Happy New Year!

Winnsboro, TX

Ok,. Ya'll all know I'm computer challenged so this probably will not work but I'm going to try. If I can't put a link on here I'll come back and tell you what to type in. (grin)


I hope this will work. I thought since so many of you have posted photos of your cats you'd get a kick out of this. Llerrah has tons of beautiful cards and things to send to people even if I don't know how to do this sort of thing.

I wish each of you a wonderful New Year!
Love Ya, Marian

Winnsboro, TX

I forgot to tell you to be sure and read the other two links to the site. I love the one Wishing you the Best in 2110.

Raleigh, NC

Oh Marian! thanks for the thread!

maybe, can we post our new year's resolutions on here? that way we can look back and be reminded of them!

Mine is simple. have two:

1. I will get labels on all irises already planted, with legible labels
2. I will not plant any iris without a label this year....

........I've got a lot of irises that will be labeled "darned if I know"

Raleigh, NC

we cross posted, Marian - what other two links?

Winnsboro, TX

After you view the one with the cat there are two other links on the bottom that you can click on for the new year. Click on the one on the right side. LOL Hopefully it will work. It's very sweet.

I really have so many resolutions I need to make it's unreal.

1. Get more organized with everything that has to do with my plants.
2. De-clutter the rest of the house. (turn loose of some of my prized stuff/junk) 99% of it's just dust collectors. lol
3. Do not buy or trade for any more plants until I get all the ones I've already bought planted. (I'm really bad about this)
4. Make maps of all my irises and daylily beds (something I've been going to do for the last 2 years)
5. Purchase one of those label makers and make new labels for all my plant markers. ( I can't read my own writting after it gets cold lol) I really really need to buy one of these things. But I always find something else I need to spend the money on worse. LOL Like another plant, an iris apron, or something.
6. If I'm going to do any trades this year I'll only do one at a time. I'm going to try to cut back trading my irises as I'd love to have big huge clumps but as long as I keep trading they are never going to amount to any size.

Oh me oh my, that's enough for now!


This is just a few things I really need to get done regarding my plants. I think I'll try to start out small and get a few things at a time done. Maybe if it warms up sometime in the near future I can start making my maps.

Raleigh, NC

LOL - so glad to hear someone else has a "sacrificial line" of unplanted plants.

Winnsboro, TX

I bought a truck load of clearence plants, shrubs, trees from Lowe's about a month ago.Most if not all of them bloom. (grin) I have not got a one of them planted. Hopefully DH will hook up the augur (sp)? to the tractor and I'll be able to plant them all one day very soon.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I don't have anymore room but want it all. Gotta share this/ Our cat loves to chase the Roomba Vacuum and he got really upset I disturbed him during the chase taking pictures.

Here he goes.

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

He is having a great time while I am trying to get the best shots of it.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

oops-here is the photo

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

He got a little upset and told me off. No one gets between him and a little fun.

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

How cute, Steph! What is your kitties name? What happens when he catches the Roomba?

Bonjon, do label all your irises, even the UK ones. That way you will never wonder if you just forgot to label it.

I have only one resolution: strengthen my back, so I'm able to do all I need to do in the garden. I have the exercises, now I hope they work.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

That is adorable. I love a cat that tells you your place. Mine is a princes. Just sit upstairs and wants everyone to tell her how beautiful she is but do not touch.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

PollyK, to strengthen your back you must strengthen your stomach muscles. Just for an idea. I had a tummy tuck a few years ago and they shortened my stretched out muscles and solved many problems. My sciatic pain and back pain went away. I wonder if we could get insurance to pay for a tummy tuck for that reason. But I still have a balance problem.

Lebanon, OR

Well guys after the fall and now a lecture and going into the ortho doc next week for xrays, I will be even more careful about any and all stairs.

Got all but the last 6 rows of the beardless field inventoried today and on a disc, since I do not trust the computer right now. Freezes up every 15 mins or less. Taking to the computer wizards (no bad things there as they bail me out too often with troubles.)

I have one row of nothing but lilies that some are named many seedlings from a friend in Canada. Getting more and also more delphs as I love them as cut flowers.

My resoluation besides not falling again, loose a little more weight, clean out the craft closet and get rid of things I no longer do any more.

Start just thinning things out around here and thankfully I am not a pack rat that my entire family was!

Have a healthy happy new year.


Lebanon, OR

Does the kitty attack or run from the rooma and what is the adorables name...

This is Charlie the one that just walked in the door one day and made himself at home. Even sleeps on the bed with the others

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes, pulling your stomach in and holding it 10 seconds for 10 reps, 10 times a day is one of the exercises. And sciatica is my problem, so hopefully that will be a help. Thanks, Sharon.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I am going to do the exercise too. Thanks as sometimes my sciatica acts up.

His name is britches as it looks like he walked under a ladder and paint dripped on his nose and then he sat in it and got his britches dirty LOL. He chases it all over and then runs from it when it turns as if he thinks it is after him.
Sharon our kitty sounds really sweet and Charlie is cute with tha darker head.

