WpN Monthly Beekeeping Podcast - Top Bar Hives - 11/12 8PM EST

Olivebridge, NY

November's Wildlife Pro Network Beekeeping podcast will be on Top Bar Hives and Bee Guardianship. I'm pleased to announce our special guests will be Corwin Bell from BackYardHive.com (http://www.backyardhive.com). BackYardHive is committed to information and hive technologies that encourage and enable backyard beekeepers to be successful with a primary focus on improving bee ecology and beekeeping methods that respect the honeybee.

So mark your calendar (or sign up for the reminder below) and plan on joining us for the conversation and share your experiences and/or ask your questions. Hope to see you.

What: WpN Beekeeping Podcast - Top Bar Hives / Bee Guardianship - Corwin Bell
When: Thursday, November 12, 8PM EST
Where: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/16456

The schedule of future podcasts and recordings of previous podcasts can be found here -> http://robo.bushkillfarms.com/beekeeping/beekeeping-podcasts/ You can also sign up to get an email reminder the day of the podcast.

Directions on joining and participating in the podcast can be found here -> http://robo.bushkillfarms.com/how-to-participate-in-a-wpn-beekeeping-podcast/

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