The best tuber supplier

Massapequa Park, NY(Zone 7a)

First a Merry Christmas to all and Best wishes for a great Dahlia year.

Catalogue from my favorite dahlia supplier arrived today. In MY opinion the very best supplier of quality dahlia tubers in North America. Ferncliff Gardens has been arround for 90 Years and just the best. Their tubers are 1st rate and have always grown for me. They are a bit pricey but the quality is above all. Last year I trialed a new one of David's called FERNCLIFF MIDNIGHT. What a dahlia! Lots and lots of blooms in a purple that is hard to find. Take a look at their offerings


Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I strongly second that recommendation. It's worth the Canadian/US phytosanitary fee and price per tuber is in Canadian currency, if that makes anyone feel any better :) But the quality and bursting-forth-out-of-the-ground growth of their plants made me a believer in Ferncliff Gardens as well, and I will be a repeat customer.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I sent for the catalog this will be my first year so I'm excited ;0)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

And if you do order from them, you get their lovely color catalog the following year including their new introductions, as many top dahlia suppliers offer. It's great fodder for winter dahlia dreaming.

West Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6b)

That's cool, I like getting the catalogs. Just ordered from them, in particular Rev. P. Holian, a great big purple. Did an ADS site search on each color for AA's, and purple is definitely more rare than the other colors for the big ones.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ferncliff is my fav too ^_^

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Loved the Rev. P. Holian, Tod, but something must be wrong, either at my end or with the site, because it would not accept my order for two dahlias. I'll try again tomorrow.

Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Swan Island Dahlias has a beautiful catalog but I have never ordered from them. Anyone?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes, I have. They are excellent. I even gave my dear son-in-law a gift certificate for their dahlias.

If you ever want to know the reputation of any company go to Garden Watchdog. Here's the page on Swan Island:

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Ditto: Swan Island is a sure-bet supplier in dahlia land. I'm trying to buy from, and report on, many of the NW US suppliers even though I keep telling myself I have to cut back. The Garden Watchdog is a real blessing.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Last year I tried Lynch Creek Farms for the first time and I was very pleased. Accent Dahlias and Dan's Dahlias are also excellent as is Corralitos.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I was really impressed when I placed my order with Dan's in the fall. I had a question about shipping charges and he was everso helpful.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It always feels good to me when I can speak to a real person at a company and they help with whatever the problem might be.

Massapequa Park, NY(Zone 7a)

Happy New Year to all. Glad to hear so many with positive experiences with dahlia suppliers. There are 2 very well recommened supliers here on the East coast. I have done lots of business with these 2 over the years and know them personally.

ENDLESS SUMMER FLOWER FARM in Camden ME is big with cut flower varieties. They are big in the cut flower business and so great cut flower varieties. If you are ever in the Camden area do visit their garden and they will be happy to show you their method of extending a dahlias vase life.

HILLTOP GARDENS in NC has an outstanding selection of prize winning dahlias. They supply both tubers and cutting plants. This is a first rate Mom & Pop operation and Buddy will go out of his way to correct any problems. In addition he is the director of the ADS trial garden in the area so he has an insided on new varieties performance which he will share.

Both these East coast suppliers are listed on the big list of suppliers. Both have neat web sites.


Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

oh yeah, duh! I forgot about garden watchdog. I love watchdog. I use it all the time. must of had a brain fart.

I have never ordered dahlias from a commercial source. I did that dahlia contest last summer and finished in the top 5 i think so I won a big box of dahlias! Was that from you Poochella? I can't remember. They were wonderful though! Can't wait to see them again next year.

I love the dinner plates the most!

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