Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We came from here


Another Christmas is upon us and there is no better way to spend it than surrounded by Friends and Loved Ones.
This Family here has grown in so many ways and I'm proud to be counted among you.

From Robyn and I again



Thumbnail by henryr10
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Ric, for the new thread, I too am so grateful that I have found such good friends, here at the ORVG thread, or to expand it,the whole site of DG. What super people there are here. Proud to be a tiny part of this fellowship.

Heading to bed as I don't want Santa to find me awake. I have instructed Mr. B to not bark if he hears anything during the night, as it is Sandy Paws bringing him a gift. I think he understands!! Not.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all my friends.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I know I'm not around here on DG much anymore, but I do love and appreciate my friends here. Merry Christmas, all of you.

Howie and I exchanged a couple gifts tonight. He was sooo tickled to find this one for me. It's a Bodum French Press coffee pot, something I've wanted for a long time. This one's a 12-cup model and sells for nearly $50 in stores, but he found it at Goodwill for only $2! When he checked out, the lady asked him what the heck it was. We found quite a few neat gifts at Goodwill and discount stores this year.

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Good Morning everyone.... wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Thank goodness Dave's is one of the places we can still say Merry Christmas. I am tired of hearing Holiday Evergreen instead of Christmas Tree, Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.

I am very thankful for my friends here at Dave's. I know I don't post often, but I do read the posts and feel like I know all of you even if we have never met. I was gifted this year, by someone here at Dave's by not only one year of renewal, but two. So, it seems as long as I can keep the internet, I will be able to keep up with everyone for quite some time. If it was someone in the ORVG group that gifted the additional time to me.... you don't know how much it meant to me. Thank you very, very much.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, full of family and friends.

Merry Christmas!

Jules, Mom, Josie, Pebbles, Lucky, Ginger, Punkin and Cider

Oh, and Merry Christmas from "Santa Claws" too! --- Not the best picture of him. But you get the idea. I found him at a craft show years ago, and can't imagine Christmas without him. I have collected ornaments for years that are cats in one fashion or another, and Santa Claws makes the perfect tree topper. We didn't even try to do a tree this year ---- Josie would have had a blast with it. But, Santa Claws is on the bookshelf, overseeing all our activities.

