Grerenhouse assistance

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I've been very busy the past week, getting everything organized in the greenhouse and all my non-hardy plants settled inside. I also started a lot of cuttings of plants I trimmed back. This year was easier than last since this year I had help. Thank Goodness! In this pic, she's entering information into my garden journal. Now we're all ready for the cold!

Thumbnail by Beach_Barbie
Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

Very well trained baby you have there! Come and teach my 20 Chi's!
We are neighbors by the way. I live in Hampstead, and just got a Greenhouse. Getting ready to post which way to face it.
We will have to exchange plants sometime, have a mini round up. Or maybe invite more since coming to the beach is fun for everyone who dosn't live here. We rarely get to the beach!

Happy Holidays!

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I agree, we will have to get together.
TWENTY chi's????? Sugah was supposedly a chi when we got her. She had papers from the Continental Kennel Club and everything... We've since figured out she's chi/rat terrier.
If you need any help/advise with your greenhouse, just let me know!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

OK ladies I am just up the road from you both and Barbie I still have the Burg. I got from you. It likes it better on the coast than it did in Raleigh.
Lets get together in the spring.
I gotta get organised on my Green House.And get some decent shelves


Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Glad you brugs are happy now. Everything's happier a the beach! I got my wire shelves for my GH at the Habitat for Humanity store. I'm pretty sure there's a store in New Bern. The shelves are easy to put up and easy to clean.
I'm always up for seeing other peoples greenhouses and getting new plants!

Greensboro, AL

My old greenhouse just worped so bad from the heat I got a friend to build me one. It is eight by twelve and I mean it is well built. Meteral, labor and all was only 1,368.00 he also wired it.

Thumbnail by Whitewidower
Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

WW, that is nice. The corrugated plastic lasts a long time. What are you going to grow in it?

Greensboro, AL

Well I have not started anything yet. I did put some thornless blackberry sprouts in it yesterday. Thinking about getting fancy and putting in a sink maybe hot water,computer,tv,stove and frig. Recliner too. As my boys would say Yea right papa.

Thumbnail by Whitewidower
Bark River, MI

LOL, I'd love to have a recliner out in my g'house for those sunny but frigid-outside northern michigan days - I might just have to do that! (never mind the TV, I'll just listen to Jimmy Buffett on my Ipod!)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm...I'm about a 3 hr drive from Kure Beach. (Ain't that about right, Belledonna? and Congrats on getting a greenhouse. Yay!)

If ya'll have a get-together I hope it is during my slow season. I need an excuse to leave the farm or I'll just work every day!

A belated Merry Christmas to all. Happy Holidays continue! And soon a Happy New Year will be upon us!


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Ahah! Just noticed today is Beach Barbie's birthday!

Happy Birthday, B_Barbie! Hope you have a great day and get to do something special!


Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

We're hitting the after Xmas sales as usual. Love it!
WW, don't see a problem with any of that.
Shoe, when is your slow time?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Happy Happy Barb, The GH looks great.
Weedwacker, That is what I am hoping for when my GH gets built a little patio area with a tropical garden feel. Many years ago I saw a pic in a mag that had a living area pool and GH all in one. You can always dream. LOL

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I'd LOVE to have enough land for a greenhouse that big. Actually, an orangarium would be better....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I kept thinking I could put a very small pool in the end something just big enough to dip into and get that nice tropical feel. Maybe a 6X8 kidney tucked into the corner. Cost was out of this world and would have taken up half the planting space. So I will make do with a small pond with some tropical water lilies and maybe we can work in a small waterfall. I could sit on the edge and dip in my toes. LOL
Funny how you see something in a magazine and the image sticks with you for years.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

There's just something about a water feature in a greenhouse that's attractive, isn't there? I used to want a big fish pond in the middle of mine, surrounded by plants, with lots of frogs hanging out, even a few parakeets flying around! Talk about a dreamer, that's me! :>)

Hope you caught some good sales yesterday, Barb. You had more energy than me! I was burnt out from the Christmas hubbub, no energy left.

Finally we see sunshine here today! What a treat that is!
Think I better get out in it and stretch my bones!

