Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I am looking for some help with weeds. I use Roundup ( love it ) on all the places I can but my large new Iris area is full of lurking weed seeds. It was part of a paddock which was full of thistles and other horrible grasses. I want something I can safely use around the iris plants as Roundup is not good for that. I would like to be able to keep on top of the weeds as hand weeding will be impossible once the autumn / winter rains start. The weeds grow way too fast and the area is too large. You may ask, why did I make the new area ? Well , I'm a gardener , it's what we plant aholics do. Plants first, weeds later. I want something safe to use but not expensive. has anyone any ideas.
All suggestions gratefully received. ( except getting rid of my irises)

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Get in line jean ...I hand paint the roundup on the unwanted weeds and use wet news paper in thick layers covered in thick mulch ...well that worked well until the cats decided to dig it all up. I have read of a mix of salt and vinegar mixed up and sprayed on will do it (scared of that one though) ...another pour boiling water onto the weeds but that is kind of dangerous. I will wait with you for answers.

Merino, Australia

Yes Chrissy, the newspaper wouldn't last long on this hill in the wind. I was going to use old carpet but until I find a very strong young man to get it down from up in the shed roof, that's out. ( guess who put it in such a silly place ?)

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Jean, you are suffering the delima that all eager gardeners face concerning establishing a new plot. We are still dealing with an onion weed problem that had I been a little less pushy to get the garden going 12 years back, would not be an issue today!

Oh for a perfect world of common sense! :)

Chemical disaster treatment would be using a pre-emergent product. Let's not go there...
I refuse to use them. Maybe someone knows of a product that is "safe". I do not.

Chrissy's newspaper treatment is a good one. Never be tempted to use old underfelt as this could contain toxins from domestic pest sprays.

We use neat white vinegar here in a little sprayer or paint it on. If spraying, use an old plastic garbage bin lid as a shield for nearby plant protection.

Good luck! :)

Merino, Australia

Looks like the old bend and pull trick now. I can scrape the narrow paths between with the spade and I will have to keep very vigilant on the actual beds. Its around the edge that will be a problem, but , aha, I just thought of a perfect solution. Cover the outside edge with plants. voila , no room, no weeds. Now isn't that the best excuse you have heard for getting more plants ? Ha Ha.

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