Offical Muffler Sulking Section etc part 3

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Here we go again. Sulking, knitting, crocheting and laughing.

We came from here

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have a new NWD started or it would make a great belt in you need a 5 foot belt. LOL

It has a different patter on each side.

Thumbnail by wren107
Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

And whilst we sulk, what news from Moxon re her exam? Or mayhap she is out imbibing to celebrate the end of her ordeal.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

She is vetting our new Bunny Whisperer... aka Mad Hatter... nilly. Over on OMLET, I think. They are sharing bun stories, bonding, probably spitting on their pitchforks and swearing eternal sisterhood... I expect they'll be along shortly.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It went OK, I think. I hope. I implore the fates to see me through...all I need is a B to get reimbursed.

Now I am dealing with the avalanche at work that resulted from me taking some time off for studies, not to mention the attempts to get Christmas parcels in the mail for my parents and other friends in Canada, now that we are past the final shipping deadline, and I am still not finished the things I am making. Oh yes, the madness never ends....

Wren, the purple and white is pretty. Kelly hates purple and always tries to enforce the "purple tax" at our house, but he rarely succeeds with that part. I wear purple when I'm mad at him. It's a sign.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

For the record, I never, ever, spit. And I always tell Kelly off if I catch him doing it.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

LOL We will see if it comes out I will send it to you so you can use it.

made more cookies
and i m sulking today.
Cmoxon i sure hope your exam went well today.
i hate spit too , my dh does it all the time and belive me at 6 am on a sunday ! oh the sweet sounds of humans ! .... not .

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Very pretty Wren..
Claire, I am sure you will get your B or better....
Jay LOL....
I am still cheering and waving pompoms on and eating a ton of home made pretzels... One of my co workers made me some, they are little balls and very addicting...

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I am sulking because I haven't had time to wrap prezzies yet, and GD - my chief wrapper - is now busy doing other things. We just had a new set of cabinets put into the kitchen and are having a stone wall put in our garden behind the fig trees (although it may be too late to help them this year, since it's 19º out there this morning! And as though we weren't busy enough with all that DH just got his second deer, so sooner or later that has to be cut up and packaged. Sulk sulk sulk!

Claire, how was your final exam????

Dartmouth, NS(Zone 6a)

I'm wondering about your exam too Claire?? (I'm sure you did grate)

that's my quick stop in for today, now back to baking....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I hope my last final went OK. It was 3.5 hours and my wrists hurt by the end of it so I sure typed a lot. I won't get grades until sometime in January. Sigh.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

One TYPES one's exams now? Omigosh, how times have changed! Loads of luck and I hope you hear early instead of late.

This is your law school exam or your bar exam, or are they combined?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ah yes, one must have a laptop and one types one's exams. There is special software that reboots one's computer so one cannot use any external software (i.e. look up answers on the internet, etc) and it tracks anything you try to do while you are using it. Quite a useful program and when one is finished one's exam, it uploads the file and reboots your computer again back to a "normal" usability state.

This is just law school exams. Each course has a final exam worth 100% of the grade.

The bar exam is a 3-day exam and I will be doing that at the end of July, 2011.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

You mean we have to wait until January to find out how you did?? That is just not fair, I will have pulled out my hair and lost 50 pounds worrying for you... Wait the 50 pounds I can handle, but I need my hair.

You would figure if it was done on the computer the would have the results instantly.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

They are done on the computer but they are essay exams. The professors need to grade them by reading them. It's not like multiple choice things or whatever. There are roughly 150 students and each essay is about 4-6 pages long, so it takes them a long time to grade.

If you pull out your hair, we could always make you a wig out of horse hair. Tee hee....

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

That's fascinating, the way exams have morphed since I was a student. I can see why it would take a long time to grade those essays. How many questions are there on an exam? You must feel as though you've been wrung dry after one.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Generally just one question, sometimes two. Usually there is a "fact pattern" that we read, usually about 2-3 pages worth. Then the question is a very generalized one. So, for example, this was roughly my Torts exam.

- pastry delivery place offers 30 minute delivery to office buildings
- owner lives in Arizona, business is in Iowa
- owner puts 19 year old student in manager role
- manager decides to make the policy a 20 minute delivery
- delivery guy gets told that if he doesn't make it in 20 minutes he will lose his job
- delivery guy speeds to deliver pastries in company car with bad brakes
- delivery van hits student in crosswalk at 7 am when still dark out
- City of Des Moines had turned out crosswalk street light to save money
- student breaks leg, van doors burst open when he hits her
- office "pet" of pastry delivery company jumps out of vehicle, bites somebody
- office "pet" subsequently shreds backpack of injured student,
- backpack contains $500 of marijuana that student alleges was for science experiment
- injured student on crutches for 2 weeks
- injured student goes to see teacher for make-up class work
- school janitors have waxed floors with new product
- injured student on crutches slips on new waxed floor and breaks arm

(that is the very short version leaving out a lot of details)

Question 1: If you were attorney for the injured student, who would you sue and why.
Question 2: If you were the defense attorney for each of the parties you decided to sue in question 1, what would your arguments be and why?

Basically, you sue everyone. You sue the business owner for negligence of putting a 19 year old in charge, you sue the 19 year old manager for negligence on the 20 minute delivery policy, you sue him also for the job threat, you sue the company for the bad brakes on the car, you sue the city for negligence on the street light, you sue the school for the floor injury (vicarious liability for employee actions), you sue the janitors for the wax, you sue the wax manufacturer for unsafe product, you sue the dog owner, you address how the student might not be able to recover some damages due to the drug matter and how you might be able to prove she was under the influence at the time of the accident, etc, etc, etc. Pages and pages of who to sue and why and what the arguments are. Great fun. NOT!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

OMG!! i got a migraine just reading it..there is no way i could have come to any reasonable conclusion for that case..

