O.K. who did it!!!!!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

which one of you Yanks sneezed and blew all this ice cold weather down to the deep south. We were 31 Friday night, last night was 29 and the next couple of nights will be 26 then only back up to low 30's for lows for a few days after that grrrrrrrrrrrr. DH went and bought me a 500w halogen lamp to put in with my Sebrights. Lamp was only 10 dollars but sure hate to see what it will do to my light bill. The 250w brooder light wasn't enough to heat them in their enclosed area. DH saw them shivering and went all on his own and got them the light. He has been complaining about what I am spending on my animals but then goes and does that. Gotta love the man ;-)

Lodi, United States

You are so lucky to have him!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

its 10 here.. snowing & the wind is blowing.. they said it was a Canadian arctic cold front.. sooo.. that narrows the amount of suspects greatly.

a 500w lamp.. wow.. my electric bill would never survive that.

Clarkson, KY

whoyoucallinyanks?! It was a whopping 5º here last night. Chickens are fine though, for whatever reason...

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Cat I sure am lucky to have him

I don't down how you all deal with your winters. But then you probably wonder how we deal with our summer with the heat and excessive humidity. Let me tell you, it ain't easy

I am really worried what it will do to my light bill Grey. I am still running brooding lights inside and light bill has been just like summer with a/c on. Also have 250 w in the pump house. Only running it and the 500w and night though. It has been sunny and gets warm in the cage as it is covered with plastic

Well Grow I certainly wasn't callin' you a yank. look farther north lol

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I know our bill went up nearly $100 with two 250w bulbs running in two brooder lights. Groceries got a bit thin & I seriously reconsidered having chickens at that point.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

oh nooooooooooooo just saw the news and it is worse than before. We are getting down to 17 and 22. We sure don't deal well down here with that kind of weather. They will be closing the school because of icy roads

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

ours schools will be closed due to snow i'm sure. State decided last friday they would no longer clear any road that wasn't a major highway due to lack of money. most of our roads are dirt out here.. no way the kids can go to school. suppose to be 7 here tonight. still snowing.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

brrrrrr I would die Grey

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

You all are making our news...

Ferndale, WA

It's about time you Rebels got a good taste of the Northland...LOL Catsy is right Donna, your lucky to have a man like your DH. And I was complaining about our 55degree weather. OOP'S. Hay

(Zone 6b)

Hay, you are bad, BAD! lol

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

people down here don't know how to drive on icy roads. It is not something were have very often. I don't even think they have salt for the roads. probably use sand.

Hay I probably wouldn't mind it so much if not for worrying about the animals and how bad it makes my back hurt.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

we don't use salt for the roads either.. They use to use cinders.. now they use beet juice.

wind chill was -10 last night. people here do not know how to drive on icy roads either.. go 3 hrs north of me.. they still don't know how to drive on icy roads. it was zero when i got up a few minutes ago. We let all the cats inside. The roos will be banned to the basement tonight tho. I can't take anymore 5 am wake up calls. I'm getting a migraine from listening to them this morning.

DonnaB - Its wonderful to have someone around who thinks of the little things before you do, your very blessed to have him. (keep thinking I say something along those lines & looking back all i've done is whine about cold)

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I sure am Grey

Richmond, TX

I used to live in Massachusetts - some people never learn to drive on icy roads.

Ferndale, WA

Well Donna I was kidding about the weather, I'm sorry about your back, I know that can be miserable. My dear wife has three pins in her back as large as my small finger, her doc showed them to me. I was shocked at how large they were. She has lots of pain when it gets cold.

Grey the snow we get is extremely wet, making it very slippery, but the problem we have is not the snow!!! It's the idiots that won't slow down and think because they have 4 wheel drive they are immune to it. When will we ever learn in this instant society that even death can come in an instant. All of you please take care in this winter wonderland. Hay.

Richmond, TX

Hay, see above.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

My mother-in-law lives in Beebe, Arkansas and my aunt-in-law lives not too far from GreyKyttyn. They both called yesterday and said for us to stop sending the cold weather and snow. I told them I will do what I can. It's supposed to be near 50 and a little rain here most of the week.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Hay I feel for your Dear Wife. I have 2 large pins, 6 screws and bone grafts to rebuild my spine. It is very misreable cold weather not that it ever feels great but much much worse in the cold

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

ya.. mom's got 3 pins sticking out of her hand currently. they kinda attract the cold.

