what senior citizens are worth

west midlands englan,

Did you know we old folk are worth a fortune? We have silver in our hair; gold in our teeth; stones in our kidneys; lead in our feet and gas in our stomachs!
I have become older since I saw you last,and a few changes have come into my life.Frankly,I have become a frivolous old woman!!!
I am seeing six gentlemen every day! As soon as I wake up Will Power helps me out of bed, then I go to see Jimmy Riddle and then it is time for breakfast with Mr Kellogg, followed closely by the refreshing company of Mr Tetley or my other friend whom I only know by his initials-PG!
Then comes someone I don`t like at all -Arthur Itis- he knows he is not welcome, but he insists on being here, and what is more,he stays for the rest of the day. Even then he doesn`t like to stay in one place, so he takes me from joint to joint. After such a hectic day I am glad to go to bed (and with Jonny Walker too!), what a hectic life. Oh yes, I am now flirting with AL Zheimer!
The vicer came to call the other day and said that at my age I should be thinking of the hereafter. So I told him I did all the time. For no matter where I am, the bedroom,the sitting room or garden,I ask myself what am I here after? Well I will close now and hope that Will Power is your constant companion too, but do make sure that his friend Emma Royd does not creep up on you from behind! And watch out for the crafty one -Gerry Atric!

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