Can the experts please tell me their scientific names?

Pasig City, Philippines

I have two purple flowering plants: one is a clinging vine and the other is a bush. Can you please tell me their scientific names?

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Here's the picture of the purple clinging vine.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Sorry, I can't help with the bush and the vine is too far away for me to see (like I could ID it!) LOL!
The bush is very pretty and I will be waiting to see the ID too. Your garden is gorgeous!


Pasig City, Philippines

Hi Jenn!
Sorry, I uploaded the wrong picture. Here's a closer shot of the clinging vine...

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
noonamah, Australia

The first image looks a lot like a Melastoma, but if so I don't know which species it might be. It's not the one I'm used to - M. polyanthum). Some people confuse Melastoma and Tibouchina species, maybe this one is a Tibouchina.

The second I can't tell at all.

Pasig City, Philippines

Hello tropicbreeze!

I googled for tibouchina pictures and , yes, they look like my purple bushes in my garden!
Thanks! :)

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Hello Tropicbreeze!

I noticed that you're from Australia. I have planted mini bamboos that my supplier said originated from Australia. They have grown well in my garden and I want to propagate them. Can I simply cut them in halves?

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Tropicbreeze, here's a close-up of those mini bamboos that grow into dome shape as you can see in the pictures.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai

I think that is an affirmative on the Tibouchina.
Your vine - it's not a Bougainvillea is it? Does it have thorns?

Pasig City, Philippines

Hello again, Dutchlady1!
Yes, they are bougainvilleas and they are in full bloom now which is giving me a big high whenever I look at them ! :)
Here's a close-up.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Hi Jenn again!
Here's a real close up of the purple flower clinging vine that I took this morning....
can you ID its scientific name now?

Thumbnail by balaitalisai

I think you have Ipomoea violacea - Morning Glory. Be careful, it can be invasive.

noonamah, Australia

There's only 3 species of bamboo native to Australia, Neololeba atra, Mullerchloa moreheadiana and Bambusa arnhemica. I'm only familiar with Bambusa arnhemica and yours definitely doesn't look like that. Can't say about the others.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


What a beautiful setting you live in - wow! I think Hetty has nailed it with the morning glory and I wish I had such pretty Tibouchina as yours - I have what I thought were Tibouchina but mine are much smaller flowered and nowhere as lush, possibly I have something else.

Love the house? with the palm ? roof and the sweet looking pup too.

noonamah, Australia

Braveheartsmom, it still could be a Tibouchina, there are a lot of different species. At the same time, it might be one of the Melastomas. I only heard about Tibouchina when people came here and misidentified the Melastomas. They're in the same family and do bear a resemblance.

Pasig City, Philippines

Hello Braveheartsmom, Tropicbreeze and Dutchlady1!

How I wish I could have you as neighbors so I could learn a lot from your fantastic knowledge of plants...and maybe swap plants too!

Jenn, the nipa hut is actually a small resting place ( roofing is made of cogon grass) where I could catch my breath and drink fresh coconut juice ( they are coconut trees, not palm) after climbing the 97-step rustic stairway that starts behind that "sinegwelas" tree ( sorry, I don't know the scientific name of that edible fruit-bearing tree) at the back of the nipa hut :)

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Jenn, in case you are wondering where that 97-step winding stairway leads to, it ends at the doorstep of a second medium-sized nipa hut down the slope,  where I do my oil painting or where my sons bring their friends when they make a lot of noise with their hip-hop music!

Thumbnail by balaitalisai

You truly live in a paradise.

(Zone 1)

What a beautiful garden you have!

I am in agreement with the first plant being Tibouchina. It looks a lot like one I have: but there are many that look alike. I found 15 listed in the Plant Files database:

I love the looks of that Bamboo but I don't know which one it is. I hope someone will be able to identify it for you, I am really curious as to it's name also! Your Bougainvillea's are beautiful. I have a couple of them in containers and I love the colorful bracts but I sure don't like those thorns!

Lovely Ipomea ("Morning Glory"). The purple color is really lovely!

I have an Ipomoea that shows up in my yard each spring, it's a thin vine with small leaves and small pale pink blooms, very invasive and it seems to be getting worse each year.

Thank you for sharing photo's of your lovely garden!

Pasig City, Philippines

Hi plantladylin!

Thank you for showing me the plantfiles of daves garden...The problem is I really can't use them yet coz they recognize only scientific names! Gosh, I don't even know the difference between family and genus and then it even asks for cultivars, for heaven's sake! :(

I wanted to see if what I call "santan" flowers are somehow related to pentas , if not the same, coz the flowers somewhat look alike although the leaves of santan are bigger.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


Thanks for the info on the Tibouchina, Tropic - I must have some other type as mine is no where as pretty...

balaitalisai, your nipa huts are lovely - I would stop and have a rest there too if I had such a lovely spot to sit and sip coconut. The plant you call Santan looks like an Ixora to me from that distance.

Plantladylin, I hope your small pink vine that looks like a morning glory isn't what I call bindweed , which is certainly not the correct name! It's a horrible pest to get rid of and I think you have to just about resort to mega poison to kill it.

