Group Seed Swap Part #2

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

We came from here:

This MG seed swap is for the first 15 participants to join! THIS SWAP IS CLOSED!!!

Well, we are getting into Fall/Winter and seed collecting has begun for most of us. For those folks who are interested in this group swap, please post to let me and others know you are still interested in participating. I need a headcount.

This is what I would like from everyone in the swap. Please send YOUR seeds in a 8.5 x 11 inch bubble envelope. This bubble envie will be used to send the swap seeds back to you.

This is what you need to enclose inside the envie when you send it to me:

(UPDATED on November 21)

1) All the packets of labeled seeds that you are sharing with others.
2) A return address label (printed please!) This can be a label typed up on printer paper that I can tape (using packaging tape) to the front of your bubble envie.
3) A check (or cash) for return postage and Delivery Confirmation (in the amount of $5.00 which should cover it all) I haven't figured out yet how to handle the postage cost for folks outside of the USA. I will privately discuss this in a dmail with those individuals.

PLEASE NOTE: I would like to request that EVERYONE participating in this swap send their seeds/bubble envie to me by Delivery Confirmation. (It's only $.80 and well worth it to make sure that I get your envie!) Dmail me for my mailing address when you are ready to send your seeds to me.

I need everyone's seeds received by January 15th, 2010. You can send them any time AFTER Dec. 1st, but Jan. 15th is the cut-off date. Maximum of 18 packets of seeds per cultivar so that each participant gets one of your seed packets. I am hoping everyone participating will have enough seeds to share so that each person in the swap gets a packet (per cultivar) from you. If you have other seeds (not MG) to share but maybe not enough to share with everyone, please list your seeds and they will be given to the first folks to request them. The person sending them will have to either mark them for that person or drop a note in their bubble envie as to who gets what seeds. I leave it up to the sendee to keep track of who gets your seeds.

Does that make sense? Any questions, please post in this thread.

I am going to list the names of the participants in this first post as you let me know:

1) beckygardener
2) imzadi
3) joeswife
4) guamsorbit
5) mittsy
6) momcat
7) luvsgrtdanes
8) Helena
9) Cibarius
10) mortez
11) ridesredmule
12) WantabeGardener
13) Elsa
14) Evr
15) Sissy70
16) revclaus
17) nanniepb
18) LilliMerci

This message was edited Nov 21, 2009 6:20 PM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i am still intersted. Becky do you do the picking of what we get or how does that work?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Now for those new at sharing seeds, here are some helpful hints:

I, personally, like using the small 2" x 3" zip baggies. I get mine from Walmart. They are $.96 for 100 baggies. I type up labels such as shown in the photo. On my labels, I type the name of the cultivar, the species, my screen name, and the season and year I collected the seeds. I type that information up using Word or any other word processing program will work. I print it out and then cut the labels out to enclose inside the baggies.

You can also print out paper seed packs created by members here on DG:

You will have to print them out, cut them out, write the pertinent info on the back of the packets, and glue them together before adding the seeds inside the packets.

They are cute, but do take a lot more time to make. And they may be more expensive than the cheaper plastic zip baggies when you take into account the ink for your printer.

I personally like the zip baggies and making the labels to enclose inside. For me they are faster and cheaper.

This is the information that you need to have in or on each seed packet:

MG cultivar
Species name
your Screen name
Season and year seeds were collected


Purple Flaked
I. purpurea
Summer 2009

This message was edited Nov 9, 2009 11:15 PM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Marie - I am hoping that every participant shares enough of each cultivar so that everyone in the swap gets the same number and cultivars of seed packets. That way I don't have to make any choices of who gets what. If there are folks that don't have enough of a particular cultivar, then they can post that here and it will be first come, first serve.

We can include seeds other than MGs, but I would like to keep this swap to mainly MG seeds, if that is okay with everyone.

Here is a photo of the baggies I get from Wally World for about a buck for 100. They are found in the craft section of the store. You can get these at most craft stores. Again, get the baggies that are 2" x 3".

