Humidifier in GH?

Chippewa Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

I've been reading the posts about humidity needed in a GH. As I am just setting one up, I have been tracking the temp and humidity. Humidity stays around 40 percent. I know this isn't adequate for the needs of the plants I will be over-wintering. My GH is very small-size of a little closet-inside an enclosed breezeway, and not much room to put water barrels, etc. Has anyone tried a small humidifier in their GH?

Any advice much appreciated!

Fulton, MO

My advice is to worry about something else.

First, to the extent that you humidify the air, you will also be cooling the GH, something that you probably don't want to do in the winter.

Also, you don't have any plants yet. Plants transpire, and transpiration adds water vapor. So your readings with plants inside will probably be higher.

I wrote more here if you want more info:

This message was edited Nov 27, 2009 6:20 PM

This message was edited Nov 27, 2009 6:21 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You also have to watch out that it's not too humid in there or you can end up with fungal problems. I'd give things a try without adding humidity first and only add it in if you start to have problems. I have lower humidity than 40% most of the time in my GH and my plants do fine.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

My 2 cents, the air right around the plant may have more humidity than the total air since the soil is damp, too.

Chippewa Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you all so much. My GH was built more quicky than anticipated, and I knew there was a piece missing in my understanding of set-up.. This was it. I appreciate the link, and the info. I think I got overwhelmed with all the technical info out there about plant requirements and was trying too hard!

Hopefully with the great advice,links, and help in this forum I will get my 18, 8 inch upright fuschias through the winter. The fuschia forum has been most helpful also, but most of them over-winter in basements, and I don't have one!

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