Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #46

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread....

we came from here....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

When Ella can get back up or she may be chasing animals from under her trailor be easy for her to go to with dail up!! She still has to take rest time from her health problems hopefully she be back in full force shortly , you know how it is can't keep a good woman down.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL...and she is definately the type who ain't going down with out a fight!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Mekos I値l be looking forward to your seeds next year sounded like from before you are going to have some nice ones! Once you get all those seeds from the swap in your dirty little hoofs you will squeeeelll with pleasure and disbelief! :) I hate to burst your bubble but you are never prepared for this swap you値l find that out in years to come, Huh old piggies Ha!

Carolyn, you must be spending more time on your computer now, good to see you on here more, maybe Miss Carolyn will be in next years piggy swap too :) I hope you have a good Christmas Carolyn :) We値l have to keep in touch Christmas day and with Ella I値l be home in the morning until about 1 then back about 5 probably shoot me a dmail that day! I値l be going thru more seeds for you tomorrow get ready :) The crisper is getting divided out to when I sow them tomorrow come h*** or high water Ha!

Trina, your doggie is so cute and a Santa outfit, a swim suit? I can understand the jacket for on the motorcycle and bathrobe with a duck on it? lol But a swim suit LOL I知 ROTF!

I know it痴 not fair to make all of these comments then be off for a while but I知 really trying to get some things cleaned up that have needed my attention every since this swap started lol Forgive me I値l be back later :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Hubby thought the swimsuit was hysterical...and she wore a witch costume for halloween...she was just as unimpressed with it as well....but when amanda tried to put her snow boots, leg warmers and scarf on her she hid under the bed!

I would too. HahahaLOL

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I told her when the dog bites you then you're the one getting the spanking cause the dog's already told you in every other way that she can, that she is done and doesn't want to play any more

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Trina, the pup is TOO CUTE! My daughter loves chihuahuas!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

we got her by default from my grandmother....definately NOT my kind of dog, but she is lovable, when she's not trying to eat my plants anyway!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Dogs aren't my kind of animals anyway, too much work... might as well have a kid :) But, my daughter has hardly ever met a dog she didn't like. She can have one when she's on her own! We have 2 cats, which are more than enough to mess with.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL, yeah after having pets constantly growing up, and being the one to take care of them everytime my sister or my step-dad drug a new one home, I'm not real crazy about pets period...but if I HAD to have one, I like Huskey's or German Sheppards

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm snowed in. Lol. This was taken about 8 pm tonight. We are expecting snow until tomorrow morning. It's been non-stop. That is the top of my really big 24 inch pot. You can only see the rim on it. I think we'll be over 2 feet when all is said and done because it looks like there is 2 feet of snow out there right now. You can't see that pot anymore. It's completely buried. The kids are going to have fun tomorrow. I wonder how big of a snowman they will make! lol!

Thumbnail by mygypsyrose
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

When my kids were small, i loved big snow storms....

we only got about 2"... maybe 3.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

I know... my DH and I are just as giddy, lol. He pegged me with a snowball earlier. We rarely get a good snowfall around here, so this just puts us in a good Christmas mood. If it was March... I'd be cursing, ;)

WOW! Beautiful.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

we will have a white Christmas though... expecting more on Thurs and Friday... or is it Fri & Sat? i can't recall.

but our village does Luminaria on Xmas Eve... it is just beautiful.... so much more prettier when it snows.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

LeBug ,
Ella has been trying to get me out of my shell now I got 2 coming at me , thanks this is hard christmas for me same as last but I gott you, Thanks for caring!! I already told Ella and the rest might as well know when it come's to getting a seed to grow your the best from under the bed to wintersowing , you will not be defeated. hope your holidays are great and you have a smile on your face.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

OMGosh... My car is under a complete mound of snow...

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

OMG, Andrea, with moving to Oklahoma.....we were outside last night enjoying a fire with 60 degree weather. It is colder today and a possible "chance" of snow by Christmas.....but it is a far cry from the Ohio weather we are so used to. My girls even said that the only 'BAD' thing about moving is that there would be no snow for Christmas. Enjoy it for all of us without it!!!!

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

I want you all to know that I'm jealous as all get out over your snow!!. They told us all week that we were going to get snow too and we just got freezing cold rain - ick! I guess you can tell I like the snow, and I like everything about it except the slushy red mud is not very pretty. We have only had one white christmas here in 50 years, most of the time its balmy out on Christmas day. Around here we are always hopin, so maybe one day. Hope you guys have a great time. A big snow cream would big a blast right now :)

Trina I have my lisianthus in, waiting for them to sprout and I put several different sweet peas in the H202 soak so I can start them early and keep in my little glass house.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Looky all that snow. It beautiful to look at especially when it first come s down and nobody ha s tracke d through it yet. Make s ya really stop and think about the mircacle of the seasons and how different they really are.

