Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Help from family is so important when decorating...

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

A bit of holiday spirit gets things going....

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

My girl here is not so sure about this santa guy.....

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

That santa is taking up valuable kitty space....grin

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

But she is ready to help decorate ^_^

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

How sweet she is dressed up for the holidays....just can't wait for the tree to go up with all those shiny toys....grin

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

No, she likes to climb the tree............LOL

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Hi ,sweet cat with her bow,Kassy.I've to decide how to pose my tortoise for his Christmas portrait :}
Moon,did he mind that you wrapped him in lights?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Joy, no, he did that himself...asked him to put some lights along a trellis out front. A bit later he yelled from the yard...went to see and he was lying there laughing, quite pleased with himself and his sense of humor....grin

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Oh, Joy, I did not mean to cut you off on the other thread, just didn't want you to miss the new one...grin

I too am a lover of castles. My son did an art piece for some people with Irish wolfhounds. They wanted the wolfhounds pictured before a castle. I think I looked at over 100 images before finding him what he needed...took a long time, because I had to read about each one before moving on to the next. I read an interesting book called "A Day I The Life Of A Midevil Castle" not what movies and TV show us at all. grin

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Waiting in the corner for that tree........
She just can't wait to try to climb it again.

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Bob the obstreporus likes to climb the tree too. Last year we went with a small one, and he climbed up and the whole thing went over with him...all you had to do was make a noise when he was near the tree and he would take of running to hide...grin

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Joy, I have a very special chat friend in Scotland. Him and I have been chatting for 6 years. He has sent me a number of pictures of the country side over there. Very pretty pictures ^_^
My hard drive that I had them on blew though, so I lost them...... I need to get him to send me some again. One had been taken at the site where Brave Heart was filmed.

(Zone 5b)

hi everybody! I got a little done, stockings mostly. Left it in my car for now. Kids don't miss a trick!
It's still cold & windy here.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

I wish Jean. 2 years ago my DIL picked this little girl out of the tree 3 times in one night.........LOL
She was half way up it.
Buddy also has tried to climb it. We have had 2 of them in the tree at one time.
When we were at mom's and only had Simba, he climbed my moms and almost knocked it over twice. Then we switched over to my tree that he could not climb.
Needless to say, at home only unbreakable ornaments go on the tree.
Still not sure what I am going to do with the tree here if I plan on bringing her up with me. It may just be a tree and lights.

Hi Lynn, your way ahead of me!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi me beat too. Gonna make good use of those days off....grin

(Zone 5b)

hi Kassy! I'll get more done during the week, although the crowds weren't too bad out there.I got some craft stuff for the kids, too, they're having a cousin sleep over tonight ( sleep for me!) so they can make stuff. I thought it was my sister next to me at the store & barked out "here, hold this! i need two hands" then turned & saw a strange woman giving me a funny look.
Oh JJ my sister got my daughter a remote control tarantula lol
maybe I'll take the xmas decorations out guys are getting me motivated.
Smiley i didn't know you're sick, hope you feel better! Musta been while I was at work!

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Hi still sort of here:},just doing ironing,as walking tommorow with big son and don't want to have to do it all when I come home.As you read at end of old thread I've been shopping all day.Good thing DH and I get on.....It'd send some couples to the divorce courts I imagine:}
Moon,I would've enjoyed all that castle research and books like that,telling the reality of what medieval life was really like are always interesting to me,I love history and my elder son,Sam 17,is hoping to study it at university,to begin October 2010.
I also think those huge Irish Wolfhounds are gorgeous dogs,there arn't many around though,could be due to their size though,they must cost an absolute fortune to feed :}
Your DH,if that is he,certainly knows a good photo oppertunity when he sees one :}
Anyway,I'm going to be boring now and go and finish of ironing and then watch TV a while .It's 9.45 already and I've had a hard day:}
I'll be in touch tomorrow,hope everyone's day is going well and thankyou for pointing out new thread to me :}
Best Wishes

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Kassy ,before i go,I saw the film Brave Heart,can't remember exact place it was filmed,but i know the scenery is beautiful.I hope your friend can send you some more photos.I've only visited Scotland once and I went to the Isle of Arran,one of the Western Isles.....beautiful.
That cat is sweet :]
Talk to you again tomorrow

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

You have a good evening Joy. Enjoy your walk with Sam. Oh, yes that is DHJim in all his playfullness. We used one of those photos for our Christmas cards that year....not your average family, this....grin

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hope you guys have a good afternoon...gotta go rescue the laptop from DH before he decides Bill Gates is evil and has possessed it...grin

Catch up later hopefully.

