?? Use of (used) kitty litter in the composter

Raleigh, NC

we have a Christmas kitten. Gave a little calico to my DH.

seems a darn shame not to compost all this kitty litter he's been throwing out. He's using the kind that clumps.

have been told for years not to use doggie poo in compost.

presume the same is true for kitty. But thought I'd check first...

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)




Take all rules of thumb with a grain of salt. Or something.

This message was edited Dec 7, 2009 2:36 PM

Raleigh, NC

Lord have mercy, I don't know now if I'd want to use it indoors either! Darius says it's not good for kittens! I know Darius - she's smart.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

My two Burmese are prone to intestinal and respiratory trouble caused by clay litter, so I use a brand made from corn. Surprisingly enough, it actually controls odors better than the other kind. It does result in more dust being tracked around on their paws, though.

Starting next spring, I plan to spot compost the used litter and cat poop around my shrubs and ornamental grasses. I will take care to avoid the beds where I grow edibles. Seems like a win-win kind of plan.

I think it's almost like this stuff ... http://www.planetnatural.com/site/corn-gluten-meal.html ... but with fancier packaging. If I'm mistaken, I hope someone will set me straight.

Raleigh, NC

I don't grow many edibles - got tired of feeding the deer....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Someone recently mentioned the Pine litter and was pleased with that. When wet it breaks down into a damp sawdust.

Burmese are so pretty and velvety. Got pix?

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