I am alive and well....

Athens, OH

Dear All-
Yes, I am alive and well (thanks to joycet for tracking me down). My husband has been on sabbatical for the past several months in CA, and as a single parent with a teenage son things got a little hectic -nothing went drastically wrong, just busy.

An update....
Gardening this summer was a bit of a mess. Rainy weekends and reduced sun was great for some plants - looks of weeds and new seedlings- and difficult for others - root rot and less blooms. The winter's ice storm resulted in the removal of several pine trees so I started a new garden of specimen trees and shrubs- a few japanes maple; magnolia 'Betty', purple-blooming witch hazel; daphne 'Carol Mackie'.

Even the deer seemed confused; pressured seemed later in the season but then was pretty intense.

I took over the city's children garden for the master gardeners. I finally learned something about planting vegetables. Typically I stick to perennials and shrubs. My favorites were Dill's Giant pumpkin, yard-long beans and birdhouse gourds.

I hope all of you are well.
The husband gets home next week, so I should be able to engage in my old activities, including keeping up with you all, soon.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

HEY! Good to Hear from you Buddy!
Glad it was just life getting in the way.


Athens, OH

Good to hear from you as well!

Any fabulous projects (with pics) underway?


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Did you see the Summer Ones?


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

YAY Rox is alive!!!

So glad you found your way...come and say hello in the coffee house!

Athens, OH

Nope, didnit seem the summer projects.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey Rox!

It's wonderful to see you! I don't often think to check for new posts so I'm glad I found yours. Don't be a stranger!


Athens, OH

Hello Michelle.
Good to hear from you. I am slowly going through the old posts catching up....
I am also updating the deer resistance list for 2009 and planning for the next season already!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Rox, good to know you're back on line a bit! We will want a full update when you have some time! Happy holidays! t.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Rox, good to hear from ya! Just saw this thread, Happy Holidays to you and your family!

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