Thumbnail by daylily_ohio
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL at Bonnie and Mr. B.
Kimberley...what a deal he got! I once got a whole set of copper pans at Goodwill! I have them hanging from a pot rack in my kitchen for decoration. I don't use them...lol!
Julie...I am so glad you will be with us for another year! Hoping things look up for you and your mom soon!
Ric and Robyn...I too, am glad to be counted among all the Dave's gardeners. Soooo many nice people here!
Ok...off to the kitchen...more cooking to be done~!!!!
~~~~~~~~waving to everyone!!!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We don't have a tree this year either but it's all good. Our power came back on last night after 6 days of cold and worry. No family with us but Knock called early for me to read him the Cajun Night Before Christmas and paw to read him the Christmas story from the Bible. He wouldn't open his stocking or any gifts until he had heard Paw read from the Bible. It's a family tradition with us. Good to know we can still keep it even miles away.

Joyeaux Noel to you and yours! Jesus is the only reason for every season.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Merry CHRISTmas everyone....

I'm on top of the world as I was able to spend 1.5 hours on SKYPE talking to my son who is deployed to Iraq right now....

Hope everyones CHRISTmas has been as wonderful as mine.


Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Merry Christmas to all my ORVG friends.
Sorry to say it took me until this morning to really feel the Christmas spirit. I always find it but this year I was a little moody. You all kept me uplifted with my hearing about all your activities. Thanks so much.
Love to all

ate lots
just relized the horseradish is 11 month over date ! not good.
have a great holiday everyone
hope i make it LOL

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sue, I don't think horseradish goes 'bad'....it just get stronger and stronger with age! My dad used to grow it and make his own. And the commercial stuff has vinegar in it...so unless it was moldy..it should be ok.
Well..our Christmas is over here. We ate, exchanged gifts, and now the kids have moved on to be with family on her side....and older son is on his way home too. It was a fun day!

Waddy, KY

Merry Christmas to all! Had one child go to Owensboro to spend Christmas with her fiancee and another back to Berea to watch for farrowing piggies so that left us with two at home. Went to the children's mass last night and as always it's always a blast. The only thing that mystifies me is that it's a children's mass but the priest, instead of gearing the homily towards the children that participate, gears it so over their heads that they all get restless on the altar. In the last 10 years he's only geared on homily towards them and I still remember how entranced they were.

Today we went to my parents for a big lunch of fried fish and shrimp. It's a shame oysters have gotten so expensive because we used to have them too. Regardless, too much eaten by all. Leftovers for tonight.

Kids are out in the muck and the mud getting the cows fed and will be in soon. Better get the stuff warmed up and on the table.

I hope everyone had a joyous day. It's a time for enjoying each other's company.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sounds like everyone is having a good day! My day has been very quiet, just me and the animules... my sister is working and the Kid is off visiting with friends. My sister's dog Hank got very excited over the real bone I gave him (from my ham) and the birds were delighted at a huge pile of mixed bird seed thrown on top of the snow, but the cats were pretty indifferent to their catnip treat after about 2 minutes.

It has warmed up here a bit and much of the snow is melting, which of course means the creek is up, but not overflowing. I guess the snow and ice is melting at a slower pace, which suits me just fine. The wet stuff will freeze on the roads at night so driving is still iffy, and more snow Monday with night temps in the teens... Welcome to Winter!

Kimberly, you'll have to let us know if coffee made in a French Press is all it's touted to be. Great find!

janet fish and shrimp do sound good
Good to know on the horseradish Marcy thank you :) i feel better knowing that . So far so good.
our holiday is winding down too
we have done lego's with Austin
coloring with Savannah
ate with inlaws
cleaned numerous times today the floor LOL
got our rooster in a dog crate . its a big one. He is just tearing up the girls . They need to get their feathers back.
so he is in rooster Sing Sing.
other than that we got some rain :( i hate Christmas with no snow !
hugs to you all

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Kimberley I just about snagged one of those at the St Vincent Depaul....
I agree let us know how well it worked.

Darius good to hear from you!
Glad you are slowly thawing out.
Cats aren't indifferent to catnip after a few minutes...it's called stoned.....lol!

We had a very nice Christmas.
Got everything cleaned up from the whirlwind Baking and Present wrapping of the last week.
Then I made Kaiser Rolls and Stir Fried Chicken (love those cheap chicken breasts! lol!) for sandwiches.
This is the best Kaiser Roll recipe I've found and haven't made them for a while.
They turned out perfectly.
Tough chewy crust... light tender center.
I'll probably make up a few more batches for the freezer.
The boys showed up about 3 PM and stayed till 7.

Wu is knocked out.
First Jason showed up early yesterday and we left her for the day.
Then Mat slept here last night and she doesn't take well to company so didn't sleep much.
Then they both showed up here for dinner... she's beat!
