Looking for some international trading friends

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

I am very interested in finding gardeners from countries outside the USA to trade seeds with.

It would bring me great pleasure to plant seeds that someone in a faraway country harvested for me, especially something that I could not get in any other fashion.

I am hoping that someone in such a faraway country would want something from Delaware, USA.

Please d-mail me.



Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hi TJ,

I live in Belgium and have a lot of seeds to trade. Have a look at my website www.seedsite.eu


Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

Jonna, kijk even op Renee's Seeds website. Als je zaden ziet die je gewoon "moet" hebben, laat het me dan even weten. Ik stuur regelmatig pakjes op naar mijn zus in België, en dan zou ik voor jou die zaadjes mee kunnen sturen.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hallo Christie,

Bedank voor het aanbod. Ik heb even kort op de site gekeken. Als ik wat meer tijd heb (ze gebruiken de populaire amerikaanse namen) zal ik het eens goed bekijken.


Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

Hello, ladies.

I'm sorry that I have not been active on this thread. I had suffered swine flu during December and contracted a secondary infection at the end of the flu's duration. I believe that I am almost totally recovered now, and so I am anxious to get back in touch with the things I had been involved with prior to falling ill.

Thank you so much,

TJ Given

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow TJ, that is dangerous!!! I am glad to hear you recovered well! Scary!

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