THE GPS 7 - The Glorified Potting Shed!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, we came from here.. the GPS 6!

So tell us more about that fancy glorified potting shed you got there RED!

'Bout this time of year I have trumpet vines clammering up and down my GPS....

Guess one day soon Im gonna have to peel them of and head for the craft room and make more wreaths. Be about my last of wreath material for the Fall season.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks BB

here's my new $8.00 potting shed hub's just built me last week. Now I don't have to chase shade in hot weather or run for the hills when it rains. Who-Hoo!


Thumbnail by bigred
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I like it! I like it!

I think I would have to put a little into it to handle a yankee snow load, but I like it!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, fergot ta tell ya, I got the brella fer free!

Yup, thats the viranda!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey that is a nice set up Red, I need something to keep the rain off me as well, will keep that in mind. We have a kinda lean to that I could use but it holds the mower and chipper and gas cans and then we do have a shed but Steve uses that as a woodworking barn, - I have my potting table but no shelter from the elements, now I may have a new woodworking project for Steve ^_^

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I can stand in the greenhouse early of the season but by March around noon even if though it's not heated,the sun hit's it and you have to get out. Some days even the big exhaust fan doesn't help much because it's up high and I'm down low.

I don't know why he built it so tall. Guess he's just use to building out building tall so he can get tractor and trackhoe under them.

I even have a space to park my Gator to the far right.

Anyway you look at it,I'm happy to have it.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Haighr! Glad you could come. I just came from the cafe and gus was showing off her herbs. That was a very nice formal garden she had... ooooh, speaking of herbs.. I have to catch up with a few later on today.. so will be listing more. Heres the herb link...


Heres the link to the cafe if anyone wants to go back there for a cuppa!

Now I know Red probably has not been to the cafe, so Red, its customary that you bring a table arrangement there and we will introduce you to the others.

Ya'll have to know Red and I go waaaaaay back! Like beyond the woodshed and the outhouse waaay back!

So Red, the hoops by the viranda, thats my hopefully to get covered in plastic one day GH. Been using it for a trellis and chicken pen so far. But maybe next year... time will tell. We put the tool shed in it...that's where the chickens used to be as I am kicking them out to the other barn and making way for the plants. Thats where my hanging maters were.

Oh and dont forget the new thread.. Redneck garden art!

C'mon down!

So whatcha got going on in that thar GPS Red?

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Big pile of compost under the black plastic to the left,bench of potting mix supplies,taller bench for potting. The trash cans are full of vermucilite and perlite. Just have chair and tub tossed up on benches to keep wind from blowing plastic over stuff I don't want to get wet...bales peat(very heavy if wet)extra growers bags of vermuc.and perlite.

Barring any really bad weather next week,I'll give her,her maiden voyage and pot up hellebores for next springs green pack sales.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I had to dismantle the viranda.. with winter coming.. there aint no way I could let it stand for the cold season. I am in the process of putting up some better crib fencing around the sitting area and will have my veggies climb on it in 2010. Got some more privee fence to add too. Need to steal some lattice....

God, I gotta get me a shoe bag! Im just itchen to try planting me one of them up! Hang that on the privy fence and have herbs dangle-hanging out of it! Now thats red-neck! Been kicking myself for tossing the old bag ever since I heard of this idea!

One draw back on my GPS is I dont have enough room for potting soil so hopefully when I get the other hooper up and covered I can bring a pallet in there.

Hellbores eh? .....nuther one I never the deer would have a field day on them too huh? That is if I planted them under me old oak tree out by Goliath in the woods?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I have hellebores and the deer don't bother them at all and we have lots of deer around. I have a pic somewhere of mine blooming in the February snow.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, hellebores chat.....


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh Good Grief! Ok,ok...I'm going...LOL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well whenya come back, check this out.. thats where I got the shoe bag idear! LOL!

Ok, now I reallllly gotta go cut them trumpet vines!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Glad you updated to: GPS7. Mike

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sometimes ya'll gotta boot me in the hinny to get a new chapter going! LOL!

So whats up in your potting shed Mike?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I am so far behind, I can't see the end.Every time I need to consitrate on plants, other things pop up. Bumber

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sound like me, I keep slamming my tail in the door when I go out! But we must presevere!

