What's in your garden? Part 11, December 2009

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

the last message for this thread was posted a long, long time ago in http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1054359/#new

I'm taking the liberty of moving us over to December before it's over. :-)

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

let's see what else I have here. How about a basket of oranges? Right now I have red lemons, yellow lemons, green limes, cumquat and lots of other citrus fruits around the garden. My pool is finally done and I can get back to normal again. Besides, the weather is accomodating being outside.

Thumbnail by fredrump
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Here's mine today. First snow.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

The new pollyk and andrew wheeler beardless iris garden!

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

The "park".

Thumbnail by boojum
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

yikes! You orchids are all snuggled away in their beds?

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

They are in various rooms inside that there barn.

Thumbnail by boojum
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

some winter jungle shots from my garden

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

along the driveway in the December sun that just appeared again

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

just wilderness the way I want it

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

a dreamy scene for a Northerner in December

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Poinsettias are aware of the shorter days

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Vanilla orchids are confused and in bloom way up there

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

we even have a vanilla bean shoot that was naturally pollinated - somehow.

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

we also have wirldlife enjoying the sun in the vanda roots clinging to my palms. This morning he wants to be brown.

Thumbnail by fredrump
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

So cute! Do you have bananaquits? I have done lots of birding in FL. Especially loved the painted buntings at Corkscrew. I have a photo of them in my office.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

What a contrast. Fred, you've got the tidiest jungle. Kathy, you always have your garden so ready for winter. I've got a big tangle out there.

View from the deck to the neighboring mountains. Rain is on the way.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

From the deck to the pond...

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

The window boxes this morning.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We brought in some jalepeno and poblano peppers before the deep freeze night before last. Thought I was done canning for the year.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

And tomatillos actually seemed undaunted by the cold weather. Roasted salsa verde gonna get canned.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Can you guess what this is? It's a little tomatillo in it's husk. The husk disintegrated and left this netted shell. Looks like an ornament.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Corkscrew is only a little bit from us. I go there once or twice a year but our birds are not of the type that are seen there. We have raptors cruising above looking for small mammals and small birds which seem to live elsewhere. I guess we don't have the hiding plaqces these birds require. Too much lawn. :-)

PS what are bananquits? Birds?

noonamah, Australia

Really like the photos Fred, my jungle is very much a "jungle" jungle rather than tidy. But I avoid putting in any man-eating plants or Trifids. Don't want to disappear one day walking down the garden path. ;O)

Your Vanilla has a more rounded leaf than mine. Do you know which species it is?

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

I have no idea as to the vanilla. Some kind person gave me a cutting a few years ago and I managed to root it and there it is way up in the tree where I planted it. It seems to like the shade and moisture at its base.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)


(Zone 1)

Wow! I love the Snow pictures ... so serene and pretty. I don't know if I would want to live where it is cold for months at a time but the scenery sure is beautiful!

Fred: Your garden looks like a Paradise ... really beautiful!

Boo: I had to look up the Bananaquit in my Florida bird book. It says because it's an abundant inhabitant of the Bahama Islands only 50 miles from southeast Fla, it's strange that so few Bananaquit's ever reach Florida ... and the few that do, remain only a few days before disappearing It states that they appear in extreme southeastern Florida primarily between November and March.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I've seen them there.

(Zone 1)

boojum: Have you seen them on the west coast? I'd love to spot these pretty birds sometime. Next time I'm down in Fort Lauderdale visiting my sister I will have to keep an eye out!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I thought I saw them in Ft. Lauderdale.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Mom and baby came to visit Maypop last weekend. I looked up from doing dishes and there they were!

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

No animal spotting here but lots of tracks: coyotes and rabbits.

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