Tcs.. I surprised you not under 3 feet of snow. I thought yoru area would be one of thos e that ha s deep deep ba d winters.

heard last night on news some area s would be getting a 3 foot dump overnight, so hoping everybody is safe and warm and not without power.

Ansonfan... Ther e so many growers in NC that I figured you all must have some really beautiful growing soil. I thought red clay and mud wa s mainly a thign of the south.

if the south gets snow evrything halts and closes, no salt, no trucks and folks have no ide a how to driv e ina couple of inche s of it.

Worst snow storm i evevr been in was in Indiania in the blizzard of '78 . Only thing I like d snow as a kid was, it meant going sledding and hot apple cider and hot cocoa, snowball fight s with my brothers and no school days. That and it meant money days.

Was abotu the onyl time me and brother s would get along. We would get our shovels and work as a team an go from hosue to hous e shovelign sidewalks and driveways. No adays I don't have sidewalks to shovel and my oen brother has landscaping business and he has big truck with snow plow now so know he prayign for oodle s of snow.

I have often wondered if oen of the main reasons folks that get snow have much better time with winter snowing is that we cna be at same temps as thos e with snow, but wonder if it isn't all the nutrient particle s that foudn in snow a s it melts that actually helps int he germination of the seeds, not so much a s having a cold chill time. I know when i us e rain water to germinate seeds with , they sprout lots easier and sooner than tap water.

Tcs.. That sound s lovely. That somethign ya don't hear many folsk say anymor e unles s ya overseas. My village. Make s it sound all cosy.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Star I have a lot of fond memories of snow also. When I was young, there would already be a big hill picked out to go sledding down. Then a big bonfire and all of these old car hoods from the 50s. They were a blast to ride on down a hill, trouble was getting them to stop before the trees or the creek hehe. It was a lot of fun though.
I don't about the nutrients in snow, but I have been using rainwater to water plants with this year and the difference is remarkable. If I water my plants outdoors with my county water more than 2 or 3 times, the plants start looking poorly and quit growing. It makes you wonder what that city water does to our bodies don't it.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Tcs.. I surprised you not under 3 feet of snow. I thought yoru area would be one of thos e that ha s deep deep ba d winters.

Believe it or not... we really dont get that much snow, not like we used to when i was a kid. The last few yrs, i barely recall using the snow blower... just shovels. Maybe one big storm a year.. if that.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am glad that it is snow, not ice. I will bring my camera with me when I walk the dog. She looked out the window, sighed, went back to sleep. She is getting cranky in her old age. I knit her sweaters for the cold weather, but can't get her to wear booties. Instead, I clean off her feet and put cream on them when we get inside. Salt can be hard on her feet. I use it sparingly for ice. She is a Westie, so she matches the snow!

The neighbor shoveled for me, again.I I will have to bring him a plate of Christmas cookies, if I ever get around to making any. If not, I will make him some brownies. It is great to have nice neighbors. I will spare you tales of my other neighbor, the booze hag.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

This is the most amount of snow that my DH or my kids have ever seen. I lived in Buffalo when I was a kid, so I've seen 4 feet of snow before, lol. That's a bit claustrophobic. My Cherry Tree is off to the right hand side. You can't even see it's trunk. There's at least 2 feet of snow out there. You're right Ella... I always take a picture of the snow after it falls before my kids get to it. It's very serene to me... I love to drive in it too. I guess it reminds me of Buffalo when it snows... Back to when I was young..ger ;) lol

Thumbnail by mygypsyrose
Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

And under there is my car somewhere. The kids will hopefully uncover it today. We parked my DH's car by the road. Our driveway is 230 feet long, I wasn't going to shovel that out! lol!

Thumbnail by mygypsyrose
Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

tcs we do get big snows sometimes, but most often near the end of jan or start of feb. Its nice to get them then of course, but it would just be really cool to get a white Christmas once in a while.
Love the pic gypsy, makes me want a cup of hot chocolate.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Man, all of you are up early! I knew it was snowing here so I slept in. We were supposed to get about 12" where I am, right now it looks like about 10" and it's still snowing. For New England, a foot of snow is nothing, just a dusting :)

I'm looking at my fireplace wondering what to do with this wood ash. Anyone use it for compost?