On ward... and get the plants up ward!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

same here...Iwas already behind because of rain and extra family living with us for 4 months and now it seems like everytime I get on a roll ,I have to stop and go do something else. This week has been one of those. Monday was housecleaning,laundry,bill paying and put the trash out day,Tuesday was fitness class,when I got back hub's says"we gotta go to WM and catch that turkey sale"of course when you go to do one thing it turns into half a dz. Wed. garden club meeting at local Mex. rest then off to do our wildflower project which took longer than we scheduled and all I wanted to do was nap after a big lunch, yesterday was fitness class again and I had gotten up at 2:30 am so I wasn't fit for more than water the GH and plants inside before I and tomorrow doing a yard sale with friend...hopefully I'll get to finish my mowing the yard before Monday's forecast of rain...Arrrgggghhhh!!!

Garden club working our street corner this passed Wed.

This message was edited Nov 13, 2009 6:06 AM

Thumbnail by bigred
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well I wont go into all the gory details here.. yano, 11 horses, a dog, a hubby, someone is always whining they need something and then its the usual housekeeping, grass mowering and GH stuff.. My tail is so swellen from slamming it in the door when I greet it Im gonna use it for a berm the next time it floods. I swear I cant remember the last time I had a good hot soaking bath...mustabeen a week ago... PU! But the barns, pasture and paddocks are clean anyway.

Well, Ima going to clean house... see yas later!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

EUW! You haven't had a bath in a week?! EUW!*BEG*(he-he)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Wull it WAS a SATURDATY nite yano!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, bathtime over, back to work...

I potted up some seed for some miniature ornamental peppers.. I am probably gonna be late for it to bloom for Christmas, that is if it gets that big without damping off or something before then...... but o'well, giving it a whirl! The peppers are purple, red, white and green all on the same plant as I recall. And oh ouch, I did not realize it but when I was skinning one of the dried peppers for seed that the oil had got into my hands and a few minutes later I rubbed my eye and oh ey-yi-yiiiii! that hurt! Dang lil peppers are hot! Man, if you do them, DONT DO THAT!

Speaking of peppers, my sweet green bell plants are still going strong and its about one month now since I brought them in the laundryroom in the house. They have lost very few leaves. Although I pruned them a little the other day so they could get more light. The pansys in most of their pots are doing well, so so... some have died. I think I overwatered them last week.

Got a flat of new subzero pansys today and a heck of a bargain from Leo. He gave me about 30 mums.. I caught him on his cleanup day and he was giving them away free and if they did not go he was gonna toss them. I told him, load up my truck. SO he did and now I have some huge bushel basket size mums to poke in the garden and hope they come back next year!

Packed up some echinecea seed.

Earlier today I checked the annuals in the GPS and the petunias were definetily hurting and dying back. The snaps were going great guns yet as were the dusty millers, alyssums, the marigolds and some dianthus and violas. Oh and the pansys too that I got earlier this fall which I think I need to devise a way to protect them for winter even though they are in the GPS. Those did not say if they were subzero tolerant like the new ones today.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, Delbert Dumbutt...doncha know better than to wipe your eyes when your handling hot peppers?

I had to dose my pansies,snaps and violas w/ systemic because the blasted snails were really starting to hit them bad. It was the only thing I had handy. I'd have to make a 60-70 mile round trip to nearest garden center for anything else but so far the systemic has held them at bay.Can't use slug and snail bait because my cat wanders around in the GH.

Now the stinking fireants are moving into potted plants for the winter, out on the nursery display and the pots are up on benches....ARGH!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thats what I am worried about on the pots I brought into the house are ants.. so far so good. No one is crawling around. I have gotten an occasional gnat and have hit them with spray Sevin. I pity you on the FIRE ants though.. least mine are not them!

I dint realize them dang peppers would do that! They were DRY for peteys sake! LOL! Silly me, and that burned my eye for about a good 15 minutes even while rinsing it with cold water. YE-OUCH! BUt I see clearly now!

