Can anybody tell me what these are?

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Hello I spotted these little creatures in the back of my veggie leaves about 2 weeks ago, at first I thought they were spider mites so I've been treating my plants with neem oil to try to controll them but now I am not sure if they really are spider mites or not. I've been reading online that spider mites tend to like dry weather and not humid or wet, and here in Mobile we've been having a lot of rain and tends to be very humid. First I spotted them on my Arugula bed and now they have gone as far as to get in my broccoli di rabe. Will teh neem oil kill this buggers or will I have to use soething else.

Thumbnail by carminator1
mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

here's another shot.

Thumbnail by carminator1
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

They look like aphids. Do the backs of the leaves feel sticky? Aphids suck the juices out of plants. :(

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Those are aphids. Look around to see if there are ants tending them!

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

I have not seen any ants around but I will check more closely, will the neem oil kill them or should I try something else?

I have had ant problems in the past but I've been giving them some grits and they usually die withn a week or so.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

According to the info on my neem oil container, it should work on the aphids. What I try to do whenever the wretched creatures appear is to remove as many of them as possible (sometimes a good spray with the hose on the undersides and tops of the affected parts) followed by an application of an appropriate pesticide helps a great deal. I can't remember if Sevin would work but maybe someone else can let you know. Good luck!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is some info for you (pretty much the info supplied by mamasita).

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Thank you so much great article and info too. Now that I know how to get rid of them I will definetely be better prepared. They started like I said in my arugula patch, and then moved to my mesclun salad patch as well, these are so densely planted that even though I was spraying like crazy I was not able to get underneath the leaves and such so that is probably why they were able to escape unharmed. I have been wondering whether or not to get rid of my arugula and to palnt something else, I have some broccolies planted in the same bed and would hate for this pests to get in them as well.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

asphids in zone 8 in December? that weird. Did you ever try DE
check out the little video

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