I can hear her snoring from here...LOL!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

We spent most of the day with DH's cousin and her family. It is a tradition. Too much food, plenty of gifts. I won't have my Christmas for our immediate family until tomorrow night. There are just too many committments and too little time. I don't mind taking the left over date. We will be having finger foods, no big meal, as we have had more than our share.

DH and 2 friends stood in the Living Nativity tonight. I didn't sign up this year, as they wanted a firm committment, and that time came in the midst of all the pain I was having. Didn't think that I could do a 50 minute absolutely still standing, so just went and watched. They had a pesky donkey who tried to nibble on everybody's costumes. Finally put a halter on him, and tied him so that unless you got too close the clothes were safe.

It has rained on and off all day, with brisk winds. It sleeted during the time I was at the Nativity Scene, and it sent me back to my car, and the warmth of the heater.

Glad that everyone had a good day, and I am glad that even though the weather may have been an issue for some, everyone is home safe and sound, and only the New Year's celebration to look forward to in 2009.

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Ric, recipe please? I am always looking for new recipes for bread and buns.

Janet, I like the idea of shrimp and fish instead of ham and turkey...hmmmm....wonder how that would go for New Year's? We need some new traditions around here. The old ones are making this old one even older! HAHAHA!

Hope you all had a great day and are snuggled warm in your beds.....Night all.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

5 1/2 cups Bread Flour
1 Pkge instant Yeast
2 Tablespoons Sugar
2 teaspoons Salt
1 large Egg beaten
2 1/2 cups water
(Corn Meal for baking sheet or stone)

(1 egg white/1 teaspoon water for glaze)

Mix Yeast, pinch of Sugar and 1/2 cup warm water.
Let sit and proof for 15 minutes or until foamy.

Add remaining Sugar, Salt, Egg, Water and 3 cups Flour.

Mix w/ Dough Hook gradually adding remaining Flour.
Knead on Medium for 8-10 minutes.

Finish on Kneading by Hand.

Place in very lightly oiled bowl.
Flip bottom up.

Rise to Double.

Punch Down

Rise to Double

Divide dough 4 times (16 pieces)

Kaiser Shape and turn over.

Rise to Double.

Flip back over onto sheet pan lightly dusted w/ Corn Meal
Brush w/ Glaze... Beat one Egg white and a teaspoon Water.

Bake 425° till Golden. 15-20 minutes. Turn sheet 1/2 way thru.


Preheat oven 25-30 minutes w/ cast iron skillet or griddle on the bottom rack.
Just before you place the rolls in pour 1/2 cup hot water in the skillet.
It will steam be careful.
(I do this w/ all my breads even when I use a Stone)

When you turn the rack repeat the water technique.
The steam helps w/ oven spring and toughens the crust.

Shaping Kaiser Rolls?
Well you can cheat and use a Kaiser Cutter, use the new twist method or the folding method.
I learned the 'fold' early and it's the easiest.

I didn't care for this recipe but it shows the Folding.....



Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

copied and pasted into my recipe file...thank you so much.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Janet!

Well i made it through the night . almost . Did get very very ill feeling until about 3 am. Funny huh ? then i was ok. ? so i think horseradish is off my list along with Olive Garden. LOL
Ric got the bread recipe
i cam mail it to you . ?
ok gang sun is out
T is off doing tractor stuff
so i have to shower
have a great day

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Ric or others, what exactly is the difference between bread flour and regular flour?

Also since there is so many wonderful cooks on here, does anyone have any idea how to convert a white roll recipe to wheat?

I have the most wonderful roll recipe but now that I'm trying to make my diet better I would dearly love to make this as a wheat roll and I have no clue how to go about it. I've tried to goggle but I guess goggle just can't quit do everything just yet....LOL

Shrimp any day is a wonderful in my house....teee heeee love them....

Sounds like everyone had a good Christmas and for those who were hit with the snow... glad all of you are hanging in there. For once in 6 six years of living in northern Ohio we didn't have a white Christmas, which is fine with me... the sun is out today and I'm almost tempted to go out and do some work in the yard..... but the temps high 20's to low 30's might just make me change my mind. Funny how when the sun shines you feel up to doing just about anything as compared to when the sun is hiding....

Christmas was spent at home while DH went back to Kentucky to be with his side of the family and to get all the cameras for the computers set up so that all the family can skype each other now.

The best thing for me was getting to talk with my Son who is over in Iraq for almost 2 hours. Skype is a wonderful thing these days...

HB to Janet as well.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


Wow I have 3 friends w/ BD's here today.
You, Kooger and of course it's Dave's Birthday.
There's a thread going on now.

Bread Flour is also called Strong Flour or Spring Wheat Flour.
It's milled from hard red spring wheat.
It's higher in protein, about 14% and forms more gluten, the fibers that trap the CO2 formed by the yeast.
Often times it has a bit of malted barley and Vitamin C to help the yeast grow.
You can see the gluten fibers form as you run your stand mixer and dough hook.
The dough will 'rag'. It looks like little sheets of cloth just before forming a ball.

AP Flour is 1/2 Bread and 1/2 Cake Flour.
In muffins and quick breads you use AP but just fold the mixture don't mix it.