The number of seeds per baggie (per person) is 5. But if you have a lot of seeds and wish to share more with each participant, that is fine. If you have something rare and don't have enough to share 5 each, then less is also okay.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I took a bubble envie to the post office today with seeds in it for weight. My estimate can range from $2.50 to $4.00 to mail each envie back to you. Plus an additional $.80 for the Delivery Confirmation. My estimate is $5 per person. It may be less or may be more.

And it will be more for folks outside of the USA. Unfortunately, I don't think Delivery Confirmation is available for those outside of the USA.

I do have a paypal account, but have never used it to receive funds. If anyone has information about how I can do that, please dmail me. That might be another option for those outside of the USA to pay for their postage in US $$. I won't know how much the bubble envie will be for those folks until I actually mail them out. So payment will have to be made after I mail them. :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I, personally, have a lot of different MG cultivars to share with everyone. Most will be I. nils, but I do also have the Pink and Purple Flaked I. purpurea seeds and I am hoping to get enough seeds from my Alamo Vine to also share that species. Everyone is going to get a nice selection and most likely a LOT of seeds in this swap depending on how many people are participating. If you get some seed packets that you don't want, I suggest you use them for trades. :-)

How many packets you need to make up of each cultivar of seeds you want to share will be determined by how many participants are in this swap. So please post and let me know if you are planning to be in this swap. I will add your name to the list in the first post of this thread. I am estimating that the number of participants will be 15 or less.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am planning on being in this swap.. looking forward to it.. Debra

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

I am also planning to take the plunge. Though being new to MGs I won't have much of a variety to offer up. I'm sure between now and January I can purchase more seeds to satisfy the need for all the participants. I do have a lot of sunrise serenade seeds to offer. How will we know if others also have the same seeds for their portion of the swap? Since I will be purchasing more seeds, I guess I'd like to buy something that would be different than what is normally offered so there will be variety. Any suggestions?


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I planned ahead and purchased bulk seeds of Scarlet Ohara, so count me in. Here's a great tip I learned when I first joined seed swaps. Print out your address label and put it on the addressee portion of your bubble envelope, cover with clear tape. Now put Becky's address label right over your label. All she has to do is peel off her label and you're all set. This works great!
Becky, needless to say, the plants I pulled up and brought with me from NY all croaked. I did get a few seed pods with ripe seeds, they are fine. When I started pulling weeds in my postage stamp size garden, I found a volunteer purple flaked MG growing between the patio stones. I dug up the little bugger and planted it in my large beverage tub and offered bamboo pole support. Yesterday I was rewarded with a bloom. Yeah!

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Please include me in this swap, too.


(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I'm still in.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

mittsy, what a great idea!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Mittsy - I have done that in previous swaps too! Great idea! Thanks for reminding everyone about that little trick! :-)

I updated the list.

Nicole - Are you in the group swap?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dee - Sunrise Serenade is a good one! Most of the varieties offered for sale at the big box stores are your typical species and cultivars. Flying Saucer, Blue Star, Heavenly Blue, Moonflower (you can never have enough of that one!), Milky Way (and other I. purpurea species), and the Ensign Tri-color are all good ones to purchase. These are the ones typically offered by the major seed companies.

Next year ... many of you new to MGs will have a much larger selection of vines (and hopefully seeds from those vines) for trading and sharing. I do a lot of crossing which makes new vines (and unique blooms). So the possibilities are endless. :-) I am hoping some of you get to grow out some of my attempted crosses and can share them back with everyone next year! I believe in spreading the seeds/cultivars around for everyone to enjoy! :-)

Mittsy - Scarlett O'Hara is a good one, too! Sorry again about your Purple Flaked vines. That's really wonderful that a volunteer showed up to surprise and delight you! I have more seeds of that cultivar to share with everyone in the swap. :-)

Gautier, MS

I'm still in too.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I love Sunrise Serenade. It's so pretty and Flying Saucer is actually one of my very favorite. Of course I don't have some of those pretty stripe JMGs that you have.

(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

I am in. Other than MG seeds I also have some interesting marigold seeds and open pollentated dill seed and I also have some wild Ipomoea hederacea seeds that produced very attractive blue flowers.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Participant list updated. If I have missed anyone, please speak up!

