My bloom of the day

Blackshear, GA

Mttsa. Chales Fitch 'Izmumi"

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Miltassia Charles M. Fitch 'Izumi' it is not.

Blackshear, GA

Just going by the tag that was with it when I bought it. I am not an expert!

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

That's ok. neither am I.

(Zone 1)

GAgirl: It sure is pretty whichever it is!

Fredericton, NB(Zone 5a)

It would be a Brassia of some type. The yellow is much brighter than I usually see for these, they are usually more chartreuse yellow. I like it, very nice what ever it is.


Blackshear, GA

So, brassia? Why do people put labels on things if they don't know for SURE what they are? Orchids are probably the worst because there are so many of them. Anyway, she is a beaut!! I will pull that tag and trash it. Thanks

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Big Box stores regularly sell masses of Orchids with misspelled tags. That is probably done on purpose to avoid any legal issues.
If you wish to purchase properly labeled quality Orchids, you need to buy them from a reputable Orchid grower. RARE mistakes might still happen, we all make spelling errors at times. But one can always look up the name ( easily done!) and see if it is indeed correctly labeled/spelled or if WE might have copied the name wrong. If not, the grower can be contacted easily.

This message was edited Dec 9, 2009 2:47 PM

(Zone 1)

I agree with RUK about the big box stores. I had a garden center employee at Home Depot tell me that folks walk around the garden center, pick a label from a plant to read it, and then stick it back into the incorrect pot, which probably happens a lot of the time. But, there are suppliers who don't label plants correctly either. I was at a local HD last year and looking at the Exotic Angel plants. I found five or six that were incorrectly labeled. I mentioned it to the cashier and she said "Oh, the lady from the supplier greenhouse is here right now, so she called her over and we chatted a bit, and I showed her the label that was in the Hoya I was buying. The label was for a plant in an entirely different family and genus. She went around and pulled every label off of every plant and said that every single one was incorrect! She was not very happy about it.

Another time someone told me that at the wholesale greenhouses in Florida (and probably other places as well), many of the workers are non English speaking and don't know anything about the plants they are potting, watering, labeling etc. so many labels get mixed up. I think many are in it just for the $$ and don't really care, but it's a shame because it causes a lot of confusion when someone thinks they are buying one plant and if they don't know plants well, they end up having something else entirely, that has totally different culture requirements.

Blackshear, GA

The names aren't that important to me. I just like the beauty of them. I buy most of mine at a local nursery when they are marked down because they have quit flowering. I 'rescue' them and usually within 3 - 6 months they are blooming again.

noonamah, Australia

A lot of the time people who work in these places are only sales staff and not experts. It happens in all different sorts of stores. I've sometimes mentioned that a label was incorrect and got a hostile look from the sales staff. Sometimes they appreciate it. But it's definitely a great help knowing the name so you can find out how best to grow it.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Love the droopy look of the petals.

(Zone 1)

I love the shape and growth of those blooms too! Very interesting and spidery like! I know so little about orchids I had no idea there were so many different ones out there. I had to go check out Brassia's in Plant Files, and wow these are really neat looking Orchids![genus]=Brassia

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I'm with you, I love the look of the Brassia blooms.
Hibiscus and orchids are my big two plant addictions.
With hibiscus, it's mainly tropical hibiscus (hibiscus rosa-sinensis), but with orchids I have Brassavola, Cattelya, Dendrobiums, Doritaneopsis, Miltassia, Paphiopedilum and Phaleonopsis. Lord, that's a lot of orchids....

Blackshear, GA

You sound like me...those are my favorites also. I have about 250 orchids, always have some in the house blooming. I have probably 20 hibs and my other love lately are clerodendrons. Do you have a greenhouse for your orchids?

(Zone 1)

Oh my goodness! Hundreds of Orchids? It sure sounds like heaven. I only had @ 20 I think, at last count. I would have to get rid of a bunch of other plants to be able to care for so many orchids. Hibiscus are considered landscape plants down this way. I used to have a few in containers by the pool but they just get too large, too fast so they ended up in the ground or going to someone else.

Blackshear, GA

This is one I have recently brought inside...17 spikes

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Blackshear, GA

another gorgeous one

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Blackshear, GA

and another

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Blackshear, GA

and I could just go on and on.....

this is a group of them

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Blackshear, GA

they are in the back and you can't really see them

here is a beauty..

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
(Zone 1)

GAgirl: Now that is what I call a Greenhouse ... it is huge! If I had something like that I'd probably get lost and my DH would never find me! You really have some gorgeous Orchids! I love the one in that second photo and the Catt in that last picture is really nice, love the coloration on that one! Do you have names of those?

edited to correct a typo

This message was edited Dec 10, 2009 4:43 PM

Blackshear, GA

Some do, but not all. But there again the one in the very top photo had a name but turned out to be wrong.

That GH is 12 x 36 and of course not big enough!! We are planning on moving in the next year and I hope to get one about 20 x 40 AT LEAST! I told my husband that I wanted one big enough that I could plant the tropicals in it and leave them be.

We can dream, right?

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Sounds like you want an orangarium. It's what they had in in the 1800's to grow citrus trees in the ground. Kinda like the Biltmore greenhouse. I would LOVE one!
I counted yesterday and have 21 orchids. As far as hibiscus, not counting the rooted cuttings, I have 17. That's down from last year. I lost several after last winter's cold and a few orchids went bye-bye with the extended heat of last summer.

Blackshear, GA

That may be big enough. LOL I went to Longwood gardens in April and the greenhouse/conservatory/glasshouse I think might be big enough. haha When I dream, I dream BIG!!! I will have to count mine, I know I have alot. But honestly, it doesn't seem like that many. They are so easy to care for, they kinda take care of themselves.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Very enviable space for growing, GA. Looks like you have a wide variety of plant interests.

Blackshear, GA


north coast nsw, Australia

Maybe Brassia arcuigera or a cross of it. Has longer, oranger petals than rex.

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