Well today I am gonna toss some echineacea out to the meadow and disect some pumpkins for the seed. Not sure what all after.. I have a pile of to does to hit.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What a big boo boo BB! Dry or not them thangs will burn you mighty fine. Bet your eyesight is really "sharp" now.
Yikes fire ants that is as bad as the pepper in the eye. You both are on fire these days.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!!! And where are ya'll lerning that thar fine inglish girlfriend??? Youbeen hanging out with the redneck gardeners? If so, shoe us yer stuff thar will ya! And then ya'll come back heyar ya heyar! Har har har har!

(PS _ I got terri tied up in a tree in the cafe! heheheh! )

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

LOL, you larn it by rollin on the ground, "rabbit dancing", whilee tryen tget them little critters to kuit bittin.Thats whare it com from. Mike

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Wull, im jes huked on fawn-x!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, enough of that silly humor, I am transplanting the pansys from the pepper pots to #300s and am gonna fill them with dirt half way up, poke a few Deltas in there and then put wood chips on top to winnter them Will see how that goes.

I brought in a few potted mums to the livingroom.. they have not bloomed yet and were in containers all summer. They appear to have a great rootsystem so I am thinking maybe I will transplant them later to the garden, but for now, will enjoy them in the house.

I need to deadhead some of the annuals in the GPS On the list are marigolds and alyssum.

Need to find some bricks for the rose cones and need to cleanout the rough around the roses to put the cones down soon.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Woo-Hoo! My last seed order came in yesterday. I've been rolling in my new seed packets...Weeee! Is it spring yet?


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Dreamer.. I got snow predicted for next week. Best get the dang LP ordered....

The Deltas in the GPS perked up even though I forgot to water them yesterday and they got preeetty dang cold last night. Guess thats what they were hungry for.. abuse, cold and to get out of the pepper pots! LOL!

SOZ, whatcha sowing?

Im eating...heres my peppers from the peppers in the laundryroom.. YUM!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Not sewing until mid-Dec. Just playing in my seeds and dreaming of spring.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy as a pig in pig swill eh?!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

or as my dearly departed Momma always said"Happier than a dead pig in the sunshine"...and I don know why....I always thought a dead pig in sunshine would bloat and stink.....LOL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

i rest my case!

Soz....are ya gonna tell er what!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Too soon to dream of spring her Peggy and BB, just contemplating the winter ahead and then what - hope we have a spring for a change!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I don wanna contemplate spring...WAH! "They" say we're in for another ice storm this year. Geesh,the ice storm of 2000 was enough to last me a life time.WAH!

you asked for it:
Amethystea caerulea Turquoise(can't find pix but descrp.sounded great for cuts)
Delphinium nudicaule,Fox,red delph.I'll probably kill them but I gotta try
Delph. zalil,yellow...ditto as with the red
Dodecatheon meadia Goliath,large flowered Shooting Star
Edraianthus tenuifolius,Grassy Bells..saw this one on Annie's Annuals
Erinus alpinus,Fairy Foxgloves
Gomphrena Fireworks,even wholesale,these weren't cheap
Impatiens,Envoy Mix
Impatiens Peach Butterfly
Lonas inodora Goldrush/Yellow ageratum
Mimosa pudica,Sensetive fern aka Touch-me-not
Oenothera kunthiana,Glowing Magenta
Aladdin Neon
Aladdin Orange
Aladdin Yellow
Sophistica Lime Bicolor
Primula x tommasinii You and Me Mix
Prunella grandiflora Bella Deep Rose
Salvia jurisicii
Suzy Wong
Lemon Drop
Clown Plum
Clown Violet
First Kiss Blueberry
Santa Fe

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

oOOoo.. just a short list I c!!! LOL!

What kinda vinca? Im looking fer a specific on.. gotta have a pic though to see if its the one I am lookinf for. One Im looking for got big white and green leaves.. about the size of half dollars.. well maybe a dollar with inflation>...

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I'm not done. That's just from one catalog.

That's annual vinca aka periwinkles

BB,I'm done with sases...want my leftovers? needs some gourds?(birdhouse and bushel)and loffa sponge)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sure! I like your leftovers!!!

No pic of the periwinkle?? dang!

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