Have: rhodochiton atrosanguineus

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Please have a look here to see what I would like to receive in return. www.seedsite.eu

(Zone 7a)

Hi Jonna, I am interested in trading with you, but confused as to which of your lists is what you have and which is what you wish for. Any help in understanding would be most appreciated -


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hi Karen,

This is my wish list http://www.seedsite.eu/wishes.htm
But if you think you can offer me something else that I might be interested in, let me know

This is the list I sell or want to trade for

This is the list of seeds I won't sell (see the explanation), but I will trade for these seeds

Hope this is clear.
If not, let me know. English is not my motherlanguage, so there might be a misunderstanding

Kind regards.

(Zone 7a)

Hi Jonna,

Thank you - you explained very clearly. I understand you much better than the northern and southern halves of my family used to understand each other. Since the advent of TV, seems like more folks sound alike. But I digress. After I catch up on a few things, I'll come back.


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