Uh-oh, I just planted grape hyacinths

Columbia, SC

Sorry to be away for so long, everyone.

Yesterday, I rushed to plant my grape hyacinths ahead of the rain. I had planned to extend an existing planting so the ground wouldn't be bare in the winter, and the blue would sort of flow down a slope. I've noticed how the perennial chrysanthemums almost disappear in winter so I assumed it would be a good way to layer plantings.

I plan to order a newish apricot-colored mum from Niche Gardens next year for that spot. Now I realize that any planting I do there will be apt to spear the little bulbs, especially because the bulbs are only 3" deep.

Any thoughts about whether I just need to relocate the grape hyacinths? I've thought about inserting golf tees to mark the grape hyacinths when they finish blooming. Even if they become covered by mulch, I should be able to feel them.

Thanks for any help ya'll can give me~

Raleigh, NC

oh Lordy! LOL

hun, grape hyacinths are the bunnies of the bulb kingdom. in two years, if they like where they are, you will have so many hyacinths you won't know what to do with them all.

And disturb that soil to plant something else? all you'll do is spread them!

so don't worry about anything but spreading the hyacinths where you DON'T want them! LOL

Odd thing, I CANT feel them! their pups are tiny and get so mixed into the soil that if a bit sticks to your trowel and you dig somewhere else, you will likely spread them!

Columbia, SC

Thanks, bonjon. I'm much encouraged by your words, even if you do sound a bit of a warning. One of my garden goals is to cover the ground with plants so I don't need to be constantly adding mulch to my beds. I love the grassy green foliage in winter from the Muscari.

Raleigh, NC

some would say yes, spreads too much. But I like them too much and always like anything that blooms pretty with other things. They bloom here about the same time as some of the later daffs.

Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

that's cute bonjon. the grape hyacinths being like bunnies that is! lol it is true though.

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