Doug - I would be interested in some of your dill seeds. It's a host plant for the Eastern Black Swallowtail butterflies! :-)

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

please add me to the list thxs

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

FYI: There is a co-op currently underway:

I believe the co-op is up to 35% off each packet with the current order. Though we don't place our orders until November 20th to find out what the actual discount is. This co-op is offering MG seeds that some of you might be interested in for yourself or for this group seed swap. Here are the MG seed packets listed as part of this co-op:

216 Cardinal Climber morning glory
699 Carnevale di Venezia morning glory NEW FOR 2009
738 Convolvulus Ensign Red NEW FOR 2009
783 Convolvulus Ensign Rose NEW FOR 2009
209 Convolvulus Ensign Royal Blue
440 Convolvulus Ensign White
189 Convolvulus, Light Blue Flash
176 Cypress Vine , red
187 Cypress Vine, mix
600 Cypress Vine, Pink
61 Cypress Vine, white
818 Flying Saucers Morning Glory NEW FOR 2009
751 Mina Lobata Exotic Love NEW FOR 2009
111 Mina Lobata 'Jungle Queen'
263 Mini-Bar morning glory
49 Moonvine, Ipomoea alba
175 Morning Glory Sun Smile Blue
191 Morning Glory Sun Smile Pink
192 Morning Glory Sun Smile Red
183 Morning Glory Sun Smile Violet
385 Pastel Star morning glory
186 Star of Yelta morning glory

I thought I'd give y'all the heads up about this co-op in case you might be interested. They have lots of other seeds too! Check it out! :-)

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

becky, you are a very bad influence.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

=;-O ... LOL! I love to be an enabler! ha,ha!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Would it be possible to edit the list of participants with the mg they are offering so it would be easier to check and see what you might want to buy? To make it easier on you we could dmail you our selections.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I particularly like Murasakihigezaki. Do you have some of those?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Mittsy - Here is my thinking on this seed swap...

I am hoping that most participants have enough seeds of each cultivar to share 3-5 seeds with everyone in the swap, so that each person gets a packet of that cultivar from them. I would rather distribute all the seeds out equally and then let you decide once you get them - which ones you want to keep and grow out. The rest of the seed packs ... you can use for future trades or grow them out in future years. Seeds, if stored properly, will be viable for at least 3-5 years or much longer.

This seed swap means you will get a LOT of different seed packs in this swap. Probably far more than you could ever grow unless you have a lot of property. :-) But that is okay. I would rather have too many seeds than not enough. And ... things can happen and plants can be destroyed or lost due to weather, pests, etc. So it is good to have lots of backup seed packets. :-)

The only time I think we need a list of seed packets being offered, is if folks don't have enough of a particular cultivar to make up 3-5 seeds per packet for each and every participant in this swap. A number of folks in this swap are new to MGs and had to buy seeds to join us. The purchased seeds are the typically offered MG cultivars here in the USA. They won't be the Japanese cultivars that those of us who have been growing MGs for years have to offer. I didn't want to exclude anyone that was willing to purchase MG seeds to be able to participate. So I can guarantee there will be duplicate MG cultivars offered. And that is okay! My whole reason is to trade and share my seeds with others and have them share also. Most of my trades will be Japanese MG cultivars that you can not easily purchase from Big Box stores. Many JMGs are expensive to purchase, so this will help (those new to MGs) have a chance to get some rare cultivars in this seed swap. :-)

Nicole - Are you going to be in the swap?

The Murasakihigezaki is very pretty. Some of the seed packets have 25+ seeds in them and some only have 10 seeds. So purchasing from Summerhill may or may not be an economical way to share seeds for this swap if you are planning to do so.

