Merry Christmas!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

Here's hoping that every single one of us pile-flipping, worm-loving, clay-busting, soil-amending, poo-recycling, C/N-ratio-calculating, temperature-checking, landfill-shrinking, microherd-feeding, leafmold-coveting, black-gold-creating, charmingly green oddballs has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well you were up early. We had many family members ill so we all stayed in our own homes. but we did have a wonderful Christmas. Happy Birthday, Jesus.. We cut back on personal presents and gave money to the food bank to help the homeless. I cannot believe how many homeless children we have here and I want to stop that. I just have to sit down and put more thought into it. I found my old blender and I ground up my scraps and they are now in the worm sludge bucket. On the way tomorrow to get raw grade molasses and then I will get started on my worm farm. I am so excited and at the same time I am pensive. What if I kill all my wonderful worms. Pray for me to have much luck. I am so excited but I do not know what I am doing so I hope you can help me know what I am doing. Sounds like a request from Santa Claus.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Charming holiday greetings, Puddle Pirate! Thanks! I really mean it--gave me a chuckle and a warm feeling 'cause sometimes I do feel like a "green oddball" about my compost-addiction (out in the real world) but not here on the Soil and Composting Forum! My kinda folks!
One other good thing about the holidays is I get even more scraps!
Good luck with your vermicomposting, Sharon! Sounds like you will have some happy worms soon!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Merry Christmas back at you, PuddlePirate, and to fellow S and C rotheads- I can't say it any better than ThePirate did! As soon as I get through my second holiday dinner today, I'll have to get a full bucket of scraps off the deck and out to the Pile. It's been under cover since the snow and unturned. My poor hands are too clean.. from dishwashing and no dirt turning.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Sally - "hands too clean" !!!
That's so true these days. I am longing to get back out & work the soil, but need frequent reminders that we haven't traveled through January, February or finished December for that matter.
An accurate description of us, PP!
Let's also hope for a much improved 2010, and a warmer Spring so we can return to what we love best.

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