List of Ghio Iris

Central, SC

I've complied a list of Ghio iris. If anyone would like a copy, please email me at, and I'll send you a copy. Please call your email "IRIS LIST" so I'll know to open it and that it's not junk email. Happy Gardening! Bertha

Raleigh, NC

LOL have you had many takers, Bertha?

Those of us that are ragingly avid iris fans are members of AIS and have subscriptions to AIS checklists!

anyone else that's interested, here's their website

Raleigh, NC

I am curious to see how many of his you've listed. According to the Checklist, during his long life, he has registered 764 to date.

South Hamilton, MA

I'm afraid that some of his are not hardy this north. than there is his Romantic Evening which is very hardy & vigorous & produces others which are the same. His plants have great color.

Central, SC

bonjon, I'm just getting started in the iris world. I'll check the site for AIS membership. Thanks for the link. I haven't joined anything yet except DG. I have had several people ask for the lists, and I'm willing to share what I have found. I have a list of 382 so far for Ghio. I'm making these lists for myself to have handy on my computer. As I find more, I'll add them. If anyone out there wants what I have so far, they are welcome to it! Now I'm working on a Schreiner list and so far I have 865 of those. If anyone wants what I have so far, email me at and title it "iris list" so I know it's not junk mail and I'll send it to you.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Bertha, you will like the AIS checklist then. You can sort by iris names, description and hybridizers. Which reminds me I have to pay my dues for it again. It's 10.00 per year for the checklist.

Anyone that likes Schreiners should love this website. The person doing the website is Carlos, and he is one of our forum members, although we don't see enough of him.

Lebanon, OR

Bertha out of 764 iris intro'd by him, he has TB, BB, CA, LA and several that are not his but intro'd by him for others.

If you need a list of what those above mean they are TB tall bearded, BB border Bearded, CA is also PCN or PCI which is Pacific Coast Natives, LA is Louisana

Hope this helps


Raleigh, NC

oh I forgot, they also list any that he's introed for others by him. He's intro'd some for Marriot, didn't he? or was that the other way around. I forget! Could probably email Bill, but .....

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

So Bertha, do I take it you love irises, LOL.

Lebanon, OR

Sounds like she does:) so we can add another addict to the ever growing list:) LOL


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Right Dee! And we can never have too many addicts on the iris forum :)

Central, SC

Thank you all. You're very sweet! I'm learning. I am absolutely hooked! I've always collected day lilies. I've had so much trouble with deer eating them and have tried everything in the world with no success. I'm in the middle of working with the City Council to see what can be done about the overpopulation of deer here. I live in the city limits!!! I'm getting to a point here. I read that deer don't like iris. So.......I started buying iris and oh, my! I'll never be the same. :o) I'm hooked. I had top soil brought in for two areas in the back yard, bought iris, carefully planted and labeled them and then found out I'd been scammed on 60 of them. ( I'm still working with ebay on that. I'm not even close to quitting in regard to that.) I have a little over an acre so I have room for lots of iris. I thought my day lilies were fabulous and they are, but some of these iris are the most incredible things I have ever seen. Thank you all again!

South Hamilton, MA

Go to the AIS website & look for their link to suppliers. That way you will avoid scams.

Lebanon, OR

Good point Lucy.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

BerthaEmma the AIS site is invaluable so do check it out. ALso be sure to check out Carlos site as shown above as it is a fantastic Schrieners source. Carlos worked really hard on it. Now have fun with my Iris Friends.

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

The AIS checklist is invaluable, I am the librarian/historian for our club. I saw the article that they were starting it in the bulletin. Think I was one of the first to join. It is well worth the $10.00 a year price. I do wish they would make it so when you get to page 10 it will make it so you can click on it to go another 10 instead of having to do one page at a time. Time consuming if you want to get to something in the latter part of the alphabet. Think you know what I mean, maybe someone can explain it better.

Central, SC

I've joined AIS and am sending in the $10.00 so I'm looking forward to exploring and learning. :o) Still working on the Ebay situation.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

You will not regret it. The quarterly bulletins alone are worth the price.

Raleigh, NC

oh yes, they are. I was given a free one by the Plotners at an iris show, and I read every word - every single word - by the time I got home.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Do join AIS, but also check out iris developed by Barry Blyth, Keith Keppel, Paul Black, and Denise Stewart, i.e. Irisloverdee ( Snowpeak Iris, if I may be so bold). There is so much to learn and enjoy in the iris community.
And do meet up with some of the people in your local AIS chapters. That way you can swap or even buy iris from your local rhizome sale -- trust me, you better bring a trusted counselor to the local rhizome sale or you will go broke! But the prices are incredible and the quality is generally excellent because everything for sale at your local rhizome sale was grown in your local environment. Irises are very forgiving but some definitely prefer certain conditions.
I am just starting to collect daylilies to fill in the bloom period after the iris are finished and I do like them, but you could never, ever, in a million years convince me to spend $200 on a daylily rhizome. It seems a bit crazy to me. Just wait a few years and they are far more reasonable.
But just feast your eyes on the following websites for iris and understand that a large number of outstanding growers, such as Ghio, do not have websites. You have to order a paper catalog from them.
Check out:
And many more. You have jumped into a truly wonderous world!

