Freakless Bell

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Any one have a pic of this iris? I figured that while I am sitting around the house not able to do much i could at least get together photos of the irises I have. I could then figure out which others I want to take with me. I moved over 100 earlier this year and know there is going to be more room than I thought.
Can't wait to see cardiologist and neurologist this month so hopefully I can get an ok to get out and DIG again!!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

What happened, Deb?

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes, what's up?

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I was out digging 3 daylilies that I wanted to move to our new house. Our "dirt" is shale and very hard, I was using a pick to get them out...I planted them yrs ago and they had never multiplied...that was before I knew much about planting. I started feeling just "not good" so I left the plants in the driveway and walked up to the house. By the time I got half way there I was walking with my knees bent and my arms out to try to keep from collapsing on the ground. I just thought I got hot and was working too hard. Went in the kitchen and hubby was sitting there. He asked if I was ok and I said no. I remember him asking what was wrong and I can't really remember what I was trying to tell him, but it was all gibberish (scared him to death). In a few mintutes I could use some baby words with 2-3 word sentences. Then told him I would be ok, I just needed to sit down a bit. I did and about 15 min later I was ok. He wanted me to go to the emergency room but I am kindof stubborn. I read some on the computer about my symptoms and decided the next day I really needed to So far, an MRI, a CAT scan, a Doppler of the arteries going to my brain, sonogram of my heart and vessels, 3 EKG's, and wore a Holter monitor for 24 hrs. Brachycardia...that is it. A possibility the meds I have to take for PTSD caused it. No one really knows yet. The poor daylilies were left in the drive for 3 days but hubby potted them for me and they actually are ok.
I never thjought it could "happen to me!" I am 55 yo, otherwise healthy, low cholesterol, bp is under control, just no idea this could happen!

My irises!!! OH!!! I transplanted about 100 of them so far to our new house this past summer. The soil there is actually dirty sand. Since then, most have grown from single fans to 5-6!!! I just can't believe it and the soil they were in here was actually pretty good in our garden where I was holding them since last year. I am soooo excited and just can't wait to do more landscaping around that house we built in a previous soybean field.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

So sorry to hear that happened. It must have been really scary for you and your husband both. Glad it wasn't a full blown stroke, and that they are doing appropriate tests. My mother had TIAs, and we had no idea what was going on. She would feel dizzy, and sick, but wouldn't slur words, or anything. Then she would have a horrible headache and sleep for a couple of days. She just assumed it was the flu. It seemed to happen every six months or so, so we thought so also. When she went to the Dr. (finally) he thought they were TIAs. So the next one we took her right to the ER, and that's what it was. Supposedly you can only tell for sure it's a TIA within a few hours of the onset of symptoms.

So take really good care of yourself, you're way too young for this.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I started having my TIAs when I was 52. I has a very high stress job and I also had a very bad cold and was taking sudafed for my cold. I actually went to my doctor and told her I was having difficulty. I was a Vice President for Chase Manhattan and was very successful and did many loan applications a day for home mortgages. Around three in the afternoon is when I would have my problems. I never slurred my words but I could take a mortgage application in my sleep and I started asking the wrong questions in the order of the applications. Sometimes my brain would not accept the answer and I would ask the question again. Doctor said I was low in sugar so drink some juice around two o'clock. Well that did not work, so being the brilliant person that I am, I just stopped taking mortgage applications after 2 o'clock. At that time I had two granddaughters, Hannah and Sarah. When I was working or gardening and got tired, all of a sudden they were Sanna and Harah. That is when I knew I was tired and just back off. Then one morning I was taking a mortgage application from a very young couple and in the middle of the application everything that came out of my mouth did make sense. During this time I had this sensation go across my forehead, down the left side of my face. It was only a few seconds. I called my secretary on the intercom and requested she call my DH. I told her I think I just had a stroke. The young adults sitting across from me were stunned and asked me, "you are not going to die before our loan is approved, are you"? I said no and completed the mortgage application and then went to the hospital for an immediate MRI. During the MRI, they stopped the procedure and said they wanted to also use dye. I said OK and when were done I went home. I felt fine except for my cold. My doctor called, said I had had at least 11 TIAs in the past and I also had a horrific sinus infection. She could not figure out why I would be having this problem. All my test were good, I was not over weight and I worked in the garden all the time so I was in great physical shape. Cardiologist found the am thing but wanted a blood test for C Panel. This measures inflammation of the heart. Mine was seriously inflamed, which I was told was common in women who are workaholics. Deb, I am sure that fits you to a tee. When I was given major antibiotics to get rid of the sinus infection, "DO NOT TAKE SUDAFED, BECAUSE WHAT IS IN IT' was her very loudly stated statement. I took it because it had a little upper in it to help me make it through the day. Sudafed is one of the items they use to make Meth. Then because of the high inflammation, she put me on Lipitor. I am now 67 and have only had a few instances and it usually still shows up when I turn the granddaughters names backward and I am usually very tired because I have been overdoing work in the garden.. I immediately back off and rest for a couple of days. I was raised you quit when you are done, not when you are tired. Well that is good when you are a kid but not good when you are a woman in your 50s. I am now told 50s in a woman is a dangerous age for strokes. They know that now but they did not know that in 1995. Have them check for inflammation of your heart. . I am so sorry this is so long, but could not tell the story any shorter. Good luck and let me know what they find. When the Cardiologist asked for the test my Internist actually said he was nuts. Now she routinely checks all her female patient when they turn 50 and on for inflammation.

