New GH-please help!!

Chippewa Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

Moving back to Ohio after 30+ years in Calif., my love of fuchsias remained with me. This past summer I bought a number of cuttings of various types, knowing I would have to protect them in the winter. The first seeds of GH obssession were sown, so to speak.

Initially I thought to either enclose and heat a small space in the detached garage or insulate my breezeway. My very creative construction helper/friend suggested we move my potting bench inside the breezeway, and build over it. A temporary structure as I use the space as a sun-porch in the summer.

I went into town(this is a rural area) for the day and came home to find this GH completed!! Needless to say, I was stunned, amazed and appreciative.

Semi-panic was my next response. LOL.I am one of those people who research and plan waaay ahead of time. I am totally over my head as to how/where to start set-up. I've been monitering the temps which are about 10 degrees warmer than outside,not enough to maintain my fuchsias in dormancy which is around 45 deg. Plus they need a humid environment. I also want to use the shelves under the potting bench for seed-starting in the spring.
Perused the links, became overwhelmed,.......not sure where to begin and don't want to randomly start purchasing lights, etc. without an overall plan.
Any info on next steps, lighting, heat (warming mat?)ideas for humidity control, seed-starting in the same environment, etc. would be greatly, greatly appreciated!

Several pics to follow to give an idea of the set-up.

Thumbnail by clpgirl
Chippewa Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

next pic

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Chippewa Lake, OH(Zone 5b)


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