Check out the following websites for iris( just a few of many)::

Lebanon, OR

Thank you one and all for naming me as one of the many super iris growers.

This year I only be introducing three iris, 2 of mine one is an SDB named Caramel Topping the other a SA named Reach for the Sky, and an SDB that I am privileged to grow and this one I even got to name and register for Augusto Bianco named Garnet Sachet.

Joe Ghio and Keith Keppel will never have webpage but truthfully they do not need them because all you have to know are they names to know you will receive breathtaking iris. I know Keith is introducting one that I wanted to yak out of the grown and run...big bold beautiful I think the number is 1-147A A lush lemon yellow with vibrant reddish falls similar to Pirates Ahoy but bigger, more ruffles and everyone that was in his garden picked it as the number one winner, image they mine pick it for the cover.


Caramel Topping

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

Here is KK one that will be hitting the market in 2010 unless something happens to it


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

some of KK seedlings and these do not know if he saved them or tossed them

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

another one

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

Another one of KK

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

An Arilbred

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

Augusto Bianco Garnet Sachet and the reason this name is that if it is picked the fragrance lingers in the car for 3-4 days!

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Gee, Dee (hey that rhymes), I suppose since you are number one on Garden Watchdog for plants/ irises/ modern, above Schreiners, mid America etc., maybe you should be listed as one of the super growers, you think, LOL.

I love that Bianco one! Although they are all gorgeous.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh, dee, thanks for the heads up on all those lovely new iris. I fear for my pocketbook and my back. I will be having surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome -- probably from too much digging with a hand trowel over the years -- but am told that if I have it now I will be able to dig in the spring. That is the plan, anyhow. Also will need neck surgery -- anything to keep on gardening.

I have always loved Keppel's intros -- and Barry Blyth's. The reason I didn't put them in my list is that Keppel doesn't have a website and Blyth's website doesn't make it obvious how to order from him.

As you get more into iris you will want to get catalogs for Blyth, Keppel and Superstition Iris, to name just a few more.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Dee those are beautiful. I esp. like the 1st KK seedling.

Lebanon, OR

The first one I know he is intro this year, just can not remember the name but will bug him in Jan and see if it is the cover iris as I hope for.


I wanted to order direct from Barry but the dollars did not allow it with all the other changes that will be happening this year.


South Hamilton, MA

Could you get in a group order? That's what ISM people do. See our website (ISM)?

Central, SC

Thanks pajaritomt!
I'm getting there :o) I found my Regional AIS club - "Foothills", and the president lives about 20 minutes from me. We're emailing. I've sent in my $10 fee and am making a wish list of iris that I want. It's a really, really long list!!
As for the Ebay thing, I'm still working on it. I've filed a complaint with the IC3 section of the FBI because the USPS was used.

Lebanon, OR

With Garnet Sachet I cut one and a friend of mine had it his truck for several days and it was still fragrant!

Hopefully I will also intro one of Leroy Meininger either this year or next more likely next as he is really slow in getting paperwork to Mike Lowe, the AIS Registrar. So I will know someday. I truly like it big and a great one to hybridize with.

The following year I will have several as I have a totally black median Space Age iris named Black Bull that I plan on intro and if Splashed Silk likes her new space then that finally as well.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I remember your photos of Splashed Silk from a while back. I would definitely want that one if you were to intro it.

Lebanon, OR

2011 praying for that as the target date


Raleigh, NC

oh Dee, bless you, now I'm all excited to get Keith's catalogue, and for you to open your shop for the year! I'd better save some of my Christmas $$!!!

I'm like you, pajar - neck is a mess. major arthritis, from an undiagnosed whiplash injury, which could have been treated! Y'all, remind all your friends and relatives to get xrayed after any major accidents. I walked away from a doozie, and was "ok" didn't start hurting until the next day but was 21 and did nothing.

Believe it or not, I was planting yesterday. night not below 49, up in the 60's daytime, hot sun, shirtsleeve weather, but gusty winds. Our ground seldom freezes hard. The planting rows I'm making were just as workable as they were when I made them a month ago, (except that the local cats had discovered them) and all I was doing was removing from pot and sticking in the ground - less than 10 mins. out of the soil. (I did disturb the roots, though, I hadn't planned on it,but the pots had alot of small weeds.) These had been in pots too long and where dimenishing. Except for one - that one's increase rhizome grew next to the pot side and simply kept growing, splitting the pot! these have had the pot markers fade over the 2 years they were in the pot -how much ya wanna bet that was Lady Friend? or Mulled Wine! LOL

Central, SC

Does anyone know anything about C & T Iris Patch? Thanks!

Lebanon, OR

C&T Iris is honest


Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Thanks for the pictures Dee. :)

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