CLOSED: My Have List

Dexter, ME

Just added 2009 seeds
Columbine Purple
Lily Oklahoma
St.John's wort
Penstemon tenuis
clematis sugar candy
coleus rainbow
marigold -orange
Mg purple
mint lemon
malva pink
stella d oro
girosa lily
Redbeckia red
Ox eye daisy
commander in cheif lily
coneflower magnus
Highland white dream leucanthemum
hosta francis william
woodside gold columbine
clary sage
painted daisy
blue pincushion flower
blanket flower brugundy
centaurea montana purple
coneflower harvest moon
coneflower green eyes
thai basil
penny royal
pincushion black knight
petunia white
centaurea montana blue
Blackberry Lily
Drumstick Allium
Broom Corn
Calendula Officinalis
Luneria annua
Barbara Jackman Clematis-4 packages
Safflower-7 seeds
Chinese Privet
Stella d’oro Daylily
Perennial Mix
Zinnia haageana
Birdhouse Gourd
Hardy hibiscus
Zinnia Thumbelina
Annual Cut Flower Mixture
Papaver Samniferum
Columbine Mix
Nasturtium Night and Day
Grape Hyacinth
Zinnia deep pink
Morning Glory sunrise serenade morning
Zinnia Purity
Lily-white with yellow center x oriental
Edible Snake Gourd
Nasturtium Tangerine Dream-small amount)
Nasturtium empress of India
Bellisgima rose biedor
Bushel gourd
Silene Pink
Robert Kemp Canna
Marigold Crackerjack
Carnation Mix
Coreopsis lanced leafed
Amaranth love lies bleeding
Pride of Barbados
Bells of Ireland
Ornamental gourds
Columbine Purple-2 packages
Echinacea ruby star
Brugmansia Cotton candy X unknown
Yucca schidigera
Lily-Casablanca X oriental
HF Young Clematis-2 packages
Brugmansia cool blush
Cleome purple-2 packages
Cupani Sweet pea
Columbine 2009 fresh seeds
Egyptian walking onion bulbs-special
Lemon queen sunflower
Pampas grass
Pink Mist
Columbine tower blue
Morning glory star of yetta
Gaillardia fanfare
Crape myrtle white
Silver dollar-out
Aster Spider Chrysanthemum
Petunia Raspberry Mist
Cypress Vine-red
Raspberry blast Petunia
Clematis Dutchess Of Edinburgh (white)
Cosmo’s Daydream
Viola Cornuta
Morning Glory heavenly blue
Butterfly weed(peach)
Zinnia(Orange Profusion
Eucalyptus red iron bark
African Daisy mix
Sunflower Autumn Beauty
Zinnia Pumila Sprite
Zinnia Enchantress
Moss rose
Morning Glory choice
Castor bean pink
Sunflower Sunrise sunset
Amaranth’s red
Yucca-blueish green
Portilaca sundial
Loofah gourd-2
Blanket flower
Bachelor button pocka dot
Mimosa Tree
Datura black currant swirl
Darling poppy mix
Four O’clock
Yellow flag iris
Rose of Sharon pink
Zinnia Lilliput
Formosa Lily
Lily white
Lily dizzy x unknown cross
Lily canadense
Four o’clock Marvel of Peru
Sweet Autumn clematis
Morning glory old fashion charm
Campsis radicans
Sunflower teddy bear
Trumpet Vine Orange
Scarlet Runner Bean
Old Fashioned mix
Sweet pea-in the pink
Purple Milkweed
Columbine mix
Cockscomb old fashioned
Woodside gold columbine
Iris purple Siberian
Canna red orchid
Mallow-white 2009 seeds
Lupine pink 2009 seeds
Blanket flower 2009 seeds
Indian blanket -all yellow
Columbine-purple 2009 seeds
Tiger lily-Not ditch lily - ones with black spots-2009 fresh special trade
Cypress vine
Centaurea montantana blue-2009 seeds
Centaurea Montana purple -2009 seeds

Vegs and Herbs
Chives 2009 seeds
beet berry
Strawberry popcorn
Horehound 2009 seeds
Lettuce iceberg’
Field pumpkin
Jack o lantern
Onion white Lisbon
Buckwheat-2 packages
Butternut squash
Curried parsley
India mustard
Lettuce grand rapids
Turnip seven top
Hybrid corn shrunken yellow
Mini Pumpkin
Pepper yellow
Pickle cucumber
Cherokee Purple tomato
Big beef hybrid tomato
krnovich Yugoslavian tomato
Alpine strawberries
Radish white icicle
Green Ice lettuce
Lemon balm
Lemon Balm Citronella
Basil oriental breeze
Italian parsley
Lima beans
Cucumber straight eight
Squash table queen
Carrot Nantes coreless
Heirloom Anasazi Bean
Watermelon Moon and stars
Turks Turban (winter squash)
Broom corn
Squash Mix
lettuce red sails
Turnip 7 top
Lettuce Burgundy ice
Gala Apple
Lettuce Freckles
Cauliflower early snowball
Mesclun Lettuce
Spinach Bloomsdale
Jacob Cattle beans*
Bib lettuce
Spinach melody hybrid
Corn sweet silver queen
Red Onion
Green pepper
Cucumber mix
Green Bean Labrador
Pepper red-2 packages
Broccoli Waltham
Squash Spaghetti
Squash gold Nugget
Okra Clemson spineless-2 packages
Lettuce grand rapids
Small 310 pumpkins
Cantaloupe hearts of gold
Broccoli rabb

