it sure snowed the other day but it was more than light snow. we have over 6 inches and i sure worked up a sweat shoveling out my driveway. he tells them he didn't realize that the garage was over 100 feet from the road and even though he got his car out of the garage he couldn't go anywhere because the plow guy had dropped 2 feet of snow in his driveway. he will have to ask him to stop doing that.

the januaryr letters finds him house bound because of 15 inches of snow in his front yard and they stopped delivering the mail because of the weather but he is happy because the house is nice and warm and he has plenty of food and water and he loves to see the animals running across the snow but the ploy guy keeps droppng snow in front of his driveway even though he has asked him several times not to do it and he thinks its about 6 feet high now.

iin february they recieve a leter from him but when they open it up the letter has been ripped to pieces. when they finally get it together it says that it has snowed for 15 @##$% days and he is out of @#$% food and there is no water because the @#$% pipes are all frozen. if it snows one more day he is gong to kill himself but not before he kills the @#$%^&* ploy guy who hasn't stopped dropping snow in his driveway.

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