Hay.. our problem isn't the snow.. its the people who have obtained drivers licenses who should have never passed a test on dry pavement let alone wet. I was nearly hit head on twice in one 30 minute round trip to town a bit ago. These weren't teenagers either.. this were MOTHERS out with kids in the car, shaking their fist at me bc i was in my lane & didn't give when they wanted to drive down the middle of a two lane road bc they are too afraid to be in the correct lane.. the other one was on her cell phone.... on wet slick snowy icy pavement.. with 3 kids in the car under the age of 10. They both were driving over the dry pavement speed limit.. which you know was way over what they should have been driving for snow. I had to totally stop in the middle of the road to keep from being hit. Which probably would have killed them bc i was in an Escalade & they were in small cars.

They use to teach a snow/ice/wet pavement driving course down here for new drivers, old drivers, anyone who wanted to pay & learn. They stopped doing it bc parents complained it was too dangerous for their teen drivers.. then they let the same teens out on the road in the snow with siblings in the car bc they want something different for dinner from Walmart than what they had in the house.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

It is cold down here also int Sunny "warm" (not ) Florida. I think some one left a Freezer door open, so please check and close it. Thank you

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Amen Wren!!!

Bridgewater, ME

We are having a heat wave here in northern maine,its 7pm and its 36 dgrees and it was 42 here today for a few minutes,no sun just warm.This is probably our January thaw.YEA!!! No heat lamps for a few days will make dh happy light bill was so high for last month.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

You are a lot warmer that we will be. It will be down to 23 tonight and 22 tomorrow nigh.

I think I will move to Florida I hear it is warm there!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

it is so funny to hear you guys upset over 22 degrees.. that would be a heatwave here. I broke down & bought heated dog water bowls for the chickens & birds. I'm tired of carrying water to them every 30 minutes. Hopefully no one drowns by attempting to soak in the "hot tub" sitting beside the coop.

wind chill -15
temp 1
2 to 8 more inches of snow predicted for Wednesday.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

But y'all get those types of temps every winter. Down here the usually thing is we will drop down to close to freezing maybe 3-6 times in a winter and it is not unusually(?) for the temps to jump back up to 60-70 degrees that afternoon. It is not normal for us to have 10 days of freeing temps in a row. When I was younger it was not unusual for us to be able to swim in the ocean in Dec.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

um.. we haven't had those temps in nearly.. 10 yrs. so we are a bit spoiled of late. 1999 was our last big snow. 26 to 30 inches in 10 hrs depending on which side of i-44 you lived.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

What is snow?? O yes that is the stuff than has fallen from the sky twice that I remember. Last one was over 20 years ago and I made a snow man that was a whole 3 inches tall. LOL

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

You got that right Wren. When DH and I got married his dad and brother came down from Michigan leaving snow and his Mom & her BF from Virginia leaving snow. We had the a/c running lol. It was Valentines Day. Have spent many Christmas wearing shorts. We have had snow maybe 5 times in my 49 yrs. here. we get maybe 1" or 2" but doesn't last a day

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! They have changed it again. Now we are heading down to 15 for Sat Morning. Friday morning low of 20 with the high only 37. We just don't get that kind of weather here.
Here is our 7 day forcast

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

here is our 8 day forecast at least we are not going down that low.

Remember that I am on the coast and we are usually even warmer that the middle of the state down below us.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

that makes no sense, you are further north than we are. We are on the gulf

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I this it is because we are further away and the fronts have time to warm up a little. Plus we are pretty much surrounded by water.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

they just issued a warning to bring all livestock inside. -6 tomorrow night with a wind chill of -20. shesh.. i get to go play in the cold & try to warm up teh chicken house somehow.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

that is just unreal!!!!

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I think y'all need to move out this way. It's upper 40s here today and drizzly/rainy. I'm trying to send warmer weather that way on direct orders from my mother-in-law (she's in northern Arkansas) but so far it's not working :( I'll try harder. Everyone try to keep themselves, and your furry/feathery critters warm and safe.

Lodi, United States

It is the same here--40s and overcast (foggy really). Probably reach 50 if the sun comes out.

I miss winter--but it really should stay where it belongs.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

The report now is we may have snow/ice Thursday night. This city does not know what to do with ice on the roads and we have large, high bridges. I think I may cancel my PT appointment for Friday morning.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

well... one of the kids helped me to throw a tarp over the coop. we strapped it down & barring any 50 mph winds.. it should stay put. tried to cover all air holes with the tarp.. & we put the brooder light in there.. either they will stay semi warm tonight or they will roost on the brooder light & start a fire.. thus roasting themselves. who knows.. Idk what else to do. Its not like my cats who i can bring in the house. Two roos in the house is way more than i want. Ranchers are probably gonna lose cattle if they don't put them in barns the next few nights.

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