what's going on with my lime tree!!! :(

Pine City, NY

Alot of you know me from my mustard post :) I hope someone knows whats attacking my lime tree!!! Im so proud of how good its doing!! Pics to follow. If its hard to see, there is shiny stuff randomly forming all over the place... like slug slime. As its winter now and the tree is inside slugs cannot be the problem. Then I started seeing all these little white fuzzy things........


Thumbnail by cptspanky
Pine City, NY


Thumbnail by cptspanky
Pine City, NY

White things...

Thumbnail by cptspanky
Pine City, NY

Shiny stuff and white things...

Thumbnail by cptspanky
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Sorry you are having a problem. Could it be Whiteflies?


Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

On the pic of your lime fruit there appears to be a mini slug on one of the limes in the right side, second down. The small clusters of white things looks like the dead bodies of aphids and the glossy splatters look like aphid excrement. See if you can do a very close exam for that mini slug and get some Safer's Soap for the aphids.

Pine City, NY

Looking up the soap now and buying it! I bet your right and I dont wanna lose my tree! As for the brown thing on the lime.. it was the shell of an old fly or something.. wierd. Thanks for the help!!


Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Hi Dave, take a very close look at the growing point on stems and the underside of leaves to see if you can see the aphids. See if you can figure out which type of aphid (green, orange, brown) and I can understand why you wanna keep your lime in good shape. I've sprayed plants in the bathtub 'cause Safer's Soap can be kinda stinky. Some people say it bothers them.

Barmera, Australia

I can't see your "White Things" clearly but as Rutholive suggested they could be "Whiteflies". The shiny stuff "Honeydew" that can come from a number of pests but in itself harmless other than it can be food source for other pests & Fungi.
A White Oil spray will smother both pests and their eggs, including those above and Scale Insects etc. Check with your Dept of Agriculture on timing. If you are averse to using White Oil then Neem Oil or like will do the same job for you.

Pine City, NY

Thanks, I ordered some oil and will dig in once it arrives


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

BTW you can use regular dish soap. For that matter you could use light oils this time of year nothing special really needed there either. One thing about soap, it's a one time deal and is not effective after that and it will tend to build up on your plant over a few applications.

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