Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


No ones s'posed to be here until 12/31,
but go ahead and put your goodies on the tables and lets get decorating!

Its almooooost here!!!


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)



This is some of my evergreen trees I grow at my house and used to decorate with.

Thumbnail by mekos
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Very lovely! Glad you could join us mekos!

Haighr and a few regulars should be here anytime! Right now Im cleaning up the place after the Christmas bash. Or is that the Halloween party? LOL! I still have pumpkins laying around here! The Holidays do seem to run together!

I usually will leave the Christmas tree up until New years day or a few days after and then take all the Christmas decor and store it then.

This year I did not go all out. Only had a very few decorations up.

Right now the weather is snow on the ground and suposed to get below zero ... minus 6 is what they are talking...

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I thought I would sneak in and get the champagne tower set up and put the bubbly on ice.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

So here it is... all ready for the big party.

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Dont forget the stuff for us designated drivers..

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now don't you worry about the driving BB, I got this one covered! This will be our mode of transport all evening, think I'll head off and pick up a few folks and get them in here!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now about the dress for the occasion, glitter or formal? I thought I could wear this again since I had it out for the trip. Now believe it or not this dress and the shoes are 30, yes 30 years old!!! I got so many compliments and one person even asked if it was a Versachi lol!
I guess it matches well with our buggy for the evening.
Now there Zany, hope I don't step in anything lol!!!

This message was edited Dec 29, 2009 8:14 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

what a lovely portrait - still perfect after 30 years. I have a few pieces of clothing that old too...but my shoes have kind of fallen apart.
I vote for either glitter or formal - I love dressy occasions.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Hmmm, do you think I can add a nice glittery pin and earrings to my flannel nightgown for the occasion? I have some lovely wool trimmed slippers I can add some clip on shoe jewelry to to complete the ensemble. No one would mistake it for Versachi but it would be a truly original outfit. . . No? Then I'll vote for glitz, glamour and shine.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Zany!!! Can't wait to see what you are going to whip up to wear to the festivities....

Christchurch, New Zealand

Haighr - lovely pic, so elegant...
you would look great in that carriage.
I have a dalmatian that could run along & be a coach dog.
We could leave our hand bags under his watchful eye.
As long as there is nothing edible in them.
He would burgle that in a flash.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany, you been fixin up that same flannel gown for years, isn't it time you went shoppin lol! Now go find yourself one of them there silky thangs, perhaps BB has one you could borrow and get out that boa (no not BB's snake) and then the glitz and glitter and you will be the cat's meow!
Thanks for the compliments, those are the same shoes as well, just been in a box in a suitcase for all these years, they actually have a little bit of the same dangly bead thangs on the shoe as on the shoulders of that dress.
Now dalfyre your pup would be a great watchdog for our evening out, I dont carry a bag so no worry from my end, but better warn BB and Zany cause they always got some sweet treats or taters and steak around!
Hope elle and the others get in here soon, do you think Steven is out getting a tux?
Hope Terri can find her way back here, she surely needs some cheering up and I think we can provide her with that if she would just drop by! Think I shall send the carriage by her london flat!
Now to go and find that better half of mine and see if he is getting dolled up yet!

Humansville, MO

elle here
i do not have any thing yet
we got some white snow here
it nice if you dop not got to go out in it

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi there elle, we got plenty of white here. Had 22" when we left for the holiday and got another 4" or so last night and this morn.
Hey I found my date for the evening! Isn't he divine?

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oops what was I thinking, I sent the buggy for Terri and she is across the big pond. Guess I better get a boat!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is my New Year poem for everyone. I wish the same this year for all my friends as I wished for last!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey BB, I found your boa in the attic! Or was that Zany's???????? At any rate I figure it would look great on either of you. Hey elle, what do you plan on wearing to the celebration? Not that crazy zany zebra bra I hope lol!

This message was edited Dec 31, 2009 5:07 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Better get the signs up as well cause it is going to be a longggggggg night and I know how I can get crazy.

Thumbnail by haighr
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

What a lovely couple. And I love that New Year's poem. Got to go find my dancing shoes now.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'll help you look Dianne and thanks for the compliment, we do clean up pretty good lol!
Are you planning on dancin you way into the new year?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Anybody home tonight. We just finished oysters rockefeller, not bad for homemade in cupcake papers. Now going for the pizza. Slight freezing rain outside so nice to be in by the fire.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Are these the shoes you are looking for?

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Shoes? SHoes? I forgot my shoes!