Enjoy the day, Folks!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh yes Horseshoe, I was thinking about a few birds. Maybe a few Button Quail to run around on the floor. LOL I always dream big but am very happy with the more modest life I have.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

My big gift is going in today - a garden window. Here's a pic.
I did get a few good deals shopping yesterday, but the crowds...BLAH!!!!!!
So, I came back home and ordered some books online:
"Palms Won't Grow Here and Other Myths: Warm-Climate Plants for Cooler Areas" byDavid A. Francko
"Bonsai: Step By Step to Growing Success (Crowood Gardening Guides)" by David Pike
"Citrus" by Lance Walheim

Thumbnail by Beach_Barbie
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Happy late Birthday Barb

Shoe when is your slow season and I will have a round up.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Nice window. Love the painting on the wall, too! And the Lu-Al!

There are some guys here with a palm nursery, selling palm trees that are hardy to our area. Most folks, including me, didn't know they'd grow this far from the coast. That book you got could be a gold mine!

Lavina, My slow season is really right now and probably up till the first of March, probably times when no one wants to do a round up (although I've often thought a Winter Roundup would be just the ticket for breaking the Blahs and Blues of Winter!). Once the greenhouse is going I seldom get away but have been known to take a day trip here and there, depending on the watering needs and set-up. I betcha a quick trip to the beach and back in one day could easily be accomplished!

What a nice sun-shiney day we've had today! Finally, no rain, no snow, just right!


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Shoe, how would the 6th of March sound.

I think I can get going by then.LOL


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Barbie, What a wonderful gift really looks great. What are you growing in it?

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Right now there's just basil, stevia, thyme and hot peppers. When the paint finishes drying, I'll put some of the orchid there.
I'm up for a get together.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

"Shoe, how would the 6th of March sound."

Thanks for the Dmail, Lavina. Early March seems do-able, maybe others will enjoy that Winter break, too, eh? Course now, in March all ya'll beach people will probably already be planting gardens!


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

OK Barbie you can tell me everything you have learned at the GH.


Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

By March I'll have seeds from the American Hort Society's seed exchange....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Are you going to have this swap at "The Beach"???????

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

We are real close to the beach, its a mile to the water and 2 miles where the Neuse opens up into the Pamlico sound.
We are so close and have water on all 4 sides of the county Neuse river one side Trent on side Pamlico one side and pamlico sound other.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I do so love the beach.

Greensboro, AL

Just installed a bath tub that came out of a mobile home in the end of my greenhouse. Does not look too bad considering who did it. Thought I might start or even grow some tomatos in it what do you all think? Look who stopped by on the way back to the north pole for a snack.

Thumbnail by Whitewidower
Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

There was a claw foot bathtub in the Free section of Craigslist a few days ago. I did consider for a minute getting it. then I remember that I DO like being married......
I have a friend in New Bern and there's a cold hardy palm tree nursery there ( So there or here would be fine.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Barbie.......... did you see my BathTub Pond?????

This is the only pic I can get to right now you can see it in the background.
That link will show you more pictures

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

Holly, thanks for the link, I loved the picures and also those a few others contributed.

I have a footed bathtub that came out of my son's Victorian house in downtown Sacramento when they remodeled. Rather than claw feet, it has brass "art deco" feet. The house was built long before 1900 so don't know if it was original or added to the house later. I painted the outside Hot Pink! The only thing that blooms in it is (BLUSH) me -- I put it in the bathroom of my house here at the ranch.

I enjoyed your story of the history of your tub. I alway wanted one, because when I was a little girl my grandmother had one and she would soap up the back and I'd slide down into the water. I wasn't very big. Can't do that anymore!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

What a nice memory you have and a nice soaking tub. LOL
My son Josh bought an old stone house built in 1876. The old bath was remodeled a very long time ago and didn't have a free standing tub but there were a couple of them out in the garage (old carriage house). The previous owners left quite a bit of stuff behind they told the neighbors to come and take what they wanted, with the intention of paying someone to haul the rest away. Josh was setting up his first house and told the realtor to just leave everything and he would get rid of what he didn't want. Before he got them stopped someone had hauled away those tubs and a good bit of cast iron radiators. He said they were really nice looking and the person that took them probably sold them for scrap metal.

North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

Oh, what a shame he lost out on those tubs!
We found out that buying one is quite expensive but the antique plumbing supply places would guve you practically nothing for them, so my son was happy to give it to me.

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