digging before frost in Midwest?

Chicago, IL

Hi -

I have dahlias for the first time but they are not hardy in Chicago, so I was hoping to try to dig and save them. We've had unusually warm weather and I've still got blooms/green foliage on mine. The stems are very hardy and thick as my thumb. I'll be out of town for Thanksgiving and am wondering whether I should just try to dig the tubers up now, or wait till after they have a killing frost.

Any suggestions?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi scubadoobie. Cute name! You could mulch well over the root zone with leaves or whatever you have, about 12" out in all directions from the main stalk/s to assure a surprise deep frost doesn't get to your tubers. A hard freeze will kill your foliage but that's okay, your tubers should be safe. You can go enjoy Thanksgiving dinner and come back to dig your tubers after.

Enjoy your balmy midwest weather while you can!

Chicago, IL

Great - I've got a bunch of shredded leaves perfect for that - thanks!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Welcome scubadoobie ^_^ We need a scubadoobie on the Dahlia Forum!

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