Show us your Santas

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

I wasn't going to put out my Santas this year, but couldn't resist. I'm waiting until I get everything set up nicely and the boxes put away, but I wanted to share a pic of my assistant who helped decide which ones would make the cut.

Please share your Santas or personal collection from over the years. I'll post mine later.

Thumbnail by Pamgarden
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Fire Santas

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Biker Santa
There's only so much fragile stuff I can put out with 2 kids

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Pam & Jen, These guys are really cute!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL that biker santa.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have another one on a bike but no place to put it that is out of the reach of the kids.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Love your santas. The biker santa is really unique, holding his teddy bear so tenderly. I tried to take a picture last night of my santas when the lighting was right, but my camera wouldn't work. Maybe my photo card is filled up. I'm going to sit down right now and see what I need to do. Hope to post my photo this evening.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Here are about 2/3 of my santas. My photographic skills are basic, just point and shoot the camera, but I'm hoping to learn a little more about cropping and improving.

Thumbnail by Pamgarden
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful Pam,
I was looking around and it's not that I don't have santas. But I realized that I don't have a single santa that I painted myself. They were all given away as gifts. Here are a couple of my favorite santas.
Pam, I see your cat and raise you a goose. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Those are really cute, Pam and Holly. Pam, you'll have to photograph them in close ups of three sections, so we can see them all more clearly. Love the goose, Holly.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jen, we used to joke that we'd love a house with a shelf all around the top of each wall at about six feet high, for all the stuff we had to keep out of reach. I like your Fireman santas, Jen, I have a friend who should get one--are they antiques?
Nothing to write home about here. One springy toy guy, (perched on a disgruntled Nutcracker) then a gourd handpainted by my daughter (well that is special to us) and a woodsy Santa--was so pleased to find him a woodsy reindeer for a pal last year.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, I quite often think about a shelf. I have some cute things but not much of a place to showcase them. We had a fake wood entertainment center. Really cheap and second hand to boot. But I could cover the top of it with all my decorations. Last year I got that really pretty cherry amour(?sp), it was an impulse buy at Salvation Army Store. I was so happy to be getting rid of my old junk and having this beautiful piece of furniture. Then I realized that it's so tall that I can only put big things up there and most of my stuff wouldn't even be seen.
I just love those gourds, Your daughter did a great job. I still have some paper reindeer that the kids made at school. They made cutouts the shape of their hands as the antlers. Great Woodsy Santa.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This is what I have up there. All three pieces were new last year as I didn't have anything big to put up there. The sled will get a nicer arrangement when or if Ric has time to put something together. The snowman is 21 inches tall the Santa is 16 inches tall.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh, these are great santas and snowmen! I'm sure we are all digging out of the snow. We are waiting for our farmer neighbor with the big plow to dig us out. Our nearest neighbor's John Deere just wasn't big enough. Neighbor tells us that there is/was a 20' snow drift at the end of the drive which is cut through a hill. We may be in here til spring lol. The power did stay on though, and we received some boxes from my Mom and Sis and Brother in Law before the snow with yummy Christmas goodies, so we are stranded with gourmet rations! A party we were to attend Friday night was cancelled and Mass was cancelled yesterday (a first). Well, I have another trio of santas in the kitchen. They are called coalport, I believe and each one is from a different year.

Thumbnail by Pamgarden
Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Here's what the front door looked like. The wind was coming from the North and it just blew into and drifted around it, loading down the two wreaths on the door. Need to go dig it out, cause the sun don't shine there except in summer. I've had enough snow for this winter, thank you.

Thumbnail by Pamgarden
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Pam, I was impressed that the DC dioceses excused the faithful from mass this past Sunday. Bet that doesn't happen often. LOL Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Looked like every church in MD was 'closed' Sunday. LOL, my daughter asked some time Sat afternoon if I thought we'd be going. No concept of the hours of shoveling 'somebody' would have to do before the van even left the house, never mind drive .

Oops, non Santa chat- sorry. Target has Santa hat and beard combos for cats and dogs. I almost got a kitty one.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Everyone's Santas are lovely. Pam, your house is very pretty. Hopefully, my santas will get straightened out tonight and sometime I'll be able to take some photos.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Finally getting dug out today. Even with three days of brillilant sunshine, it wasn't enough to clear the 5' drift in front of the garage. Having moved from Florida we didn't own so much as a snow shovel and were lulled into complacency by last year's puny snows which could be swept away with a push broom. All that snow looks so light and fluffy, but it's like lifting lead with our garden shovel. Next opportunity we WILL be purchasing a snow shovel. Well, this is supposed to be a Santa posting, so Santa, Santa, Santa!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, Welcome to the unpredictable MidAtlantic, Pam!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Pam, I just love your double door entry. Looks lovely even with the snow drifting in. LOL


Here are two very old Santas. The smaller one on the left is on skis and about three inches tall. The other on the right is about four inches tall. Both are true antiques being about a hundred years old.

In case you are wondering about the eyes on the one you are right. I noticed it tonight for the first. Some jerk did a very poor restoation. I will correct that tomorrow before it goes back into the show case. I do know who put this misfortune into my care. I don't get mad I get even.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

my santa

Thumbnail by onewish1
Danville, IN

OK, it's the day after Christmas and I certainly don't plan to go out shopping, so I'll share my wife's and my Santa collection this morning. We've been collecting for over 20 years, especially when we travel. We try to find hand-carved wooden Santas, but sometimes we get a special one that isn't handmade.

Here's most of the collection displayed on a table for the Christmas season.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

This Santa is our oldest. It's a very old paper-mache Santa that was found in an abandoned farmhouse (to be torn down) back in the 70s when I was a college student.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

Here's our "Artist Santa". I think we found this in Southern California at an art show.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

I really like this little guy. Hand-carved and cute.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

This one is kind of chunky, but lots of character.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

Our "Driftwood Santa" found in Port Townsend, Washington.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

"Flat Stanley Santa"

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

Found this one in Frankenmuth, Michigan. Can't remember if it was carved locally, or imported from Germany.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

This is one we bought in the former West Germany, just a year after the Berlin Wall came down.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

One of our early Hoosier Santas, bought at the Parke County Covered Bridge Festival one October.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

One of my favorites. The "Jingle Bell Santa".

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

nice stuff!

Danville, IN

A Santa carved out of redwood. Bought in California, the Muir Woods National Park, of course.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

Russian nestling Santas. Didn't get in Russia, but can't remember where!

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

Got this one as a present. Quite jolly, with my wife's little ceramic elves from her childhood.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

Got this one in Scotland. It almost didn't make it through security at Heathrow Airport in London. The X-ray image looked just like a hand grenade! Caused quite a scene.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen
Danville, IN

Another early one we found at an art fair somewhere. It's a big one.

Thumbnail by HoosierGreen

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