I am looking for these before I buy them come spring

Blue Fringe Daisy
White Dragon flower
Montana Skies Delphinium
Toad Lily
Pink Dragon flower
Sister Anne's Bellflower
Splish Splash Geranium
Russian Princess Lobelia
Homecoming Queen White Football Mums
Red Fox Veronica
Clara Curtis Daisy
Orange Slice Poppy
Blushing Bride Tradescantia
Named bee Balm
Heather (Calluna sp
Wild Ginger (Asarum sp.)
Coneflower Virgin
Geranium 'Dragon Heart'
Bergenia Redstart
Bergenia Rose
Aquilegia Red Star
Delphinium Magic Fountain Cherry Blossom
English Daisy Habanera Red Tips

Creeping Germander
Lavender Mint
Berggarten Sage
Mints-hazelnut, lavender, ginger
wild yam
true French sorrel
bloody dock
black cohush
yellow bedstraw
witch hazel
Blue Cohosh
golden seal
Chinese lantern
certified pyrethrum
blue vervain
Yellow dock - Rumex crispus
lime flower
wood betony
Agrimony - Agrimonia eupatoria
Angelica - Angelica sinensis
Astragalus - Astragalus membranaceous
Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga racemosa
Blessed Thistle - Cnicus benedictus
Chickweed - Stellaria media
Zea Mays
sweet cicely
clover dragons blood
American ephedra
good king Henry
lady’s mantle
wild yam
true French sorrel
bloody dock
black cohush
yellow bedstraw
bronze bugle

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

what kind of Zea Mays were you looking for? and I have angelica archangelica

Hi: Incase you don't know, any plant that is a hybrid will not come true from open pollinated homegrown seeds. Examples: blanket flower, Geranium, Columbine, tomato and other veggies, Gaillardia Fan fare, penstemon, morning glory, daylily, Clematis, Brugmansia, to mention just a few.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok bloma I have a stupid question...because I usually grow most stuff inside...what does open pollinated mean?

It means when you grow it outside where the bees and stuff pollenate it , it changes the colors sizes and shapes of stuff. If you grow inside and pollinate it yourself it will be true.

Dexter, ME

Trina I am looking for that kind

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

the angelica? Cause the Zea Mays has a ton of different ones and I do have a few of them.

Ok bloma thanks for explaining that for me

Dexter, ME

I typed in the angelica.and it seems to be one I am looking for -I am looking anything with herbal qualities.
I could be wrong,not sure.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I will keep that in mind then when I go though my seed box this afternoon

trinawitch No question is stupid. Open pollinated means that flowers were pollinated naturally by nature (bees, etc.) Hybrids have been hand pollinated by selection of 2 plants to get something different and better in a variety. Modern Irises that are registered by name are mostly hybrids. They carry the genes of their parents. Therefore, when open pollinated seeds are sown, the resulting plant revert and will not be the same as the one from the seeds you collected. However, sometimes you get a nice surprise.

Plants that are not hybrid will come true from seeds. They do not carry any other genes to revert back to.

A good example of my point is in regards to Gaillardias (Blanket Flower) Unless you buy commercial seeds of one with burgundy blooms you will not get it. Likewise yellow. Also, G. Fanfare is a freak of nature which possibly came as a result of open pollinated seeds. It will not come true from seeds. Only division will keep open pollinated plants true.

Years ago I used to grow many Gaillardias from seeds. They were commercial seeds in different colors. They would selfsow and I found that the third generation would produce some interesting types. Guess what came up in a crack in my driveway. A copy cat Fan Fare, a dead ringer for what is sold under that name. Tried to save it but couldn't get the roots out. I have also gotten many plants with tubular leaves in different colors. I no longer grow Gaillardias due to its weedy nature. In its defense, I will say that it is an interesting variety to self sow just to see what you get.

I did get a photo of the plant in the driveway. Here it is.

Thumbnail by
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Blooma, I had the same experience with Gailardia> this past year I also had a bloom similar to the fanfare. I love this plant because it is so drought tolerant and it just keeps on reproducing more and more plants & blooms all summer long until frost. I picked some of the burgandyseed this year at a wildflower farm and will see what I get this next year. I cant imagine having my flower gardens without it

sisdj You proved my point. I do like them also for the reasons you stated but I don't have room so have to set priorities. My daughter grows enough of them for both of us. She has the room to allow them to self sow. It is interesting to see what comes up. I have seen pure yellow with yellow center and yellow with orange center.

Thumbnail by
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh how exciting to see,, Right now I have a few that have turned a pale orange, maybe with the weird weather we have had, But this last week we got our first good frost and they are about gone,, Maybe I will have a nice yellow show up someday like yours,, So

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have daylilies that I collected from a historic national battlefield but the blooms were already gone so I don't know what color they are. Would you be interested in those? They were in the landscaping so I think it's safe to assume they are not ditch lilies. :)

This message was edited Dec 10, 2009 1:35 PM

Dexter, ME

Hi there thank you for your offer but I am looking for named if possible.thank you anyways

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok I get it now...I love all flowers (except trumpet vine) so that doesn't really bother me.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Sure thing. Maybe another time. Happy gardening.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I heard daylilies and I got all twitterpated...LOL Flowers are you in the address exchange?

Dexter, ME

trina I am not - I didnt think we worked out a trade yet ,if we did please pm me and will give you my infomation!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I have Black Cohosh and would like to trade for any of your columbines. I'll d-mail you with my information.

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