CLOSED: Two new visitors - id confirmation/help please

Good morning!
This first bird arrived with a flock of robins this morning. The robins come almost every day for drinks but this is the first time I noticed this bird with them. I'm guessing a Vireo, maybe a gray. It did have some white on the wings but from what I could see I wouldn't call them bars.
I do have more pictures of this bird if needed.

Thumbnail by angele

This second bird was here and gone rather quickly. It was at the tip-top of a tree and I only got 2 almost identical photos of it. Is it a Western Bluebird? The tree was full of Juncos and Finch at the time. I think there may have been at least one more of this kind of bird too. A roadrunner came along and the little birds scattered.

Thanks for looking!

Thumbnail by angele

2nd photo of bird #1
looks to me like white wingtips and also on the tip of the tail

Thumbnail by angele
Sandusky, OH

Going by my field guide, it says that a Gray Vireo would have a narrow white eye-ring, with body gray on top whitish on bottom, but looking at Gnatcatcher's, this could be a female Black-capped Gnatcatcher, though I,m definitely not positive as my guide does not have a picture of a male or a female, but matches up with the description.
Bird number 2 looks like a Western Bluebird.

Thanks Burd_Fotos

I thought about the gnatcatchers because they are fairly common around here and this bird certainly made me think of them. Let me share a couple of observations I was able to make from seeing it in person though
1: this bird sat still for quite awhile and I am used to seeing the gnatcatchers flit from branch to branch
2: size (of course this can't be judged from a photo) this bird appeared slightly longer than a House Finch. I just went out and measured the length this bird appears to be in this photo - if I'm not wrong I would say very close to 6 inches. Long for a gray vireo and really too long for a gnatcatcher

Thumbnail by angele
Sandusky, OH

With your last photo, it looks more like the Gray Vireo, slight wing bar not present but, if you noticed any tail bobbing, then that's probably what it is then. Gray Vireo is 51/2" long. The eye-ring looked too bold at first to match my field guide but the bill matches now.

I would go with a Plumbeous Vireo but they have 2 wing bars. The eye ring discription for a Plumbeous Vireo seems to fit though. I did not notice any tail bobbing. I sure appreciate your observations.

I'm very happy because I was just outdoors again hoping the Western Bluebirds would return and they did! A small flock of maybe 10.

San Luis Obispo, CA

I agree with your Western Bluebird, a striking male for sure.

Your other bird is a Townsend's Solitaire, usually a bird of the mountains, but during winter they drop down in elevation. They eat insects but are especially fond of berries. So if you have a pyracantha or cotoneaster loaded with berries, that may entice the bird to stay.

In your third photo you can see a little buff on the wing. Most North American thrushes have this patch in the wing and when they fly it becomes apparent. I love these guys!


What a hoot!!!

Let me tell you how blind I am. My main guidebook is Sibley's. I have the book open to the bluebirds on pages 400-401. On the inner column of page 400 is Mountain Bluebird. On page 401 are the Western & Eastern Bluebirds. I'll give you one guess which bird is on the left half of page 400. I'll even give you some clues. The bird has an eyering, a buff patch on the wing and the initials are T.S.

LOL LOL!!!!!

Thank you Burd_Fotos & Greg! Appreciate the both of you very much ^_^

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I am so glad the mystery has been solved on the second bird. I kept thinking it looked so much like a Bluebird but of course I knew it wasn't! At least it is the same family...congrats Angele they are both beauties!

Thanks dellrose! There was an abundance of birds visiting today. Makes my heart glad, that's for sure.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Ditto to Townsend's Solitaire. Can you add the pics to BirdFiles, here, please?


This message was edited Dec 28, 2009 1:26 AM

Sandusky, OH

I should have looked up the Western Bluebird also, the Townsend's is right next to it. Plus the bird was 81/2" not 6".

Resin, thanks for the "ditto" & yes I'd like to add a photo or two.

Burd_Fotos, sorry I led you astray on the size. I'm really surprised it was 8 1/2" I thought 6 1/2 - 7 at the very most.

Sandusky, OH

Its kool, that bird (TS) has gotten me twice on Id's. lol

Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

I took this picture in the south - east corner of California, in the town of Brawley, on Dec. 8, 2009. I haven't been able to identify it.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

A cropped close up from the above picture.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

A slightly different angle.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

This second bird picture was taken a few minutes before the one above, in the same city park. The orange on the chin and side have me puzzled.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen

I believe the secnd bird is a Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubons)

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Gras - first one is Orange-crowned Warbler.


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