I think there will be repeats of cultivars in this swap. Especially I. purpureas. But I have found that sometimes different strains of MGs by the same name may be quite different. So getting seeds of the same cultivar name doesn't necessarily mean you will get identical vines. :-)

Does this make sense?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

makes sense to me.. besides, growing two or three of the same name but from different areas might be helpful.. right?
i had two kinds of rebeccas from two members and they turned out really nice flowers..but .. they were different.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Is it too late for me? I don't have very many but I maninly like the ones that look
like Two squshed butterflys smushed together.
Durn, I can't remember names of these things.
But they are beautiful.
I still have my Moonvine and it is growing, don't see any blooms yet.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Charleen - Are you talking about the hige/feather MGs? (What some call Bearded MGs.) If so, maybe Colin will share some for this swap. He has an amazing collection! :-)

Added you to the swap. :-)

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow, I would love to get into this..but I will not have enough to go around. the list is growing . I visit the every day..but I just lerk....oh well...maybe next year...


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)


Any chance of you purchasing seeds so that you can participate in the swap? Just a thought.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, I believe it is. don't you think it is beautiful in a mixed up way.
I love the way the colors Merge.
I have some reg. mixed Mg. and the little Orange one. Will that be enough?
It won't take many seeds to make me Happy. She can use some of my mixed ones
in the trade. I will share.

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

I would be glad to buy some..but they are not in the stores yet..I looked for the sale you told the above posts..but I could not find it...hehe..I have some Gypsy Bride..but not enough if the list gets too will have to check and place in baggies...and see just what I have..I read all the post there a cut off date for signing up?

Thanks ahead..for any loved the feathered ones too..Charleen...

Rushville, IN(Zone 5b)

becky im new at this my brother in law sent me morning glory seeds a zillion of them but the only thing i know are there mixed pink and purple can i join if so how many seeds to a packet thank you

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)


Is there a minimum number of cultivars per person recommended for this swap? I have three different varieties to offer so far.

Sunrise Serenade - 33 packs with 20 seeds each
Crimson Rambler - 18 packs with 5 seeds each
Heavenly Blue - 18 packs with 5 seeds each


edited for clarity

This message was edited Nov 11, 2009 2:20 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Charleen - How many packets do you think you can make up of each cultivar?

Dee - When you listed numbers after your cultivars - were you listing the number of packets (5 seeds each) you can make up? Example 20 packets of Sunrise Serenade, 5 packets of Crimson Rambler, 5 packets of Blue Heaven (is this Heavenly Blue?)? Or was that number a total seed count?

Diana - Gypsy Bride are lovely MGs! Not one that I know anyone is sending yet. So they would be appreciated for this swap. The Summerhill co-op mentioned above will be finished this month and the seeds should be shipped shortly thereafter, so you would have time to send them to me for the swap if you decide to purchase seeds to participate. Seeds have been out at the Big Box stores for a month now where I live, so they should be out or will be out soon in MI. You could also try Burpee's, Diana's, Onalees. and other online seed stores that sell the typical MG seeds for a reasonable price.

I am still expecting about 15 folks total for this seed swap. 5 seeds per packet x 15 people = 75 seeds needed per cultivar. If some of you do not have 75 seeds, then you can list how many packets of each cultivar you do have so that folks in the swap can post what they want of yours. It will be the first to post who get the seeds. :-)

I can make the cut-off date to sign up for this swap to be Sunday, November 22. I think that is enough time for folks to collect seeds or purchase seeds to know whether they want to participate. Or if you prefer, I can just set the limit to the first 15 participants who sign-up? Which do y'all prefer? It doesn't matter to me. What works for you is important.

sissy - You can add 5+ seeds per packet for this swap. Do you want to join us? I wonder if you or your BIL has a photo of the blooms for ID purposes? If so, perhaps he would email it to you to post here. It is always nice to have an ID or at least a species ID for this swap. :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Heads up:

The seed swap count is currrently at 11 participants. If we stop at 15, that leaves 4 openings still left.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I'll make them Up this afternoon and let you know.
Is five seeds per pack all you want? Or do you want more?
How many packs, 15 one for each person, is that how we do it?
Please let me know.

Rushville, IN(Zone 5b)

no he doesnt i have already ask so if you need them i guess i dont make it this year ido have some extra milky way morning glory i took in trade maybe next year okay

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b) have me talked into it..hehe...sign me up...I will buy some seeds to make up what I do not have..thanks waving...smiles..Diana...

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Good girl,
Waving back.
Glad you are here with us.

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