Cottonwood Hibiscus help needed

Mandurah, Australia

I have got 2 Bronze Cottonwood Hibiscus in my garden-- they did very well until a few month ago--- now they loose a lot of leaves and flowers and whilst before the bushes were very dense and i could not see the fence which was the idea when i planted the those trees-- now some of the branches are bare ---- i do not know what is going on-- i cant see any pest on the trees -- but we mulched the garden a few month ago-- i made sure that the mulch is not around the treetrunks--- also trees get watered twice a week--
So, pls can anyone give me any ideas or help how i can get a dense bush again?? any help would be really appreciated

Thanks so much

Hi golden girl ...falling leaves are normal on these trees, perhaps you need to grow something else if you want more privacy's a lovely thing though.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Sounds like they are lacking moisture . What mulch are you using? The first thing I would do,is to check under the mulch to see that moisture is actually penetrating the soil...very often this can happen when mulch becomes water repellent preventing water from being absorbed into the soil below.
If this is found to be the case I would move the mulch aside,till the soil lightly out to the drip line being careful so as not to disturb the roots,removing any weeds/grass in the process,water deeply,then add some Seasol concentrated super soil wetter and conditioner and finally apply a good layer of old well rotted mature. You will need to water thoroughly at least once per week in the hot weather and keep regularly checking under the mulch. Apply the Seasol super soil wetter & conditioner every few months. Hope this helps.

Edited to say: I am not an advertising rep for Seasol lol!

This message was edited Jan 2, 2010 9:59 AM

Mandurah, Australia

Thanks for all your replies-- and lolol-- i love Seasol and Powerfeed and so so my plants.
As for your advise--- yes, i have just done that this morning--- i checked and the soil was a bit dry--- so i will see now what happens----
Again -- thanks and my garden says thanks as well

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

You are welcome gg54

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