And Zany, un-hand that red boa, thats mine!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And driver, um, careful whar you park that really must watch out for those signs!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Blossom, you keep that boa, it will look great on you. I just couldn't find a thing to wear to this party so Barbie doll loaned me a complete outfit and even let me borrow her body for the night! Isn't photoshop a wonderful thing?

The fireworks started with the mill whistle blasting 10 minutes ago and are still crackling outside. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh Zany you were gorgeous! Steve and I rang in the New Year - gunshots across the field and then to bed around 1am. Tasha, Mike and Aby coming today and will fix some shrimp toast and crab legs. Even made a peach pie for the occasion.
Hope you all had a great blast last night and warm quiet day today,

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ZZZzzzz. grrgle....Zzzzzz snrrr!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What did you do BB - dance the entire night away?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Nope, We slept the entire night away! Started the new year same way we been doing it now for 20 years!! Nice and quiet, just how we like it!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Happy New Year, everyone.

Zany - you look divine in that dress.

Candee and BB - those are indeed nifty shoes that you have, but these were the ones that I was actually looking for. Did not wear those shoes, but i did manage to dance in the new year. With the promise of English crepes and waffles for breakfast for anyone who was still dancing when the sun came up, it was hard to resist. My son actually got out of bed before I did today Lol.

Did you make enough shrimp toast and crab legs for the cafe crowd??? And a couple of extra peach pie? They sound delicious!

This message was edited Jan 5, 2010 12:48 PM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

There is still plenty of shrimp toast, Steve out to the bakery getting more french bread this morning. We stayed up past midnight and watched our favorite marathon of the Twilight Zone. I met Rod Serling when I was little girl as he had a summer cottage next to my uncles on Cayuga Lake (hence the Cayuga Productions of the tv series). My uncle used to chaffeur him to and from the airport when he came to Ithaca/Interlaken NY. I actually took a photo of his underwear on the clothesline when I was about 10!
Tasha and family came yesterday so been playin with our little Abygail since their arrival. They went off visiting a friend this morn so thought I'd jump in and say hi.
Dianne, dancin for waffles sounds like a great tradition to keep up with! Nice that you got to sleep in as well. How was the band?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

OMG! You did that to his what!? LOL! You better put that shot up on eBay! That and that MJ out fit you told me about! You'll make millions!

More shrimp here please!

Oh and haighr, please please stay off the 2010 pepper thread. You will lose every bit of what little sanity you may have!

Right now 6'2" and I are enjoying another nice and quiet day. Just the three of us snuggling cozy while we wait for his meatloaf to get done.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Forgot to post the shoes...

No band - just DJ music via the computer. The thing I like about Argentine tango is that you can dance that to all kinds of music - traditional tango music, hip hop, rock, pop, and there was even one selection from the opera 'La Bohemne"(?)

I really liked the Twilight Zone series - scary without the gore and blood.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now those are some fancy dancin shoes Dianne. Would love to see you doing the Argentine tango, bet you are the tango fandango.
Yes BB, you are right about the photo and the MJ swimsuit. I have a write up for the swim suit but will wait to post until spring, please remind me, I'll be sure to post a link when I do so you can follow the fun or BID perhaps, bet you would look pretty fancy in it!
Tasha and family left this morn so been putting the few decorations away and watching even more football. Actually took the time to defrag the computer, should be a weekly thang, but turned into a yearly lol!
Ug, back to work tomorrow, am dreading that drive and it is just 15 degrees here, ouch!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh no nono no.. no MJ for me please! Now that guy is (er make that
was and still is) scarier than the Twilight Zone. Old Rod was really cool! I remember watching him in B&W! GGGAWD! Now thats putting some years on! HeQQ, even Alfred Hitchcock was a hoot! But MJ, OH NO.. hes to frightening for me!

Good ole AL and the flick, the BIRDS! I laughed so hard with that.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

I remember the Birds - that was a neat movie. And, one of the neatest Halloween costumes I have seen was a takeoff on that movie - in costume with black birds attached all over. I am not looking forward to work tomorrow either. But. on Jan. 13th, I will be flying out to Maui for a week for my cousin's wedding. So, I am thinking warm weather awaits me to get me through the next 10 days.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awww can I come! I like Maui! It was one of my fav islands when I was there! We had a motel on the shore and there were um not sure but either sharks or dolphins swimming there! Probably both, but it was one of those days they said dont go in the water.. so we dint! Got the nastiest sunburn ever. The sun is beastly and I actually got sunpoisoning and it was cloudy every day for the week we were there in April!

Careful in it my friend! And have lots of fun!

So ok, no tango, its the hula for you! You must bring soveniers back to the cafe ya hear!

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