vegetable seed swapping and info on seed saving

sydney (menai), Australia

Dear All,
I think the aussie swapping is great but it might help to put the vegies somewhere else?? Anyhow here goes; Most of my seed comes from Seed savers Network and I run Menai High School seed group with my ag students ( when i'm not on maternity leave)
I have lots of mustard ; leaves are peppery and great in salad and seeds used in cooking
rocket; quick growing peppery salad green
carrot; all season, easy to grow, and save seed from. By the way carrot flowers bring beneficial preditor insects
radish; should be china rose but it may by one that crossed because it was grown at the school and i think other people put in radish as well. however, i have grown it and its an ok radish, which i mainly grow to mark other seed anyway.
Greenshaft pea; a climbing pea
Red barlotti bean
I you want any advise on saving seed, hand pollinating cucubits etc let me know

Hi marrieannbags ^_^ I think swapping veggie seeds is a wonderful idea ...if you post it here
it will remain up there while if you just open a genereal post it will gradually sink away. The link to our swaps is a sticky so it remains up the top of the forum.
We post what we have to swap and what we like to swap for.
No chit chat because then it isn't a "proper trade list" if we chat. We then chat to each other through Dmails in regard to swaps.
This is a very generous and friendly bunch of folk here.
I think what you do at your school is fantastic!
good luck and best wishes.

sydney (menai), Australia

thanks for your help!!!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

hope it all goes well

This message was edited Dec 31, 2009 10:32 AM

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