Primula for 2010 - whos doing what?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I love this plant, but generally do not have much luck with it in my garden so it ends up to be a pot crop for me.

So what are you growing, hows it doing and whats your secret? Show them off!

They really are a lovely plant!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I received seeds for cowslip in trade.My climate may be too harsh for it but I'm gonna try anyway. Also p.japonica. Ordered p.x tommasinii "You and Me Series" a hose in hose varity and would like to try p.capitata.

I had good luck with Miller's Crimson. Grew for several years at the foot of a huge oak. Don't see how it survived with that oak sucking up all the moisture but it did until the azaleas got so big they overshadowed it right out of exsistance.

Grew another varity 2-3 yrs ago but the spidermites loved it. This time i have systemic on hand so that won't happen again.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Mite marderer eh?!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Chances are

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I plan to arm myself with Bayer Rose and Insect spray for everything, including the horrible red lily beetle.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Primula "You and Me Series". Package I ordered says a mix of 12 colors

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

They look great. I just planted 2 trade plants here.I'll let you know how they work in April-May.
I also like the dark bloom with light edges.
Good luck with these

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I hope these will be perennial for me or at least make copious amounts of seeds so I can have them every spring

Have always wanted more Primulas but haven't been successful growing from seed except for P. vulgaris, which is now a 10-year old group of 3 or 4 with an infrequent offspring. I had also got some P. chionantha seeds to sprout but the plants didn't last beyond a couple of years. Plants don't get really get bigger every year but maybe the site keeps them in check. Had to check out 'Miller's Crimson' - gorgeous!
I've always been reluctant to do more Primulas based on their reputations for needing moist areas (don't have any). Are there some out there that might need a little less water and would be hardy for me?

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well,if I can grow Crimson Miller in my zone under a oak tree,anyone can. It'd probably still be alive had I moved it before the azalea went all "Blob" on it.

My big pond cracked because of above said oak tree so I'm filling it in and using it for plants that like extra to boggy sites. Jap.irises,primulas,turtlehead,lobelia...maybe var. petasites in a big pot.

"When life deals you a the seeds and grow a lemon tree"

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

She ought to try my garden....I could make lemonade with the floods here. Been thinking serious about rice, cranberries, cattails.. but yano...Grass and hems does good here!

So ok, primulas under the oak tree? Bet the deer here would have a field day. Containers are me...!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Ligularias like it boggy or at least damp.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

well,I did have the foresight to open the drain in the bottom of the pond before I started filling it in so it wouldn't stand in water all the time.

I think the majority of us were dog paddling this year.Now there's an ugly rumor that we may get hit by another ice storm this as bad or almost bad as 2000...Oh yeah,that was fun....NOT!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Aw Heqq! Im still sawreing trees from the last one.. Cant wait foer the next one.. my poor aussie willows! and poor me without a chainsawr!

I live on a bog, so I know all about the water... Just wished it would stay in the BACK forty not the front! Mine does not have a drain.. if it drains, that means we are awwwwful droughty!

bigred - Can do since I have almost all oaks here. Did your Primula get any supplemental water? Although we had a lot of rainy days this year, it was almost all light rain - not really penetrating the leaf canopy. Any other non-bog varieties that might work as well? BTW, did you order yours from Heronswood?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

bigred, Trollius might work there too. I put in some Primula last spring, but it rained so much, I'm not sure whether they drowned or not before going dormant.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I pretty much didn't think about it except when I walked past it and noticed the bright red blooms so it was pretty much on it's own and I was surprised each year to see it back after all that neglect. Been YEARS ago so I don't remember were I got it....maybe Bluestone.

stormy thanks for the suggestion...I'll google them.

Thanks for the info, bigred. It would sure add some different color to my garden.

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