Anybody follow the food guide?

North Augusta, ON

The one for recommended amounts of servings for each food group we're supposed to eat?

Just for the heck of it and because I'm bored I've been keeping track of ours. Hubby falls way short and I try to but have a hard time cramming all of those servings into myself every day...LOL

The milk/alternatives are easy so are the meat/alternatives...only 2 each. The fruit/veg is next to impossible unless I cheat and down 2 cans of V8. Same with the grains...except I can't cheat since I haven't found a drinkable one yet.

This is the American one which is really different from the Canadian one:

Anybody else??

This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 3:54 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yupper I do. I can conquer the fruit/veggie group in the summer but flunk in the winter. Also I am a big fan of the chocolate food group which isn't often mentioned but is very important IMPO ^_^ We eat alot of rice and mulit grain breads but I never make quota. Methinks though that you would have to eat all day to actually get all the quotas.

North Augusta, ON

I think you would too. I'm trying what Mom does. Lately we've bee eating supper at noon and then snacking for the rest of the day. It helps. The I have the whole rest of the day to make up servings...LOL I'll snack on a piece of fruit or a veggie serving...maybe a few wheat thins for the grains...spread with some sunflower seed butter (is that an oil or a grain?)
Lentils...grain or cereal?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It's way too confusing. I do have my big meal in the middle of the day mostly but I just don't eat that much and when I eat I believe in flavour. I think if we just try to do a balance in moderation how can we go wrong?

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

That chart doesn't say how many calories that is a day. If it is 3,000 - the chances are we could eat a scaled down amount. I'd have problems with the 5.5 ounces of meat a day and no way could I do the 3 cups of milk! But the 3 servings of chocolate as indicated on the flipside of the chart - no problem!

North Augusta, ON

The Canadian one is a bit easier to follow. Myself, I need 7 servings of fruit and/or veggies. 7 servings of grain products. 2 servings of milk or alternatives....which is good because I hate milk so I can get those servings with cottage cheese or yoghurt. 2 servings of meat or alternatives...again the alternatives are better...they include fish, eggs, beans, nuts, nut butters.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I don't really pay attention to the details of everything I eat, but we do eat healthy, with many fruits, veggies and grains.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I don't pay attention, either, but I know I fall short on fruit, especially, and perhaps grains. I do like veggies, so maybe I come close. I kept track when I was doing Weight Watchers. It's amazing how you can eat all the food you need for the day and stay within your daily calorie needs. And if you eat all you're supposed to on WW, then you're never really hungry. When you eat a well balanced diet it keeps you full, but you don't gain weight on it. It's when you add a lot of high calorie stuff to it, such as fats and sugars, that you get into trouble with gaining weight. Oh, and lack of exercise, too.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I don't really follow it, but know I need to eat more fruits and veggies.
This is a good way to track your food intake

North Augusta, ON

Cool website!

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