If you over beat you will get big pockets in the finished product/
So you usually don't want to over mix anything made w/ AP.
But there are some yeast Breads made w/ it. Those you do like Bread Flour.

Cake flour is very low protein flour 7%.
It doesn't form much gluten so the baked good stays tender.

I made the Kaiser Rolls yesterday w/ AP as we were out of BF.
They were a bit chewier than the usual ones...


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

They were a bit chewier than the usual ones.... LOL you crack me up Ric...

Thanks so much for all the info, very interesting.


Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Wheat flour is more dense than regular white flour so it should be sifted before measuring when using in a recipe. Here are a couple of links to help figure out how to substitute wheat for white.




Hope this helps you out Jan.


hey gang
not much here
i lost my bread recipe. Dug through 4 bags of garbage and found it

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The easiest way to make sure your recipes stay consistent is to convert them to weight rather than volume.
Then you don't have to worry about fluffing the flour, packing the brown sugar etc...
Plus when you do your divisions for portions everything works out equal.

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Now that tip works for me Ric. I have been cooking for years and never seem to make anything taste quite the same as last time I made it.....on occasion that is a good thing! And by weighing instead of standard measurements, even my girls could figure out the recipe instead of adding too much of this or that. They keep trying to help me cook....so far they managed to tackle cookie baking 101 and passed with flying colors....not so sure about dinner 202 yet....they have been known to let the pot boil dry...(and that was while making jello!) gotta love learning! anyways, thanks for the tip.


i always mearure with a scale and not a cup measuring . Some i do but not so much in baking.
well have a good night folks
T is out getting the kids next door
so i only have a moment to peep in
good night friends

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

King Arthur Flour has a white whole wheat flour that's wonderful. It is made from white wheat instead of red wheat, and it has the same nutrition of red wheat, but a milder flavor and you can substitute it for AP flour. I love it!

I've been shopping for a good stand mixer and have narrowed my choice down between a Cuisinart SM-55 and a Hamilton Beach 63220 Eclectrics. I sold a curio cabinet, won a $100 gift card from Giant Eagle (which I can use to buy a pre-paid VISA) and have saved some cash from odd jobs. These two are in my price range and both look good in their features and reviews. I'm leaning toward the Cuisinart because of its high power and great warranty

I refuse to get a KitchenAid after reading about problems with their current manufacturing in various bread forum and reviews, and I can't see spending the price of a Bosch Universal Plus or Electrolux Assistent DLX (formerly known as Magic Mill), awesome as they are.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, Christmas celebrating is finally over. We had our Christmas tonight, we only had finger foods, and tomorrow we will be eating the left overs from tonight. Monday morning bright and early, I am cooking a pot of Great Northern Beans, and making cornbread. I am ready to get back to everyday eating!!

DH gave me a beautiful Diamond Eternity necklace, and he is playing with the GPS I bought him.

All this talk about bread baking, I have just turned my head away from the screen, yeast bread is my downfall, not sweets. Just give me fresh baked yeast bread and a 1/4 pound of butter, and I am in heaven.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

A friend gave us 3 young rabbits he shot this morning. His brother killed a deer so we'll be getting some more venison soon. It's so nice to have friends that hunt.

good morning. !
we may be going to Kettering today. T wants a Marions pizza ? last time we were there i didn't think it was so great and the service was pretty bad. IMHO. But he wants one. go figure. LOL i will give it a second chance. :)
Bonnie im with you . Bread is my weakness too. I love bread and butter !
Cajun rabbit sounds yummy. I m going to try my hand at raising rabbit for sale to gourmet restaurants.
Wish the guy who hunted our property was that generous. He didn't offer us anything ! thought verbaly it was , he was to share his deer with us. I guess i get the greedy people . Not hunting for him next year. !
oh i forgot to show you !
notice anything missing ????
like a big pile of tree's ??? are gone ! hoooray

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Dave came and got all the tree's and will then help us get rid of all the stumps .
truck number one fill with tree's

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truck number two filled with tree's

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and a flat bed trailer

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i am hoping to get some mulch from him in trade. He ususally gives us gravel.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I know you are glad to have those trees gone.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I'm late, but I want to wish you all a wonderful Merry Christmas. Please Lord, let 2010 be a better year for EVERYONE!!!!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Just popping in quick...

Ditto to what Joyce said! It's been a rough year for so many on this thread.

All things considered, we had a nice quiet Christmas. But I'm ready to get back to to a quieter routine.

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