Silphium perfoliatum [ Cup Plant ]

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Has anyone had luck germinating these seeds?

I've tried 3 yrs running -- with no luck.

In my search this morning, i did see a comment that you dont get many viable seeds from the plant... so maybe that is my problem.

I've only got a few seeds left ... i know i traded some away .... so this will be my last year trying.

Portage, WI(Zone 4b)

Do you winter sow? I would try overwintering trays in a cold frame. I get natural reproduction from my plants, so I would assume the seed is viable. I haven't purposefully sown them in a long time though, as I have plenty enough! How many plants do you have? It could be your plants aren't getting enough cross pollination and aren't as viable as well.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks trillium...

these seeds were given to me back in spring of 2007. at the time i had no idea what a cup plant was.
and yes, i winter sow.. that is how i attempted to sow the seeds.

so -- i currently have no Cup Plants.

Portage, WI(Zone 4b)

Shoot me a pm early next spring, I'll glady share!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I actually spend most of my May-Oct in Lake Delton.

have you even been to the Upper Midwest Roundup in June?
It will be in Verona again this summer.

Oh... forgot to say THANKS... can't wait to get one of these.

This message was edited Dec 28, 2009 8:58 PM

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

This plant is recommended for attracting beneficial insects in Colorado. I want to try it this year, too.

Do the poorly germinating seeds come from a single plant? Maybe it pollinates better when there are more than one. Or maybe the seeds need to be very fresh. Or soaked and rinsed to remove a germination inhibitor.

This message was edited Jan 12, 2010 5:05 PM

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

TCS1366, mine reseed on their own and seemed to do too well a few years ago. I ended up having no room for them and planted all of them across the road. When they tore up the area I went over and found a few roots. I brought them back and planted them. I put a few on my ''Free Pile'' last year and now just one grows over the compost pile. I am waiting to see if I have seedlings this year.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Very pretty....

yanno -- i have to wonder about OLD seed.

could that be it?? Maybe the seeds were old.

I gave away all of my seeds but the few i have left... I know i attempted to contact the gal i gave them too, but she never replied back. I wanted to see how the seeds did for her.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2010 12:51 PM

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I actually had a comma butterfly on it last fall. I'd never seen one before!

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