website that shows location of trees of interest?

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

Last year i found a very interesting website which used Google maps (fairly certain) and people had input locations of trees which were 'notable'. Does anyone know where I might find this resource again?? or similar too?

Thanks in advance!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I have found a few sites that are remarkable:

Plainfield Trees

Arbres singulars de Barcelona (no longer maintained)

Tree Notes

But nothing with google maps--or a view from outer space for that matter. I would like to know if you find the site--it would help with vacation planning !!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I remember seeing something like this for notable trees in Poland, using google maps showing exact positions. If you can read Polish, and/or plan to visit there, it would be very useful.


Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

bacarney - thank you so much I will check out those and see how they compare.

Resin - that is exactly what I am looking for but it was for the US... Ill keep digging, it was probably a link form some website or something.

I am now taking classes in horticulture and really beginning to appreciate trees so much more - I always loved them but have now become interested in them. I would like to go out and see some of the ones that were on the map.

If I find it I will post

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

That is great - great source for locations of historic trees! Thank you!!! I loved the story of the tree that owns itself :-) If I ever find the map I remember (still looking) I will post :-)

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

Ok, this is sorta what I was looking for, it is through google earth (I think you have to have google earth to see the locations), I thought Id share:
but the older one I remember had so much more... it had just odd trees that people had noted - like an unusual looking one out in the forest others don't really know about and trees which are usually not found in the region but someone saw one growing out in the woods by so-and-so road.. oh well maybe if I keep digging.

Thanks to everyone keeping their eyes open for me!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

vwey cool site idea. I'm hooked and will keep looking.


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