Mimosa pod collecting, drying the seeds for trade

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

I know we shouldn't post until we're READY to send, but I just wanted to put it out there that I will be picking up Mimosa pods off the ground from now 'til the cows come home--the pods from my front yard specimen just won't stop.

I gathered a five-gal. bucket of pods this morning and will spread them to dry. When I am sure the seeds are dry, I will ship in paper envelopes. Don't worry--there are always Mimosa seeds available somewhere on here. But I'd like to know who's interested ...


Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

So beautiful in bloom - but terrify me - invasive here I believe.

Orlando, FL

hey there
i am interested let me know i will send a

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Blond - you may want to check to see if restricted in your area. It is beautiful in a pot tho - and the pods can be yanked before the seeds spread. ( am not sure how long it can stay potted - it grows fast) I think I read somewhere that in Florida it yellows and gets covered with moss or something. My sis in Plantation Fl was considering it and I think that is when we read about it. It sure is pretty and it smells great but it is awfully messy and invasive.

Orlando, FL

i will check i have one in the ground, about 3 ft. i saw them at bush gardens. im not worried about the invasiveness i have tons of invasives. i am going to research the tree will let you know

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey again---yeah, I have some invasives, too, but my yard is pretty and under control. I remove the invasives whenever and wherever I see them growing in a place I don't want them to grow.

Still drying pods--give me a holler--got some mimosa seeds dry and ready to ship.



Orlando, FL

i will get an evie out next week and thanks i did some research and yes they say dont plant it anywhere, but i have a large yard and if i get a few oh well it also gave a chemical to kill any unwanted ones, i will just pluck them now big deal like i do with all the others just a little work
thanks again

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