wanted: passion flower seeds

Mount Vernon, OH

I am looking for some different passion flower seeds.
I have blue crown passion flower, purple passion, banana passion flower, sweet passion flower. Look in my have list to see if I have anything in seeds you would want or for postage. Thank you!

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I have seeds from a trade of:
Passiflora actinia (11 seeds)
Passiflora edulis (9 seeds)
I can't grow them here, so I will trade them.
If you're interested, I would like the seeds of the Tacca integrifolia in return.

Kind regards,

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hey Jonna, I grow mine as houseplants if that helps you any, If I want them to fruit I just move them outside in summer and let the bees take care of pollinating them for me....and Trish If they fruit I can save you seeds...I have 11 different ones, I know 2 do not fruit but I can send you cuttings of them in spring

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Katrina, thank you for your suggestion, but I have no room in the house for them in winter. And, I can hardly grow climbers. I have a big garden, but hardly place to grow climbers. That's the only real disadvantage of my garden.
Our house, the barnes and stables are 10 meter broad and 25 meter long, but along them it's all concrete or pavement.
I have a few things in my garden where I can grow climbers, but I have to make a selection each year. Mostly I grow annuals.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I can understand that then....okay

Mount Vernon, OH

Jonna, sure I will trade. I have only 5 seeds is that fine? Are you in the address exchange?

Mount Vernon, OH

Katrina, if you get seeds off of them, I will trade. Maybe I then will have something to trade you for.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hey trish remember Jonna in the future too, cause she's really good at finding the strange and rare seeds and she's very reasonable!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

well I'm hoping to anyway...I got 3 seeds each of like 11 different varieties so I'm hoping too...I had more because I bought them, but I traded them off. The one Jonna wants what color is it?

Mount Vernon, OH

Thanks Katrina!

Mount Vernon, OH

It is the white bat flower.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I still owe you a trade to I believe don't I? I'm trying to get them all done and I THOUGHT I wrote them all down, but with the way the last 2 weeks have been I could have traded the moon and wouldn't remember it!
Have you started passies from seeds before?

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I just bought some on ebay...white, black, brown, green, and maroon not many seeds but if they take off my kids will like them they like anything weird looking!

Mount Vernon, OH

yes, you do. lol. Seeds, I believe. I have kids of my own seems like you been pretty busy with them . lol. Nop enot passies but i have done alot of others that you have to soak. By the way, my one passie that someone gave me that was so sick is getting new growth on it. Must be doing something right.

Mount Vernon, OH

I have white, black, green and maroon too. Haven't seen the brown. Will have to go back and look. Seems pretty basic growing. I have to say I am growing them for myself, not my kids. hehe.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oh I like them to but see if I throw something in occassionally that they find neat or cool then they don't argue so much when I need them to help me.

the kids settled now my parents and my sister have decided they need to make more serious ER visits, and why does it always happen around the holidays?
But he good news is my step-brother flew in from Florida wednesday evening to start helping and he'll be here all this week, so I can start getting all caught back up with things.

How are you going to start your passies? I have mine in wet paper towels in ziplocks on a heating pad, yes before anyone freaks out there is a towel between them and the heating pad so I don't "cook" them...but I was thinking heating pad $12 seed heat mat $85 heating pad seemed more reasonable..LOL

Mount Vernon, OH

I am going to lightly rub the seeds with sandpaper and soak in warm water for one day. Everything happens it seems during the holidays. lol. When my kids were younger they always seem to get in the hospital during this time. lol.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

in this case it's like the whole family decided to live in the ER, well except Mom hers was a pre-planned surgery, everything else was a surprise

Mount Vernon, OH

I had one year where it seemed like I pitched a tent at the ER. Knew everyone by name, now that was bad. lol

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yeah that is bad! Hey have you checked out the passiflora society? they have a seed bank you can get up to 5 packs of seeds a year I think and it only costs $1 per pack plus $5 for shipping.
I just sent them my request today, can't wait to see what I'll get...LOL

Mount Vernon, OH

no i haven't will check it out. I never heard of them. Cool. Just bought some brown bat flower seeds. lol.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL yeah I shouldn't have gone on ebay and looked at that stuff. LOL

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Tish, 5 seeds will be fine.
I'm in the address exchange, just like you.
I'll send you the seeds tomorrow.

Mount Vernon, OH

me neither (shouldn't of went to ebay). I love seeds ....unfortunately. I will end up with many, many seeds and plants before it is over. lol.

Mount Vernon, OH

Jonna, sending yours tomorrow. Thanks!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yeah I'm trying to go through my seeds and keep what I need and pass the rest on

Mount Vernon, OH

Trina, that is what i am doing. If get too many plants from seeds figured I can always find someone to trade with.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oh trust me I'm gonna have to do something trade, sell, give away, something...LOL

Mount Vernon, OH

Jonna- mailed the envelope to you today.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Thanks Tish, yours went out too. Usually it takes 5-8 days from Belgium to the USA.

Mount Vernon, OH

okay, let me know you got it fine, please

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