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

I hope everyone will have a wonderful new year!

Marian, love the links.

A lot of my problem with not getting things done is that I work a full time job. At least that is my excuse.

My number one resolution is to de-clutter my house, while there are tons of snow outside. Once it gets warm enough to get outside and garden, my house only gets cleaned when I know company is coming. I have been embarassed a few times because of this when unexpected company stopped by.

I also need to make an updated list of my irises. I haven't done this for a few years, just keep buying and planting. I was going to update the map of my iris garden but the snow came earlier than expected and now its too late and the tags are under the snow now.

Another resolution is to NOT order any new irises this year. Planted 65 new ones last year and can hardly wait to see how many bloom. (I don't know if I will be able to keep this resolution or not). LOL

Next resolution is to start the exercise tapes that I bought 2 years ago and are still unopened and sitting in a drawer.

Those are all really cute kitty pictures. Sure wish I could have a kitty. I would be afraid of what my dog would do. She goes nuts whenever she sees a cat on our property.

There is a really funny web site for holiday fun. I made a few movies using faces of my kids from my photos and it is totally awesome. They have a lot of free stuff you can make, or you can join for $12 a year and get a whole bunch more. It has a bunch of holidays, birthdays, etc.


Winnsboro, TX

I got the elf pictures of my children last year for Christmas. Now I know where the came up with the ideal.
I'm too computer and tech challenged so I'll leave that site to others.

Raleigh, NC

Polly, I can also attest, from water aerobics class for AOA, that any exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles will tax your back. They attach at the small of your back. That's while pregnant women have such back aches!

the "in" lingo these days is to "strengthen your core," i.e., your torso's muscles. I found that exercises for oblique muscles helped sciatica. But I've still got such a belly from last pregnancy (7 months of bedrest!) 17 years ago that I'd like a little of Sharon's surgery, too! That'll be about the only way I get it toned down.

But, losing weight is on my resolution list, permanently. Now I am more motivated! Just saw a photo of me that makes me look twice as round as I thought I was!

Finally found camera battery charger. This is our new kitten "Faith". Titled "She's not skin and bones like a month ago!"

Thumbnail by bonjon
Raleigh, NC

Dec. 26th: "you left this gift bag here, NOW it's MINE!"

Thumbnail by bonjon
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

That is such a cute kitten. Love the colors.

Raleigh, NC

thank you! Vet called it a "dilute calico". Said the softer calico coloring also indicates a milder temperment (heriditary).

So far, she's correct, but it might be a problem. Just about everyone wants to hold her, and she'll tolerate anyone holding her. Boy does she have a purr engine when petted! DH has three takers for her if we decide she doesn't work out.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Bonnie. I have a whole set of core exercises to do. My chiro is also an MD--very unusual, and an ME, of all things, and I trust him implicitly. He said no sit ups, but the pulling the stomach in while standing.

Cute kitten.

Is that a picture of you?

This message was edited Dec 28, 2009 11:04 PM

Raleigh, NC

we are fortunate, Polly. There's a YMCA 3 mins. from here with an indoor pool. AOA is Active Older Adults. Our workouts emphasize strengthening core muscles, increasing flexibility and balance, and cardio workout.

All this to prevent injury and falls, as your core muscles really are what make your equilibrium work. We can't fall. Our dumbells are harmless foam. My personal fav are the deep water exercises: try doing jumping jacks when your feet don't touch anything!

Three years ago, when I started this class, I committed to 1 hour 5 days a week and watched my intake of sweets. Dropped 20 lbs and 3 pants sizes in 60 days. Then a series of mishaps....and I'm just now back at it. If I don't lose at least 50 lbs, I'm at serious risk of a fatal stroke or heart attack soon.

That's my youngest, Ruth Jean, senior in HS.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

OK, we all have at last 20 pounds to lose, or more. We should start a thread, I guess in lifestyles and help each other down this road. I could teach any diet. I have been on all of them at least two times, probably more.

Bonjon, we are going to pay special attention to you. We do not want to lose you if all we have to do is lose weight. Losing weight is easy. Keeping it off is difficult. Think about it. We only have a few more days to 2010. Love to you all.

Raleigh, NC

Funny you should say that, Sharon. Had heard of this Dr. Oz character, but never saw the show before. a few nights ago, left the TV on after a movie and it came on. All about a young obese woman. An "actual body age" test indicated her body was in her early 50's when she was really in her late 20s. Four years and over 300 lbs. lost later, she looked like some hollywood person, youthful, adorable and perky! "Actual age" test now at 25, to her real age 34, and she was 151lbs.

Yesterday I had to travel 24 miles to a specialty compounding pharmacy for one of my meds. I talked to the pharmacist. His new thyroid compound is working so much better than any other has (at a horrible price!), and he promised to help me improve my thyroid's health, not just replace its non-produced hormones. Turns out he's recommending 12.5 mg Iodine suppliments. He explained that the typical American diet doesn't have enough in it, and iodine atoms are the raw materials our thyroids use. Described it like adding plant food to plants: fertilize, and not only does the plant bloom better, it grows stronger.

