New Gaillardia "Sunburst Burgundy Silk"

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Just thought I'd share a photo from this evening of a new Gaillardia named "Sunburst Burgundy Silk". It is very similar to "Sunburst Burgundy Picotee" except the color is deeper and it's a solid burgundy with no other color around the edges. It's supposed to be an improvement of Gaillardia "Burgundy". Only time will tell.


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Danville, IN

Very striking gaillardia. I have trouble growing any of the varieties since they need such good drainage. With our heavy soils and cold, wet winters, they usually don't last.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That's true. They don't like to be too damp. I'm finding Gaillardia's are strictly an annual in South Florida, although some will reseed. The only one I've tried, that makes it through our intense summer sun, is the new one named "Mesa Yellow". It had no problems handling our tropical summer heat and humidity.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

amorecuore, That is a true beauty! Where did you get it?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks. I bought it at Living Color Garden Center in Ft Lauderdale, FL. They had all 5 Gaillardias in the new "Sunburst Series" (Sunburst Burgundy Silk, Sunburst Burgundy Picotee, Sunburst Scarlet Halo, Sunburst Tangerine, Sunburst Yellow). I couldn't decide between Burgundy Picotee and Burgundy Silk. I chose Burgundy Silk because it really does have a silky appearance.


(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Very nice - on my screen it has kind of a rose cast to it - is that what it looks like in real life?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

When the suns not shining on them they are a silky burgundy/very dark red color. They appear to be lighter when the suns shining on them.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Mmm - sounds luscious.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Amorecuore, How tall do they get? Do they flop as they get taller?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I've only had mine for a couple of weeks, so it's too early to know about the "flopping". The only ones I've had that didn't flop on me have been "Fanfare", "Oranges & Lemons" and the new "Mesa Yellow" I hope it doesn't flop, but you never know. It's listed height, on the tag, is 14-18".


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

That's not too tall. I have lots of Goblin & Fanfare and have recently added Burgundy. I find it hard to work a lot of others into the beds because of the flopping. It's good to know that Oranges & Lemons doesn't flop, it's a pretty one. Thanks, Jon

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I really like "Oranges & Lemons", but now like the new "Mesa Yellow" even better. Mesa Yellow had zero problems with our summer tropical sun, bloomed all summer, and neither of my two plants flopped. Better yet, "Mesa Yellow" can be grown from seed.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Jon, That is a plus. I'll have to look for it. Do the new ones have as long a bloom period as Goblin?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm not sure about any in the "Sunburst Series" because it's new to me. The "Mesa Yellow" has bloomed for me, nonstop, since May. It's still blooming. I gave them a pretty good prune in September so the plant would fill in again. It was getting a bit leggy looking. Now it looks fine again. I'm not sure if/when it will stop blooming. Gaillardia's are, most likely, an annual in South Florida. There is no winter dormancy period. The only one I've had for more than a year is Goblin. The original plant died, but it set seed and a new plant grew this summer.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, I heard that both they and Echies can bloom themselves to death down there.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I believe that when it comes to Gaillardias, but I don't when it comes to Echinacea. I have about 20-30 Echinacea's and they do fine. Most of them I've had for over 2 years now. They stop blooming and some of them die back a bit in Sept/Oct. They stay that way until around Feb/Mar and then start regrowing and, eventually, blooming again.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Just an updated picture of two Gaillardia "Sunburst Burgundy Silk" plants. They've grown and filled in very nicely and are still upright plants. They seem to be a good new variety.


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

They look very nice, Amorecuore. Is it a dwarf form?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Height is listed at 14-18". They are around 12" in height at the moment.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Wish we had sandier soil,
Yours are wonderful.

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