Fresh water spider orchid seeds

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I know very little about this unusual little orchid other than it is found in boogy sites such as rice fields and will even grow on mats of floating vegetation or floating logs. It pops up occassionaly in my greenhouse. Not sure where the original seeds came from...possibly in a bale of peat.

Thumbnail by bigred
North, TX

Are you trading? I've not gotten around to making a trade list yet but have seeds to trade.

Thumbnail by Allwild
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

let me know what you have and we'll see if we can't hammer out a deal.


North, TX

Holy Basil
Mammoth Dill
Tarahumara Chia, Salvia tiliifolia (aka tiliafolia)
Eyeball/Toothache plant
Healall, Prunella Vulgaris
Sweet Goldenrod, Solidago odora
Rock Rose
Blue Waterleaf, Hydrolea ovate (in the picture) Bog

I'm sure to be forgetting something... also have a few veggie seeds.

North, TX

Also have:
Hibiscus sabdariffa
Heath aster
Partridge Pea
Cranesbill/Wild Geranium

Orlando, FL

just checking to see if you would do a small box or bubble envelope with $5 in for postage, i have a water fall i would love for it to grow in does it like sun or shade, my pond is now mostly shady.
or if there is something on my trade list you may want.

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I'll do each of you some for postage. They're pretty much just belly button lint so will travel in reg. envelope w/ one first class stamp. I'm in the address exchange.


Orlando, FL

thanks getting the envie out

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