Dr. Oz's show also had a segment about, for the New Year, healthier things to add to our diets, and iodine was one of them. DH doesn't like fish (I do!) so we don't eat it at home, and I'd switched to a low-sodium non-iodized salt almost 10 years ago. I get almost no iodine in my diet.

I'm going to be going M-F every chance I get to at minimum one water aerobics class, watching my sweets, and taking my iodine. I'll let y'all know what happens. but I may do it on the iris forum, as I don't know many DG folks elsewhere.

could call it "getting ready for iris season."

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I think that is a great idea. Weight loss and muscle training for up and coming iris spring. I agree, why should we let strangers in our exclusive group. I have two resolutions so far. Quit drinking diet Pepsi. No soda period. Only water, and no bottled water. It's a green thing. Second one is get gardens planted and sit back and enjoy. No more moving the house three feet to the left and then back this new year of 2010. My DH says there is no way I can achieve that one. I am thinking about a couple more but no reason to set myself up for failure.

I like the iodine thing. I do not use much salt but what I do use has no iodine and we eat very little fish. I have no idea how to cook it and the salmon I can afford is pond raised and feed something to make it pink. No thank you. I love soybeans in the pod and cannot find any that are not from China. Again, I am not easting anything from China. Love you all.

Raleigh, NC

we got a Brita water pitcher - no more bottled water here.

After my emergency surgery, which came with 9 days intravenous mega-antibiotics, diet sodas have all tasted like nuclear waste to me. And I won't drink the ones with all that sugar. So I'm left with tea - if only I liked green tea...

interestingly enough, I just started the iodine suppliment. The paperwork that came with it says low iodine levels have been linked to fibero cystic disease and breast cancer. I have a family history of major breast cancer (Mom) and I have FCD. Both she and I have bad thyroids, too. Nana had FCD and bad thyroid, too, come to think of it. The specialty pharmacist has no knowledge of me at all, no medical record access. Yet he specifically asked if I was having sinus trouble - for me it's chronic - and low iodine lever is supposed to have something to do with that, too. He says American diet does not have enough and even he, a man, takes this same dose. He explained that the hormones your thyroid makes have iodine atoms in the molecules, so it's a raw material we need to consume.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Bonjon I am astounded about the Iodine and am really interested. I have had thyroid problems since my teens and am overweight. Started taking Thyroid pills then and they have had me on and off them over the years. That alone bothers me as I don't think their testing is all that accurate either. I have filtered water in out fridge and that is what I drink besides Honey Lemon Ginsing tea. About the only tea I like but I am really missing my coffee since I found that lump. They changed that Appt. to the 11 now.

Sharon I agree with you, I like this group of friends and can talk so freely with all of you so I prefer to stay here also.
We don't care much for fish nor do I cok it well. I Love Prawns and Pasta Shrimp dishes(like I need that).

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Interesting about the iodine.

I too like the group of friends here. I feel like you folks are true friends, and I would not hesitate to discuss any problems I was having here. I think we are a big help to each other.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Then lets all be each other buddy and crying towel. My shoulders are as big as any tear that falls on them.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

It sounds as if we all have about the same types of medical problems and a hungering for MORE iris! ^_^

Sharon, I too wish that insurance would pay for tummy tucks when they become a medical problem. But they won't. No amount of exercise will tone my tummy. That and upper arms that one could fly with, if humans could fly, plus back & neck pain, Diabetes, Bilateral Muscular Atrophy (CMT) and obesity, just to mention a few. And bad balance? I'm the bad balance kid. How I wish all my Iris Forum buddies didn't have ANY of these problems. The good news is that my Diabetes is under control and for the past year all my lab tests have come back normal! Of course the medications help. I will ask our Dr about iodine, as I haven't added salt to my diet since 1953.

So my wish for you on this forum is a happy, healthy and wonderful New Year, filled with beautiful iris!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Who i going to weigh us??? My DH would have a heart attach. I have gained 30 pounds in 6 months.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Balance, who has balance????

South Hamilton, MA

Sorry about the weight gain. I seem to be holding, but if the muscle pull in my hip doesn't heal, I will be having huge gardening problems.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes, who has balance. I have always been the klutziest person.

I'm with you, Lucy. If this sciatica doesn't go away I will have trouble gardening too. We'll have to think good thoughts for spring for each other.

Steph, you're a sweetie! I just bet you can hold the world on your shoulders.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Why is it that very good female gardeners have sciatica? People do not understand that pain unless you have had it.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I have no idea, but this is my first bout with it, and I hope never to have it again. I have it down both legs, and my Dr. says it's from the sacro iliac joint. At first it was horrible shooting pains, now down to a dull toothache type pain in both legs and feet. And now I have some days with no pain, so it's definitely improving.

When did you have it Sharon?

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