(Zone 5b)

Joy I've been to London, years ago, and to a town called Chester, Moon you'd love that town. A friend was getting married there. If I can get those pics scanned I'll show them.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Jean, your DH would be right in my son's thoughts...............LOL

And here I was just going to ask Jean if she sees a Cardinal on here?

Thumbnail by kassy_51
Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

I'm baaaaack. Shower was a success and hostess is a fruit loop so made it that much more fun. I came home with the bling. If ya caught anyone crossing their legs or arms you got their necklace. Well lost mine in first ten minutes. They felt sorry for me and gave them all to me at the end of event lol. Moon just put a star on top of Hubbys head and stick him in the corner and sing Oh Christmas Tree your decorations will be done lol Smilely sorry your sick. I'll bring you a milk shake. Joy I'm so glad you are part of us now, its so fun hearing you tell us stuff from your part of the world. I hate to sound stupid, but I am. Is the UK England or what? Sorry guys I have to know lol I use to know all this but lost it in the shuffle over the years. Hi JJ, I came over to help but you didn't answer the door :-) Kassy that girl could win a beauty pagent so pretty. Please don't let FAT CAT EAT SANTA!!!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Why yes Kassy, as a matter of fact that is an excellent picture of a cardinal....mainly because there actually is a Off to the corner to learn to read links....grin

His sense of humor and mine are pretty good together...between the two of us life is often entertaining..... Grin

Lynnie, we ordered two of the tarantulas last year from NatGeo. So glad we tried them out before wrapping them. neither worked...Nat Geo offered to replace, refund what ever, but had no replacements. Tell your sister to make sure it works.

Flowers, so glad it was a good time. So funny to say put DH in the Corner....grin I could just set him upright on stool and drape a tree skirt around a little tinsel and go to go

(Zone 5b)

Moon it's working and it's a hit lol maybe they improved the design

Woodhull, IL(Zone 5a)

Take flowers with you kassy I was on the front porch all afternoon. Wasn't my door you came to. ^_^

Hooked up all my timers, when they came on two of them blew the circuit. Unplugged timer it was fine. Plugged timer back in blew again. Must need new timers.

Here's my new addition

Thumbnail by jjsgramma
Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Hey Lynnie, Cool toy don't ya just love playing with them before the kids lol JJ thats awsome! I'm almost motivated keep working lol

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

I'm eating something that taste like cottage cheese,cool whip and pineapple. Brought some home with me pretty good stuff and I don't even like cottage cheese.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Where we goin Kassy ? JJ don't like me no more lol

(Zone 5b)

I haven't had a chance to play with the tarantula was for her b-day not xmas, she's using it now.
Nice job JJ!
Flowers I don't think I'd like cool whip in my cottage cheese hahaha maybe it's ricotta cheese you're eating?

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Well Fine then!!! I'll just go back to the TV. Will tune back in before bed and try to catch yall.

(Zone 5b)

lol wait Flowers!

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

flowers, come to the corner with me, and we will have turtle pie ^_^

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

don't know Lynnie but will have to get the receipe good stuff. Did you have a good day, think I saw where you went shopping. I get activities mixed up with all the posts.

Woodhull, IL(Zone 5a)

To the corner flowers for telling a fib. lol

I still like ya. I know you just went to the wrong house. Couldn't see mine. lol

You couldn't have finished it anyway. Son dropped off little GS and told him to put rest together. Well I had the middle on the bottom, so his friend and him had to take it all apart and start over.

DH is in garage cutting out reindeer.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Only if you promise not to break wind Kassy lol

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

is there coconut in it too flowers?

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

LOL flowers :-p

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Aww JJ, that is such a happy display. Looks like a storybook scene. Do you use power strips with the lights and timers?

Lynnie glad it worked....was such a neat toy. May look into it again. Just not enough to return and re-order last year.

Flowers, my mom used to fix us pineapple and cottage cheese salads when we were kids....they were so good...grin

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