The Last Hurrah

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Well, my very last bloom for the year. One of my Ville de Lyons just opened with 4 very small, very dark blooms - the last for the year. I wasn't sure they were going to make it before a freeze. I've been lucky this year; they were cut back mid July and did a second bloom. I've been waiting for a bloom on a clematis planted this year to open for weeks and it refuses. Actually, these flowers really look out of place.........everything around them has died back, the leaves are brown and down and these plants are still standing green.

Anybody else have anything pretty and blooming to see?

Taylorsville, KY

I have some buds on my shrub rose, Just Joey. These last few have been the fattest of the year. Hopefully, I will have some clem news to share next year. Because of this forum, I've planted 13 and will start pruning the other 4 that I've had for years but that are a big jumble of vines.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

It is nice to have unexpected color this time of year.

I have a couple of fat buds on Ernest Markham and I am not sure if they will bloom or not. I have a few roses still blooming too.

I finished getting bulbs in yesterday so now it is just a waiting game until the killing frost and winter protection time.

Aurora, IL

Princess Diana and Silver Moon are both blooming. There are 3 blooms on each. Like you, I wasn't sure they would open. These are the first on PD. Nice way to end the season.

Appleton, WI

My Ermest Markham is still blooming, as is Sunset and Harlow Carr. I also have daisies blooming again despite several frosts.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Don't you just love those plants that won't quit?

Mon., Nov 2 - perhaps after tomorrow I can start answering the phone again without hearing, "Vote"

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

They've started here with sending Emails! I keep using "block sender".

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