Seeds of Trillium, Arisaema and other woodland plants

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I found a source for these seeds and I'm going to order there.
Maybe some of you are interested too.
This is what they offer at the moment:

Frittilaria involucrata
Trillium flexipes susquehanna
Trillium sulcatum
Trillium sulcatum hybrids
Trillium vaseyi
Trillium vaseyi x rugelii
Trillium simile
Trillium western sessile hybrids red
Trillium western sessile hybrids pink
Trillium western sessile hybrids white
Trillium western sessile hybrids white pink base
Trillium albidum
Trillium parviflorum
Trillium rugellii hybrids
Trillium erectum hybrids
Podophyllum pleianthum
Podophyllum mairei
Paris delavayi
Paris lancifolia
Paris fargesii
Paris polyphylla
Paris polyphylla var yunnanensis alba
Paris polyphylla var stenophylla Paris polyphylla var chinensis
Arisaema amurense
Arisaema ciliatum var liubaense
Arisaema taiwanense
Arisaema serratum
Arisaema tortuosum
Veratrum californicum
Paeonia mairei
Glaucidium palmatum
Disporum megalanthum
Disporum nantauense
Disporopsis arisanensis

Prices are from $ 5,00 to $ 8.00 and depending on species you'll get 10, 20 or 30 seeds.
Shipping costs are high ($ 10,00), but the more people join, the lower they get.
Shipping from here to the USA will cost $ 1,50.
I'll order the day after Christmas, so if anyone is interest, please let me know befor Christmas.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'd love to join you in ordering, but one problem. I don't have any money til my Social Security check arrives on January 20th. Good luck I hope you get someone who will go in with you. I have plans in my garden layout for a woodland area, will just have to wait for awhile.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Mary, I sent you d-mail

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