Blue J Iris

Madison, WI

Blue J Iris opens for orders on Friday..... in the past there were some sold out already if I waited that long to send an order.
The race is part of the fun. But no orders for me this year. (Sorry Dee!)


Lebanon, OR

Being good or out of room Elladan:)


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Question. If they don't open for orderes until Friday why am I seeing so many sold out already. Do they have a private sale 1st.

Madison, WI

I am both out of room and being good. Will be busy digging convention iris, so no digging for more room here. And I may have to slip in a few of those in what little room I have left. Of course I was supposed to be good last year too and ended up with Carnival Capers in my yard. But how could I help it?

Sold out? I didn't look at the whole list, but did not see any sold out yet. They do have some listed as place holders that are not for sale this year. They also have last years sold out list still up, but that is not for this year. They just have not updated the entire web site yet. No private sale that I know of.
The intros are still nice to see.


Raleigh, NC

I don't know this for certain, but I believe Blue J Ranch may do some wholesale orders. Most larger growers make their profit off wholesale orders from resellers (like White Flower Farm) Those types of orders would be placed possibly the year before, and posted first.

All growers have irises in the fields that are not listed every year because there's not enough to offer for sale. Blue J Ranch is the only one I know of that will let you see what is being held back.(not available) Have often wondered if they took reservations on those. that's another way sold outs could occur early.

But then again......I'm also out of space.

Most growers won't let you see that info, and I must say, seeing it is more than a tad frustrating, so I'm not in favor of it. Probably their website is set up that way, though.

Does anyone know if Blue J Ranch's mislabeling and mold problems are resolved? a few years back I kept hearing a lot of complaints on mis-labeled plants and of moldy shipments (in shredded newspaper). I haven't yet ordered from them as a result. But, yeah, on most of the hot new irises or really popular irises, you have to be there on the 1st or they are sold out. THAT I have noticed.

Raleigh, NC

sounds like it's time to make more space....^_^

Beatrice, NE(Zone 5b)

I've ordered from them each of the last three years and never received mislabeled or moldy plants. All the plants have been in perfect condition, the rhizomes are generally somewhat smaller that what you typically get from a Pacific Coast grower, but that is to be expected.

Raleigh, NC

Thanks KSB - that's great to hear. I've visited their gardens, and they are nice folks

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Never heard it called Blue J Ranch. Guess I'm behind the times. I have ordered from them for several years, never got any moldy rhizomes. But have gotten a couple of mislabeled. Quite of few of them bloomed in the spring after being not put in ground until October. The sold out list that is on the site says it is from 2009. Has not been updated yet. Those you see on their A-Z listing are not available in 2010, because they have not multiplied enough or they are just not doing well. I was told this by Sheri, when some of the ones I ordered last year, I didn't receive after being confirmed as being on my order. They haven't shipped any of mine in newspaper, always excellior, {know not spelled right, but think you know what I mean}, they were fresh, still green.

Their 2010 new intros are listed on their site now.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I have been on the site the last 2 hrs. It takes so long to go through it with al the Sold Out included. I spy one and quick click on and then realize it has a Sold Out on it. I did find the other area of new ones they have and a lot of them have Not Available for 2010.
I am only going to get a few medians this year unless I spy something spectacular. Also a cp Sib. I can go to Dee and Polly for those.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

The way I read it was that the site hasn't been totally updated for 2010 yet and it was just open for sneak previews of some of the newer things being added, with the exception of the NA for 2010 items.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

well it seems like a holiday to me and I feel weird calling someone on a holiday. How early should I call?

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Last year was the first time I had ever ordered from Blue Jay. They had 3 that I wanted that Denise didn't sell. I was very happy with the plants I received and they were packed really well too. They were very healthy looking. I would definitely order from them again. I got Lava Moonscape, Sing in Harmony, and Violet Shimmer.

Raleigh, NC

then they have improved. Great! Figured they would as the business grew. They'd only been on Internet sales a short time when I dropped by on the way to see family in Rapid City.

They have a few older ones I'd love to find room for that are hard to find.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Arrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!! Pencil and paper...pencil and paper...gotta make a BIG OLE LONG LIST....Aaarrrgggghhhh!


springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

yeah well make a list because they would NOT take my order over the phone and instisted I mail it.
So I asked if I could email and she said ok. I thought that we had an agreement in plain english that she was going to total it up and send me an invoice and I would pay pal her the money. That was yesterday morning at 9 am and I still havent heard a thing from them.


this doesn't please me.
I ordered $100 worth or thereabouts and asked questions about a couple others I was looking for.
nada so far.

edited to add that I emailed them a week ago to ask what way they preferred me to order and I never got a response then either!

This message was edited Jan 2, 2010 10:03 AM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

They are horribly busy with orders on the first, FrillyLily. Don't be concerned. She will get an invoice to you. I had ordered from them for a few years, and had my list all ready to go in on the first of January. It always took a few weeks before it was acknowledged.

The irises I got from Blue J were always very nice.

No where near the size I got from Dee, but very nice. If I couldn't find one I wanted at Dee's I would not hesitate to order it from Blue J.

Pretty much I'm down to Dee, and new intros from Mid America at this point.

