cedar apple rust disease

Brooklyn Park, MN(Zone 4a)

ok i have 2 sky rocket junipers-only 4ft tall and 3 wichita blue junipers-4ft tall,the other day i purchased a thunderchild crab apple tree,now am i just setting my self up for the cedar apple rust disease.i guess i could get rid of the pretty apple tree :( i had no idea what this disease was until looking through my gardening book but they only had a pic.

Thumbnail by queenbeez
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Your best bet for avoiding the disease is to plant cultivars that are resistant to it. I have no idea if 'Thunderchild' is resistant or not, but you might want to do a little searching and figure that out before you plant it. The spores can travel quite a way, so even if you didn't have junipers chances are someone else in your neighborhood does, so your best bet is to make sure your crabapple is a resistant variety.

Here's some info on the disease from U. MN extension http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/M1235.html#cedar-apple-rust-anchor

Brooklyn Park, MN(Zone 4a)

darn it from what i found the tree might only be resistant to fire blight,i am pretty sad right now i already planted the tree in my veggie garden and got it ready for winter.i wonder if they'll take the tree back,if i trade it for another.

Brooklyn Park, MN(Zone 4a)

brought the tree back today and brought home a indian summer crabapple.

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