It happens every year!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Every winter the clematis forum becomes eerily quiet, but I just want to take a moment to wish everyone a fabulous holiday season and a wonderful New Year. May everyone's gardens grow lush and colorful with nary a weed in sight!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll join Louise in wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year. Just saying "2010" sounds so futuristic to me - almost like sci fi.

We could always talk about the clematis we plan to purchase next year. When a friend gets her site up and running you can be sure I'll post a link if Louise doesn't beat me to it.

Taylorsville, KY

I'll chime in here too and wish everyone a safe, jolly holiday season with loved ones and the best for 2010.

Yesterday, I dug back in the clem forum and found some interesting tidbits I'd missed. Most inspiring was trellis talk and I truly can't wait to start my hand a building some. I love to be creative and was inspired to start designing. I also saw some really healthy clem roots from the above-mentioned site so I think we should start talking clems for 2010 soon. Trouble is, I just got started (because of this forum) last year so I'm kinda flying blind. I hope I have some good things to talk about with my new ones come this spring.


Athens, PA

I too wish everyone safe and happy holidays.

I am looking forward to more activity on this forum as well as some of the other forums.

Here is to a better year next year, both in and out of our gardens....

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Louisville, KY

And Happy Holidays to all . Here's to beautiful clem 2010. (gosh that date looks strange).


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas to all !!! this will be my first full year with my clems and I'm so nervous waiting for spring to see who lived and who will have to be replaced ;0)

Louisville, KY

glevely....I am not an expert.. but I have found clems to disappear for a year only to reappear next year...


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I hope so but its nerve racking any ways ;0)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Many of mine have bloomed and then taken a year off only to return with a vengence...or not! It's grand when they do and when they don't we just have to give in and buy more.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I had one disappear for several years! I learned to never over plant where a Clem might have been. Hope everyone had a very nice Christmas.

Baton Rouge, LA

Let me add my "Happy New Year" wishes to those posted above. I'm really looking forward to spring as my clems jump out and get going. We've just had our first decent spell of cold weather, so the clems are finally starting to go go sleep. A few of the roses are still holding in there, but with the next week predicted to have extended hard freezes each night, I suspect the roses will finally give in for a winter rest as well.

It's such an odd mixture out there in December... with sasanquas, four-season azaleas and landscape roses blooming madly among the prolific evergreens, leaves all over the place as if it was fall (we almost never have a cool enough "fall" for full leaf drop... so it happens at the start of winter), a browning lawn, and all of the other plants curling up to sleep for a while! If I took photos of the individual elements out there, it could look like any of the four seasons all at once!!!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, our "falling " leaves have been going on since Oct, and some species only drop in spring when new buds come out. Most of my Clems are looking like they are sleeping( hopefully not dead), as we have had many below freezing and even 2 snowy days. I used to live in the North, so I know that sounds odd!
Wishing you all a healthy and happy New Year for 2010. Hope we have the physical strength to dig those holes and lug that compost to our babies. Looking forward to sharing in the new year.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Happy New Year to all and since all is quite we can share our wish lists for this season.

What you must have and want to have, where you're ordering from, where it is going in the garden. In general the "concept" for 2010.

I would start but since we are househunting in earnest for a bigger yard (acre(s) yeah) I am hesitating on buying anything until we know for sure what we are doing.

A bigger yard means more clems so if all goes well..........

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Good luck on that venture, book! I have some clems on order, unfortunatley I can't remember what I ordered. Good thing I like surprises.

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