Lebanon, OR

Wait until you see one of Keith's new one. Bigger, more ruffled, brighter than Pirate Ahoy....A147A I think is the number

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Orangeburg, SC


Tomah, WI

That's a definite Show Stopper!

Lebanon, OR

Truly prettier in person...the picture does not do it justice. I already told him that I am on the top of the list.


South Hamilton, MA

Especially because Pirate Ahoy did not bloom as yet. Not sure if it was a 07 or 08 order. will have to look that up. Will not order any iris until I can check what will go to the ISM sale to make space. However I am acquistions chair for ISM so can work on those.

Orangeburg, SC

Frilly. I wouldnt be concerned. It may take her a few days to get back but she always has. I ordered the last 2 years and just sent for some more. I dont think they are a big company. I got good rhizomes and was very pleased. She goes through more slowly I think so she doesnt oversale and disappoint you with promised plants. She may even take a week or two unil things slow down a bit but she seems to be good and will be back with an invoice. With That jan 1st she gets bombarded...Just my opioin.

Winnsboro, TX

Ok Dee, get two or three of them I want one too. LOL I'll stand in line right behind you. Then I must ask what the price of them are going to be?

Lebanon, OR

Do not know for sure anywhere from 50 to 75.00 each


Raleigh, NC

yup. New releases run from 50 to 75 $ from Blyth or Keppel.

South Hamilton, MA

Medians are cheaper (& better she says).

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I spent a couple hours yesterday,drooling and making LISTS of the ones I want(will cross check to see which ones I can get from Dee first before ordering). Made it to the "I"'s and started getting broken link and refreshing page wasn't helping so I let the webpage"cool off" over night....LOL. I've got 3 pages front and back and only to the "I"'s. I'll have to do some serious culling for final draft.

Edited to say: I'm still frustrated. No matter what I do pages "I" and after are broken links...WAH!

This message was edited Jan 3, 2010 7:45 AM

Raleigh, NC

bigred, you might want to call BlueJ Ranch and let them know about that. It may be they think their site is up correctly, but it's not, and until they hear from someone else, they don't know.

Last I looked, this was a very small family operation. Heard they got all their old stock from an elderly couple in Idaho that had to quit for medical reasons. When I was visiting with Mr. Jedlicka in June 2006, he'd just got hold of 20 more acres to expand on. It's his daughter that graduated college, business degree, that took the family's local sales to the Internet, setting up the website.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

all the pages work for me at least right now they do.
I have never had any problem on the site.
I did call back and she told me that they sometimes take several days to 'process' an order, so I guess that is normal for them.
whew. I was worried for a little minuet.

I am really excited, I can't wait to see them next year!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I wonder if they'd work if I turn off my pop-up blocker?

Orangeburg, SC

I left mine on and it worked fine. 50-75$, Ill leave those to the experts. Stay at home mom just cant handle thoses prices. At least take pictues for me so I can drool. :)

Raleigh, NC

well, J4J, just remember most hybridizers tend to work down a certain "route" and along the way produce a lot of similarly colored irises. So irises produced earlier might be very similar to the ones you are drooling over. And they come down in price in the first five years quite a bit. after about 8 years, they are all of similar price.

I went agaga over Pirates Ahoy when I first saw a photo. Could not afford it. Today I can, and it's only 4 or 5 years old.

Orangeburg, SC

Well when it hits 8 years old its mine!!! LOL It is very pretty. I hope to get that one for sure. Like I said im new. I had a couple bloom for the first time this past Summer. I was in love. keep in mind I can wait to see them now that they have put of more than on offshoot. The blooms were so short lived because I only had the handful I had gotten from Blue J. I ordered some more and got them around August so i will get to see them bloom this Summer I hope. My dream is growing. I do know I dont care for the dwarfs. I love the Tall Bearded but Ive never tried the others.

South Hamilton, MA

Dwarfs don't need care different from the TBs, bearded dwarfs that is.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thought better of that comment!

This message was edited Jan 6, 2010 12:25 AM

South Hamilton, MA

Hey, have to protect my favorite little guys. Try intermediates--taller for the most part so don't have to go down on your knees to sniff for scent.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I love the "little guys" unfortunately they don't bloom for me. IB bloom better in my zone 8.

South Hamilton, MA

No the dwarfs have too much pumila (species) background for you. Many IBs are spectacular & have the extra TB genes to maker them grow for you.

Raleigh, NC

yup, even I have trouble with dwarfs because of not blooming much. they will this year! we are getting enough cold for a hard freeze! I heard the weather yesterday, and I'm right. our average high temp for yesterday was 50. That's AVERAGE, so there were a LOT of days higher.

But it's not been over 35 for a high here in days, and our lows are as low as we go for zone 7a. If we dip into single digits, that's breaking the zone barrier. It's been down there in singles with wind chill.

BUT I ADORE INTERMEDIATE BEARDED!!! they are the first blooms that get my heart racing in spring! yeah, the early daffs come first, and the winter blooming camellias before that, and I love forsythia inbetween. Then the trees start swelling with bloom buds. The early azaleas start in.

but when the IBs bust open, iris bloom season has BEGUN!

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