Also got to get my wintersowing plans (containers, etc) done today. I want to do some wintersowing with the kids to celebrate the Winter Solstice tomorrow.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Good morning folks. I only just finished my first cup of coffee myself.
Patricia, you are quite the hearty soul! Maybe you'd think about skiing on over here and wisking away my foot of snow (2ft in drifts) ("just a dusting", after all) with your little finger. No question what's on the agenda today after I get dressed. And since it's still coming down, I know what the agenda will be later too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

herb... i hear it's great for the compost... we havent had a fire in yrs, so i have no ash... or i'd use it.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ahhhhhh pretty snow pics. If i had boot s and snow suit and ear muffs and scarf then shovelign snow not so bad. as logn as it nto a whoellot for logn period of time.

Herb... yep I take the ask after burnign leave s and sprinkle out aroudn the beds. Good for it the ash.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Ashes are great, when had a fireplace saved for my Dad and he tilled into the garden along with 10-10-10 when he was getting ready for planting and boy where his Veggie's beautiful and tasty. And mom put around her fruit tree's, those where the day's!!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

We have weather like you tcs. only about 2 inches here near Detroit. We are actually concidered zone 6, which is kind of strange ... Lake Effect they say.

Also, I was wondering if Star got my box then she posted this picture and I saw something in it I sent her ... see the 3 colorful squares of paper to the right side ... they were the origami flowers stapled to her baggie I made.

I still love the snow in Dec. sure wish we got the big ones like the east coast is getting. 2 ft is ALOT of snow!!!!

Had a brother and sil come to visit Sat. So Friday night the whole family decorated the house ... nothing had been done ... I couldn't believe we got it all done is one long evening. Went to my cousins funeral Sat. morning.

Got to go ....

Sorry about the loss, toofewanimals. Hope your Christmas is much better.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

toofew... that was the day Ella got the surprise box from Lea.. i think she forgot to mention who else she got mail from because she was so beside herself.

I went thru her posts twice to make sure i got everyone... but we all miss things every now and then.

Sorry to hear of your cousin passing... never easy, especially around the holidays.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Think you are right a speachless day and overjoyed for her she be on in just a little and let you know toofewanimals sorry to hear about your recent passing . Ella doing catch up and her computer only likes one page at the time.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

herbspirit - when I used to have ashes I took them out in the middle of winter if it snowed and spread them in the beds right on top of the snow. It gave them a chance to be watered in slowly over the winter and ready to go in spring.
I like my gas logs, but I have to admit I really miss that warm spot when the coals are hot and watching the hot coals pop and sparkle at night. We grew up with fireplaces and at times had to heat our house and cook on the hearth when the power went out. I don't miss that too much :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)'s snowing here...again....was going pretty heavy earlier...this is our week mix.....thurs......rain/wind....fri....snow....sat guess what more snow...yuck....bring on March (we can skip february too cause that's my birthday)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Finally......I have spent my entie day reading 18 pages of dmails from piggy swap and everythread. from the first one to here tomake sure i didn't miss anybody.

My eyes is arollign I tell ya. and my piggy tail well it sure not round anymore afetr sittign all day here. But I get lost evry onc ein awhiel so always double check at the end to make sur e i got evrybody and everythign hopefully. I the last piggy to pack my box and send it to me. LOL

Too few... Yep I got yoru box and had had poste d abotu it too somewhere and I just read through all them posts and can't find it either, so wonde r if maybe wheni hit send it went into cyber space, cuz I made remark abotu how the little guy surrise d me. : ) He been sittignon top the puter her e with me sicne he arrived. Sorry if it not showing... didn't notic e that it wasn't.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ha d brain runnign on one track and forgot to say. That to a fe w of ya, sorry if i didn't dmail ya back. It wasn't intentially , just gues si misse d it or forgot to post answer back but got the ast reuests that I missed.

No wonde r it takign me forevevr to catch up, have almost1,000 oinks for seed from me, now time to start on wish list .

I telling all ya piggies, especially ya newbie piggies, that I would nto be able to do this swap if it wasn't for for folks like Lebug, Perennial, Critter, and all the othe r egula r piggies that have jumpe dinto help and Tcs for keepign the thread s going .

So to all the Piggie s that have jumpe din to help the newbies and keep things runnign when i wa s down sick , I thank you so very much. Couldn not do this swap with out ya. You all the silent backbone of it. Your some special piggies. Sending Group hug to ya all!!!!!

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