Winnsboro, TX

Oh my that is scary Deb, please take care of yourself and we will be praying for you too. Oh my goodness Sharon you went through an ordeal with the TIA's too? I don't think I've had any but who knows, I've been getting more and more forgetful all the time. Sometimes I have difficulty finding the words I'm trying to say or use. Then also my spelling is not as good as it once was.

Our grandson who is 9 plays football for a team in Lindale Texas. There is a little 6 year old boy that goes to the same school and plays football too and he had a stroke. His name is Keagan so if ya'll will add him to your prayer list. He started having some kind of seziures a day or two earlier then he had the stroke. They airflighted him to Childrens Hospital in Dallas. This was about a month ago, and now he has been moved to another hospital so he can learn to walk and talk again. He is paralized on one side of his body and it's been really difficult on his parents. They have been in Dallas the entire time. They have a 3 year old son at home that they have only seen 2 or 3 times since they have been gone. Lindale, Texas had a powderpuff football game last Sunday to raise money for the family. I'm so crazy I prayed for God to take my life and spare this little childs. I just can't stand to see someone suffer so, much less a young
child who's just learning about life.

I've got to close or I'll start crying just thinking about all this again. Deb, hurry up and get well dear!
Love Ya'll Marian

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

My goodness, Deb. So glad you are ok,, and how scary that is.
Marian so sorry to hear about that little one. Saying prayers for him and the family too


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh Deb! So sorry.
When I was trained as new 1st.responder we were taught if we suspect someone was having a stroke:Have them raise their arms above their head,smile and say "Mary had a little lamb" Simplistic as a newbee now after being a first responder for several year I can reconize a stroke fairly well.If some is suspected of having a stroke,it's important to get them to ER ASAP or at least within a 7hr period so the Dr. can admin. clot busters to minimize effects of a stroke.

I think I may have had a small stroke several years my late to mid 40's. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the soon as my feet hit the floor and I tried to stand up,it felt like the entire room tilted and I had to hang onto the wall so I didn't fall. Never happen again and at the time I fluffed it off as a bad sinuse I wonder. I was in excellent health as I work for a local fitness center as personal trainer and worked out myself,6 days a week but I did have a lot of stress with the job,a mother with terminal illness and marriage had hit a rough patch right before our 25 anivesary.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Deb, how is everything? Have you had them check you for inflammation of the heart? I think it is a C protein or C panel. They should know what test I am talking about. My angels are still there by your side.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Yes, I had the panel when I went to the ER and had it again before I left to check for changes. I saw the neurologist Th and he didn't see anything...guess my head is empty but I already knew that! He told me no strenuous digging with a pick anymore! Our move to the shore will take care of shale to have to dig through. My appt. with the cardiologist is Friday and my EKG showed a problem with my QT wave so guess maybe I will find something then on that.
Told the neurologist to forget walking a straight line as I can't do that anymore and if I ever got stopped by the police, they would swear I was drunker than a skunk!
I feel good, no more issues. Just hoping for the best!
Thanks to all of you! It is really nice to see that people care about what happens you on here!!!!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well, we are so much a like. My Doctor gave me a note I carry in my purse explaining my balance problem. I have no balance, please do not make me close my eyes and lift one leg or I will fall over. I am aware of my problem and I work around it every minute of the day. I have found that I cannot talk and turn around at the same time. But, knock on wood, I have not fallen for over 10 months. Had Vertigo but that is gone but balance is still bad. Doctors have no clue so I just go forward cautiously. Have a great day. Southwest is sunny with no clouds so it is going to be beautiful today.

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