Nice to chat with you all - it's funny to think that when I get on the computer in the evening most of you are already in bed!

noonamah, Australia

Braveheartsmom, when you're settling down in the evening here it's mid afternoon the next day. We're nearly one lap ahead of you. Like, you're sitting at your computer now, YESTERDAY EVENING. ;O)

The Philippines are just one and a half hours behind us.

I agree with Braveheartsmom that the 'Santan' is probably Ixora. They are a shrub and will get much bigger than the Pentas.

(Zone 1)

balaitalisai: I agree also ... your "Santan" is Ixora. Scroll down this page for different views:

Braveheartsmom: Thank you! I think Bindweed might be exactly what I have invading my garden. I googled for Bindweed and some of the photo's I found sure look like my invasive. Someone said it was an invasive wild Morning Glory, and it does have the cute little MG flowers it's just impossible to get rid of. I dig it up with roots and it seems to multiply more and more overnight. It has taken over some miniature Azaleas, climbs throughout the Knock Out Roses, climbs up a Schefflera tree, twines around the mailbox! The blooms are pretty but this invasive vine produces thousands and thousands of seeds and I can never seem to get them all. I have no idea where it came from originally and I love gifts from birds, some of the "surprise" plants from seeds they drop, but I wish they would drop these seeds somewhere else! I really think at some point I might be weeding or pruning a flower bed and this vine will attach its little tendrils to me, covering me completely and making me a permanent part of the garden, LOL. Grrr ... I don't like using chemicals so if I should all of a sudden go missing, it might be because I'm completely hidden by this vine! ^_^

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL Tropic - now I know why I feel like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland -- I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for an important date!

LOL Plantladylin, I would hate to see you "go missing" because of your vine! Perhaps someone else has managed to get rid of it without chemicals and will tell you how - it's a true beast when it gets a foothold in the garden.

This message was edited Dec 4, 2009 4:14 PM

Atenas, Costa Rica

Beautiful place! What altitude are you at?

Pasig City, Philippines

Hello Ladies! ( Dutchlady1, Braveheartsmom, Bignonia, Plantladylin, and Tropicbreeze)

My learnings from you all :
1. Santan is not pentas
2. Watch out that morning glory vine ...ehem...I mean ipomea vine ( did I get that right?)... I sure don't want to go missing too!

Bignonia, I don't know how to answer your question on altitide but if you have heard of Taal Volcano in the middle of Taal lake in Tagaytay City, Philippines, well ...the crater looks like this from the ground level of my property. I am still constructing a viewing deck to capture the panoramic scene of this tourist Philippine attraction.
Sorry, but that's the best answer i can give on altitude. I am still doing my homework onplant family, genus, cultivars....! :)

Thumbnail by balaitalisai

That's a million dollar view! How stunning. You are lucky.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Plantladylin, get rid of that bindweed by whatever means possible! I have seen it literally smother trees, and whatever piece of root is left will happily grow through 6" of good mulch.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

When we first got our property, the orchard looked like a parade of gnomes: all of the little new trees were covered top to bottom with ipomea/ everything looked like vegetative R2D2s. What a pest. We still fight it!!!!

I have put in common names to plant file search, and found what I wanted. It's the top line.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Love your garden! More pictures please!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I agree and I love the idea of massing the tibochinas.

We have a perennial morning glory here with those deep blue flowers. It too is very invasive and some horticulturists are calling it the next kudzu.

Pasig City, Philippines

Dear Dutchlady 1,

You did warn me about those " invasive" morning glory vines. I have the white, light blue and bright blue flowering varieties planted along my fence and they are getting on each other's throat, so to speak. Please see pictures .
What's the ideal way of managing them? Can I simply cut and trim? I want each variety to only remain on its respective part of the fence.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Dear Dutchlady1 Part 2

Here's the deep blue variety, the most aggressive of them all..You can see that it has gone to the turf of the light blue variety.
Would appreciate learning about your controlling techniques.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Dear Dutchlay1 Part3

And here's the white-flowering variety.
Thanks for any advice you can give.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Hello Plantladylin and Dutchlady1!

I just want to share with you that my red santan...ehem, ... lxora, thanks for the correct ID :) , are in full bloom in time for the holidays.
Happy holidays to you!

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

Hi rjuddharrison!
What I will share with you is the attraction in the location of my property. I finally captured this shot from the highest point on ground level of my garden, pending the construction of a viewing deck.
It's the old crater of taal volcano in tagaytay city, phils.
Thanks for your encouraging remarks about my garden.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai

Beautiful view of the crater. How lucky to have such a gorgeous view.

The vines (morning glory, and I think the first one looks to be a Sky Vine) should simply be cut back aggressively from time to time - nothing else will keep them in check I think. I do like the white - blue - blue combination a lot!

For yet another blue or white flowering vine you could try Pea Vines!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Keeping the MG in their respective 'places' is a huge job of trimming...I would have to use nuclear weapons here!!!! And a good strong pruning, as DL said, will encourage flowering and keep them from covering the entire island! Lovely garden!

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