aluminet shade cloth

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Does anyone know how well aluminet works? how sturdy?


(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

I think one of our pro-gals uses it - Tigerlilly, maybe? I was thinking about getting some for my north wall from FarmTek - haven't compared prices yet.

Bonifay, FL

I've had aluminet on my 24' x 40' greenhouse for 4 years and I love it! When I bought it, it cost more than "regular" shade cloth but it was really worth it. Mine still looks the same as the day I bought it. I would recommend it without hesitation!

Fulton, MO

Super rip resistant, super tough. It only stretches one way, keep that in mind.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Does it keep things cooler than reg. shade cloth?

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Well, I am so glad to hear that aluminet is a good product. It looks very good on the site.
Several of us who bought the 10 ft x 10 ft gazebo from box stores have had the canopy rip in various kinds of weather. The only replacement that anyone seems to have found is a $80 canvas top made of thin material that ripped to shreads the first year. So I replaced it with $70 windscreen that didn't last 6 mons!
Aluminet sounds exactly like what I am looking for...but have gotten gun shy. At what point does the cost exceed the usefulness of the gazebo?
I use it as a shade house in our intense summers. And really do want a solution.

Fulton, MO

Hard for us to answer that because we don't know the extent to which the gazebo is useful to you.

@Jayryunen: Yes, I think so, because it is reflective. However, if you had regular shade cloth with a significant airspace between it and the house, I doubt that there would be much difference. My Aluminet hangs inside, so for me it does make a big difference.

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

I have aluminet on a 16'x32' green house it works excellent the plants love and so does my wife she loves to work on her plants but gets skin cancers (lots of em) so I built this as a place for her to work it cuts 60% I think might be 70% of the sun rays and its wonderful shade in the hot summers. Right now we have it covered with plastic for frosts but it still works well I would recomend it to anyone. The plants in the GH thrive great I couldn't believe it..........rucky

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

here is a picture of what it looks like I had to enclose the ends because the deer were haveing a buffet on my tomato starts and hybiscus plants.

Thumbnail by rucky
Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

Inside picture of the mesh

Thumbnail by rucky
Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

That looks great! It seems like just what I need. I want the 60% shade, too. How long have you had it up? When hanging it, how much does it stretch?How much rain gets thru?
Do you use this greenhouse in winter?

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

Flicker I have had it up about a year now it weathers really well. I covered it for the winter because of the occasional freezes here and because we usually get a lot of rain in the winters. As far as the stretch goes it was made to order I ordered this one from "Growersolutions" the whole thing with the metal frame came in a complete kit for a little over $500. I did mess up the floor some because I used a sod cutter to take out all of the grass then I put down weed cloth and rubber mulch on the floor. But the rain comming in made the groung really soggy under the cloth so I am pulling up the weed cloth and spreading kwickcrete cement around on the ground and watering it in and that seems to work pretty good. One note on the rubber mulch I love it but if you decide on it shop around I bought 30 bags from Lowes at $12.50 a bag then I found it ata Walmart for $7.50 then I went to my local walmart and found it for $6.50. so the floor cost me as much as the whole GH did. But I do love the rubber mulch it is easy on the feet and pretty much stays put. Here is the websight where I bought The GH....rucky

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Did the info on aluminet give instructions or warnings about cold or hard rain? Was there a guarentee? I did not see this info on the site. We get occassional hard rain all year. It would be trouble to cover a hipped roof with a pole sticking up at the peak.

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

I want to use it as a shade cloth only. Eventually, I may decide to make it a greenhouse. What do you cover yours with for cold insulation?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Flicker, If I understand it right you are really looking for a replacement for your gazebo top? Look around in your area for people that make or repair canvas boat covers. You may be able to have one made for a reasonable cost.

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks holly. I will look around. We had canvas awnnings made and installed on the windows several yrs ago. It was very expensive and the waiting list is at least 6 mons. But we do have lots of waterways and boat owners around here. This may work.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Good luck in your search Flicker, I have to replace my gazebo cover this year, too. I haven't priced what I will need yet. Mine has held up for 3 years. My son had a replacement cover made for his pontoon boat made several years ago. I don't really remember what he paid but it was bigger than my gazebo and had things like grommet snaps put on that I won't need.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yeah, I'm not sure that I'd try Aluminet for your purpose. Isn't it perforated?

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes it is perferated and the rain comes through I misunderstood thought you were making a shaded growing area it is great shade though even in our hot summers down here we can stay out there much later than anywhere else in the yard.

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Yes, I am making a shade area. Perforated is good. Cooler is better.

I think I'll buy it!


(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Hope it does well for you, you've certainly done your homework!

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

After spending $90 on a new canvas top and $70 on a windscreen and neither lasted 1 yr, I am very leary about product advertizing.
The metal frame is in good shape, it is located right off of my porch and so convenient, so i am determined to make it work!

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