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

That's really interesting, Claire! Presumably you enjoy this sort of thing, or else you're a masochist; why else would you subject yourself to it? But in a way it's like an intellectual puzzle with specific parameters and restrictions, which is what has always fascinated me about law. Having chaired my local planning board for many years before politics got me demoted, I really enjoyed learning land use law and occasionally getting to guide lawyers new to the board and to land use issues and key decisions therein. DH enjoyed land use law too (he chaired the zoning board for a long time) and even thought about retiring from psychology and getting a law degree, but he finally decided against it. It would have meant gearing up at a time when gearing down looked more attractive!

Clarkson, KY

If anyone says the legal system isn't about whoM you sue and how!!! Rrrrgh.

I say anyone who didn't keep his sh*t together sufficiently to NOT be in danger of being sued does 50h community service and donates #200 of canned goods to a local food pantry. Ugh. The idiocy...

This message was edited Dec 18, 2009 1:47 PM

Clarkson, KY

I actually enjoy the mental calisthenics. Until it gets to suing. Right and wrong and reason, fine. Recompense, now?! rrrggghhh

sitting her babbling my lips with my finger . Thinking wow i can't even understand my truck manual . I will be sending pass the exam thoughts to you .
got 2 eggs today . ! yeah for my girls . :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

G_G - I am not really interested in that sort of thing, but Torts is a required course because it is State Bar subject matter, so I had no choice in taking it. I have been a registered patent agent for 8 years now, and my intent is to be a patent attorney, which has nothing to do with torts. Really, my job won't change very much because as a patent agent, I already write patent applications and prosecute them with US patent office. The change of note will be that I will have authority to write and sign contracts and technology transfer agreements with 3rd parties, which I currently cannot do. Since my company encouraged me to do the law degree, and are paying for it, I decided it was worth it, although I'd previously thought that my 3 degrees were enough. Still, it's a good skill set to have and highly marketable. I don't really have any interest outside of patent law. Maybe agricultural law or animal rights law if I had trouble finding work in patent law, but that is unlikely because patent lawyers are not as numerous as other types. Patents are definitely an intellectual puzzle and that's probably why I enjoy them so much!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

WHEW.... I just got back from our Dept christmas lunch, good steak.. So I am sitting here stuffed to the gills and then I was reading Claires post and now not only is my tummy full, my brain is spinning...

Whereas if you win or loose Miss CMOXON, I want you to know, you are a HERO in my book...
Hey horse hair would be thicker than my own hair, so Maybe that just might work, I can take bits of all 4 horses, that would be wacky

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Cindy Thank you for the goodies. The mice are cute. DM and I think the cookies are very good. Have not eaten most of it. Yet.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Aha, I didn't realize that you were a patent agent; the law degree makes a lot of sense in that context. Marketability is a GOOD thing, too, especially in today's economic climate. I don't know whether you can work part-time fairly lucratively in that field so you'd have more time for the farm and animals, but that would be very cool; with a law degree you'd theoretically command more money for fewer hours. My DH was interested in environmental law, actually, since that's where our interests lie. But then he would have ended up doing a lot of pro bono work and that doesn't pay the bills!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i leave for 2 days & you guys are so far head that I can't read fast enough to catch up... & then i find your on a new thread!

i am still sulking... for snow.. & a kitten. (not that my mother will allow another kitten but i want one!)

so here i sit, staring forlornly out my window waiting & watching for a snow flake. Pouting bc the east coast has SNOW & I DO NOT. its so not fair. CMoxon even got snow... why couldn't it drop just another 50 miles south so I could have snow. I need a fluffy little kitty just to happen to be dumped on my porch too. All these kittens are being tossed out & no one bothers to toss them here. (i say this & my luck i get the piggy of kittens & can't afford to feed it!)

good morning everyone! its a lovely dreary day here.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning I think everyone has run out of steam!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Here is a web site for all the knitters and crocheters out there if you wish to do some charity work with your yarn.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

Youre very welcone wren..i hope you enjoy them..i havent run out of steam, but its snowing here and it looks soo pretty..we have a couple inches on the ground so far..we arent going to get what DC and east are getting, but they can have it..
have a great day all!!

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

It's snowing here, too. We had dinners at friends' last night and she emailed me that they now have twelve inches of snow already; we only have about five or six. A lot more is expected tonight. Chouette, my labradoodle, was completely covered in snowballs when we came in from our newspaper trek this morning; I had to brush them out and then try to keep her on her rug away from the hardwood floors. She wanted so badly to join me in my easy chair and couldn't understand why I was being so cruel! She was sulking, but she doesn't get a NWD even so.

we got snow too
poor greykyttyn no snow for you . i will try and mail some to you .

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Please do not put me on that mailing list-don't want no snow.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

They're saying we might have a White Christmas here! Yippee! I can sit and watch it, don't have to go out in it! (Unless I want to)!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have to go to Atlanta, Ga for Christmas so I am praying no snow there. Please

no snow for wren . I will put a request in for you . :)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

wren i got the scarf!! its beautiful! and it sure arrived at a perfect time!!!! thank you soooo very much!!
by the way the snow is being sent your way!!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

moxon, are you bunny whispering too? can't I get anything over on you?

Just popping in to let ya'll know I'm still kickin and keeping up.. just got a little busy.

I love tort law.. and business law.. if only I had a brain... lol

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